Haunting Ghosts pt 2

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Jin starts to pray something in Latin and the shadow quickly dissipates. "That felt weird." Taehyung says and puts his hand on your shoulder. You nod and click on stop. Then you rewind the tape and listen.

"Did you throw the chair a few hours ago?"


The sound of a woman is heard. You exchange glances.

"Were you killed down the street?"


The voice of the woman sounds again. It does sound very scared somehow. Then the bang was recorded. It echoes down the basement.

"Are you angry at our presence here?"

"No." Followed by a growl.

"Shut up." A male voice is heard under the growl. Your eyes grow wide and you exchange looks with your teammates, who seemed to be just as surprised as you. "A double Whammy?" You whisper at them and they just focus back onto the recording.

"Are you not liking that the couple is changing the house?"

The male voice replies again: "Kill... kill... kill..." And a whimpering of a woman in the back. The chair is thrown. "Get... out..." The voice of the male grows louder. The recorder clicks off, having reached the end of the recording. You all stay quiet. "There are multiple spirits here... one is a female, the other male, the female sounds meek, but the male sounds violent." Jin says. You nod. Taehyung gestures to go back up. Everyone agrees with it and you take one more glance around before you follow them back up too.

In base you report everything back to the others, who nod and Suga is seen browsing through the notes from the library. Suddenly JK asks for the attention of the others while staring at a screen. You look over the shoulders of the others and look too. One of the cams seems to have a disturbance, and it's not on the basement one. It's in the kitchen. Another camera registers movement and the rempods go off in the living room. It seems like every room has activity all of a sudden. Even Namjoon is slightly fazed by this, not sure if to send everyone out to research, or to keep everyone safe inside the base. Since they don't know what they are dealing with yet.

In the basement, a dark haze is forming again and just as it does, the other activity falls silent. Hoseok scratches in his hair, confused. Everyone is looking at the dark haze now. It seems to form but soon disappears again. You are not trusting it. At all. You feel different. As if your intuition tells you that something is off. You look at Jimin, but Jimin is only a medium, he doesn't have the intuition you have. You are on your own for that blessing/curse. "Guys, I feel like something is off. We should not mess around with that shadow in the basement." "Ami, you know that's not how we work. We need to perform. We need to help the client." "Jin won't be able to do anything, just as Tae because we are in an industrialized area. We still have Jimin and Hoseok but I don't want Jimin to get possessed by that...that thing. And Hoseok has to know more details like name and birthdate for the exorcism." You say confidently, and JK raises his eyebrow that is now adorned with a piercing. Namjoon slams his hand on the table. "Ami, I like you a lot, but to be ordering around like that, is not your position to fill. I would like it if you would refrain from these kinds of remarks. I will decide to wager in the talents and specialties of the others. Not you."

Namjoon's scolding left you a bit upset. You know he means well, but still, nobody likes to be scolded. You scoff and take a seat, crossing your arms. "Suit yourself." You can't help but bite back because you feel scorned. "Just so you know, I have Intuition and it just told me that. So do as you seem fit. Or is my talent a curse afteral?" The words that have been bothering you are finally out in the open. Jimin looks sadly at you and the others are shocked at your attitude. "Ami, I will give you a warning to not talk to me like that anymore. Or about yourself like that." You bite your lower lip and look at your knees, avoiding all eye contact.

Suga breaks the tension by clearing his throat. "So I found out that a few women and men died here, of natural causes. As any normal house has. But the male presence in the basement, I cannot find any reason for it. What I do know is that to me it sounds like that one is the ringleader and the others are followers or even prisoners. Going by the sadness in the female ghost's voice." The others listen. "I do think we are dealing with a human." Jimin added. Suga nods. "In that case, it might be the first inhabitant of this house. Apparently he was a grumpy old man that always needed attention. He was very stuck up and mean to everyone, yet always craved for the adoration of others." You nod, that does sound more likely.

"I think we might have a similar case on hand now, like Ami's first one. Where the mother kept hold of all the children and actively bound them to her, we have now a man that binds spirits to him. He haunts the dead. He doesn't let the spirits rest in peace." Namjoon gives an agreeing hum. "Remodeling houses or renovations might have just triggered his need for control and made him go berserk with his resentment. Which triggered the many activities the owners talked about." You nod. But you are too scared to open your mouth again, scared that you might bump heads with Namjoon again. "So we should focus on the man, I have his name and birthdate, deathdate too. Hoseok, if you could please?"

Hoseok was already rummaging through his things. "With pleasure." He says and takes out some wooden material. He sits next to Suga and is preparing. Jimin takes a seat next to you. "Ami, you okay?" He asks softly. You shake your head. He puts his arm around you and holds you, trusting that if you need to talk, you'll talk, and if you don't, you just need support in silence.

Gratefully you accept his small token of affection and look at how Hoseok is gracefully writing in Chinese symbols on the wood. You miss him too. You definitely should take Woo Bin's advice and go back on a retreat at Hoseok's temple.

Jhope finishes up all of the incantations and heads out together with Jimin to see to it that they drive out the bad spirit that has kept all the others stuck in this plane. You monitor it on the screen and can see the disturbance in the screen when the spirit comes out. It wasn't quite as visible but there is no doubt something was there. Then it was all over. Jimin is seen on the screen looking around, checking. He then looks at Hoseok and nods. Hoseok claps his hands in a pray position and bows 4 times before grabbing his stuff and leaving back to base.

Back in the base they all congratulate hoseok for his successful exorcism But you you keep slightly quiet you are still not recovered from namjoon's scolding you. Jin notices you and Softly pets your shoulder. "hey are you ok?" You nod. "I'm fine." You lie through your teeth. No need to worry people. You put on a smile and pat his back back. "Another case well closed off. So happy." You say and just dwindle off to help Suga with the packing of the tech again. Jin looks at your back and is slightly confused. He has a sense for lies, being a priest and he knows you already enough.

Dear readers.
Sorry for the short and not exciting at all story. I am currently working on an exciting arc again. I just wanted to finish this story first before starting the new arc. I'm also going to change to y/n if you like that. Please let me know in the commentsif you'd like that or rather keep Ami. I tried to keep Ami genderneutral in case I got male readers.

I can already tell you that we'll dive into the member's pasts. So get ready.

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