Orphanage pt 3

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"Tonight I want to go to the old building." You say confidently to Namjoon. He shakes his head. "There is no equipment there, nor the permission to go on those premises. Best I can do is the area outside it." He answers just as strict and short as you asked or rather demanded the question. You nod and agree to it. "Very well." Namjoon smiles at your obedience. "So let's split the pairs again the same like yesterday. The moment you find the missing kid, or bump into something not-supernatural, use the W/T to contact base for inspector Choi to come up to you. Is everything clear? And if you would come in touch with a human with vile intentions, don't engage in fighting, but rather run and bring yourself in safety! Safety first!" He stresses the last part. "Inspector Choi has a grey suspicion it might not be supernatural at all...so be aware. He will come back with about 10 agents. So until they arrive, stay on edge." "Where is the room the other one disappeared from?" You ask. "I want to talk to the kids that roomed with him." Namjoon nudges his head at Suga and Suga nods. "I'll take you to the governess who will know." And both of you leave base. The kids are doing their night toilet and are still loud but less than in the day time. Many of them have sleep written all over their faces.

Suga exchanges some words with the governess and she nods. She collects the kids and drops them off at their rooms. At the 4th room she nudges in. Suga and you enter and the kids are getting in their beds. "Hey kids, do you want uncle Suga to tell you a story?" You say with a smile and Suga turns even more pale than he already was. They cheer and Suga is looking at you with disgrunt. You smile and gesture him to start. "Once upon a time..." He starts but then you take over "Oh come on! That's not how it goes! Kids, do you think I can tell a better story?" They cheer again. Suga is flustered and has pinkish color on his cheeks while hiding his mouth a bit in his fist, coughing to save face. "There was a boy once. He was very pretty. He had 5 friends in his room." "Like us?" "Like you." And you stroke your thumb over the corner of a girls mouth that had toothpaste still. "And one day he was gone. But his friends knew so much about him. And when friendly people came and asked, they could tell them about it. So kids, what do you think his friends told the 2 friendly people? How did he leave the room?" The kids are raising their hands. You point at one in the corner. "He told us that he had to meet someone." One said. The other yells. "No, he was going to give us something!" And another one yells again. "He just sneaked out in the night, when the governess wasn't looking." "He wore that dinosaur pijama!" All kinds of random info are coming your way and you try your best to deduct from all that what happened. Of course you have to filter the kiddie style out. You thank the kids and end the story quickly.

When you and Suga leave the room, the governess was waiting. "Could it be he sneaked out?" "Yes, we don't lock the front door in case of emergency, but there was always someone stationed at the desk." You walk to the desk and notice its top matches your chest. "You do know that you can't see a little kid passing here, right?" the governess looks and nods. "oh dear." "Just something to check for in the future." You calmly say and pull Suga with you. Before you go to base, you talk to him in the hallway while it's already getting dark outside. "He walked out on his own free will. I think someone promised him something if he would rendez-vous with someone outside." Suga nods. "That seems likely." "But who is our mystery person and where did the kid go?" "Whatever it is, we can't be together. I'm not strong to fight, neither mentally or physically."  You hug him. "It's fine. I'll be okay. Thanks." He closes his eyes and buries his face in the nook of your neck while hugging you around your waist. After the short embrace you both enter the base again, where everyone is ready to go. "Finally." Namjoon says. "Were the lovebirds out?" Jin jokes, semi serious. "No, not at all, me and Suga went to do some interviewing of our own. The kid last night went out on his free will. He sneaked out under a promise of something by someone." Namjoon puts his pen down. "But inspector Choi already interrogated the kids and nothing came from it." "Maybe it's the way you ask?" You shrug, slightly gloating and you step to Hoseok, who eyed you bit weirdly during Jin's remark, but nevertheless welcomes you with a smile.

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