Six Feet Under

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Nagisias pov

I sat at the dining table ready to discuss our secrets like we promised to but there was one problem. Not everyone showed up. Then I heard it.

"a body has been discovered! Get moving to the garden to begin the investigation!"

We were frozen where we sat. Another body!

"maybe we should have discussed our secrets from the start after all" neji said sadly.

"nows not the time to be sentimental we should check out the garden" peako said firmly. We all nodded and left.

As we walked to the garden one terrifying thought ran through my mind. Out of the people who were missing masaru was one of them. What if he's the victim this time? Oh please don't let my best friend be dead!

We made it to the garden where archies, akamaru and massaia were on their knees with terrified looks on their faces. Oh yeah the body discovery announcement only plays when three or more people discover a body but where is the body?

"hey guys wheres the body?"

They shakily pointed down where a tuff of hair was sticking out. I felt the urge to vomit. Did they really bury someone alive?


Suddenly everyone else came up including masaru!

"masaru your alive!" I yelled pulling him into a hug. He chuckled and hugged me back.

"where the heck were you?" I asked.

he signed 'I was with pan. She was teaching me how to fight'

"I see" I sighed "well come on let's start the investigation" he nodded and we went to dig up the body.

It turns out the victim was willow peaks our very own gardener. Why did such a sweet girl have to be killed so brutally!

"Well shall we begin the investigation?" chidori asked. We nodded and began.

Dominic did an obtopsi of the body "the victim appears to have a deep head wound. It's possible that she died before she was buried"


Maria let out a sigh "I should have stopped her when I had the chance"

"what do you mean?" I asked

"ahhhhh!" she yelped turning around suddenly "oh you overheard me. Fine I'll tell you what I know but you have to promise not to use it against me in the trail"

"ooookay" I said wondering what the hell it could be.

"Well the thing is I saw willow before she died"

"you what!" I yelped.

"yeah I saw her in the werehouse grabbing strawberry seeds. Once she saw me she panicked and shoved the seeds into her backpack. She probably wanted to grow some strawberries to cheer us up" she sighed "I should have came with her or something! Maybe then she wouldn't have died"

"I doubt much would have changed so there's no need to beat yourself up about it" Lisa said gently.

"ok thanks bestie" Maria smiled gently.


Suddenly korokuma popped up on the monitor "alright you human turds get your butt's to the class trail before I die from boredom!" oh we certainly wouldn't want that!

I took a deep breath and looked at everyone "alright everyone let's get going"

tales of the future Fondation (a continuation of hope vs Dispair) Where stories live. Discover now