Graduation Party

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Kokichis pov

"come on buddy its time to come out for graduation" I said knocking on my sons door. He's been pretty down since his teammates died and is even blaming himself for their death!

"go away dad! I don't deserve to graduate. Not after letting my team die" he whimpered.

I sighed "look son nothing that happened in that school is your fault. They gave up their lives cause they respected you as their leader. And its not like its all over buddy. You still have talia and light. So will you come out and be their leader kid?"

He came out with bloodshot eyes. He walked over to me and nuzzled into my chest.

"good boy" I said petting his head "now let's get going"

We arrived at hopes peak where we were holding a graduation party for the survivors. Hikarus eyes lit up when he saw his friends and he ran off with them.

"it's nice to see hikaru acting like his old self again" haru said hugging my arm.

"yeah it's a relief really" I sighed.

"you can say that again purple" she chuckled "I'm going to hang out with my girlfriend. I'll leave you to hang out with your friends"

"sounds good babe" I watched her walked away and I went to join a table where chihiro, taka, shuichi, mokoto, hina, Hiro, Leon and miu where sitting. I took a seat next to chihiro.

"hey kokichi long time no see" chihiro said giving me a high five.

"yeah sorry that hikarus been ghosting your boy lately. He's been in a low place but thankfully he seems to be doing alot better" I pointed towards Hikaru who was hanging out with hiko and the others.

"yeah it's a real relief hikos been really worried about him" chihiro grinned.

"things have been real hard for my girls and boy and it's been hard losing my two sons but we've been doing our best to get through it and I feel like things will get better from here" taka said putting on a brave face. Leon patted his back with a proud grin.

"we've been though so much as a team. We've gone through so many harsh trails and overcome them together. I think we should raise a glass to celebrate all we've gone through and what we made in the process" mokoto said raising a glass. We all raised our glass together.


We clinked glasses, celebrating twenty years of hardships and friendships.

The end.

tales of the future Fondation (a continuation of hope vs Dispair) Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ