Castle pt 1

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Jin is in the office, with Namjoon and JK in the couches. They seem to be in discussion of some sort and you decide to not disturb them. You turn away and walk to the kitchenette. Hobi is seen, having a cup of coffee. "I thought I told you not to come here often..." You take a seat in front of him, after grabbing yourself a cup of tea. "I know, but it's just... I really like you guys and I love being here." He smiles happily. "I understand, but it's bad to be around here. We got many dangerous things stored here. It contains a lot of bad mojo here. Staying here for a long time, will affect your well being. Mentally AND physically." He stresses the 'and' and you can feel the urge in his voice. "Is it that storage room where I found the music box and where the doll is?" He nods. "It's where we store items that people don't want to keep in their house anymore. Most of them are things we contained but didn't really solve yet. You recently solved one of them, but don't do it again. It's dangerous and you almost died." You shiver. You don't like to be reminded of that. RM opens the door suddenly and grabs a cup of coffee too. As he is waiting for it to be filled, he turns to the both of you and smiles his dimple smile. "Let's go on a Groups Training!"

A few days later, you get out of the van, carrying a big suitcase of luggage. You look at the castle and are amazed. It isn't too big, like a genuine castle, but it's big enough to be a castle. It doesn't look too old either. And in fine condition. It has a large garden in the french style. It looks very European. Jin and RM are stretching on the steps of the entrance and they look back at the rest. "Wow, this castle is awesome! So why are we here?" "Oh just a little Teambuilding. Jin organized this." Jin winks at you and you blush instantly. You are wondering why the second van is coming along. But you shrug and walk into the castle. Jin shows you to your room. It is a luxurious room with high ceiling, tall windows and doors. A bed with a curtain, and a fireplace. It has a fake fire burning in it. It does give heat but it's electric. "WOOOWWW" is all you can manage to say. "This is our room." "O-our room?" You look at Jin in disbelieve. "Yeah, we are roommates now." You are blushing and looking at the bed. " B-but there is only one bed...." and you point at it. He laughs out loud. He opens his vest and reveals his white collar in his black shirt. "Don't worry about it." He smirks as he places his suitcase down. "From all of the members, they deemed me the most worthy of sharing a bed with you." You place your suitcase down too, and are sweating bullets. He might be okay to sleep next to you, but you might not be okay... He is so handsome, you're not sure if you can survive it.

After relaxing a bit in your room, as much as possible, because you felt very on edge to be for such a long time alone with Jin, you all gather up in the common room downstairs. You are a bit weirded out that there are no others in the castle. So RM is distributing the tasks among each other. Who will cook etc... You volunteer together with Jin to do the cooking. Well, actually he volunteered and pulled you with him. You just wanted to relax in this vacation. Jin takes you with him to the kitchen. Last thing you see, is Jimin staring at the paintings on the walls. He is frowning. In the kitchen, you get started by unloading all the groceries the others already placed on the table. It's a lot, but there are many people after all, so it's all right. Jin is opening up cupboards to check the materials. You keep quiet, because you are at a loss of words to talk to Jin.

"Let's start dinner around 5pm-ish." He says before you leave to explore the castle a bit more. You nod and leave him behind in the kitchen. You walk through the halls and admire the paintings on the walls. They seem all from the same era, some kind of renaissance. There isn't much light in the hallways, just a few lamps on equal distances. They are flickering and leaving all kinds of shadows on the walls. It feels slightly eerie, but this isn't a job, it's a holiday so you decided not to think about work. You suddenly feel eyes on you and turn around, bruskly. But like you imagined, there was nothing. You quickly shake the feeling off and prowl into the living room. The tall windows are back and the room is basking in daylight again. At the piano, you see Suga, playing some tunes. In the couch near one of the windows you see Taehyung reading a book and both men look idyllic. You take a seat in a cosy chair with red velvet and close your eyes, enjoying the music and quiet of the room. Suddenly the music stops and you lazily open an eye to see Suga who is looking around and Taehyung is still unbothered, reading.

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