A New Day

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Nagisias pov

I woke up next to masaru. Ever since the night of motives we've been sleeping together. I'm not sure why but it does make us feel a little safer.

Masaru woke up and flashed me a huge grin. I chuckled and ruffled his hair.

"come on pal let's go greet the others" he nodded and we got and headed out.

Everyone was in the dinning hall. They all looked tired and gloomy which makes sense since they witnessed a person die for the first time last night. When they saw me and masaru however they greeted us with tired smiles. Wow we've really become part of the group!

While we were heading to our seats I overheard a conversation between dominic and neji.

"hey dominic are you feeling alright? I know you and athena were close"

"yeah I'm alright just shocked is all. I didn't think she was the type to kill" dominic said gloomy.

"it wasn't really her fault. We were all pushed to the brink of madness here with the motives and everything. I can assure you your faith wasn't misplaced in her" neji said kindly.

"thanks neji your a good friend" dominic grinned

Neji went bright red at these words "oh it was nothing really I just wanted to make sure you were ok" he said nervously twirling his hair.

I smiled at the exchange. My class is full of good people. I don't want anyone else to get hurt.

Me and masaru took a seat. Chidori immediately took a seat next to us "you really impressed me last night nagisia. It seems I misjudged you both" she smiled.

"Umm thanks but you all had every right to doubt me" I said.

"your modest too. Someone like you would make a wonderful leader" a leader? Just like dad. Could I really be a great leader like him?

"yeah we sure could use a leader in times like this" Marco muttered.

"in every ship a captain is there to keep order so I agree with this" sanji grinned.

They all accept  me as their leader. There's no way I can let them down!

"if we keep working together like this then we'll definitely get out of here in no time" yaku cheered.

"yeah that's right. We'll make sure those girls didn't die for nothing!" peako said firmly.

"Mr peakos so cool!" polo gushed.

"hey I'm cool too" Marco complained.

Everyone laughed. We were all in such high spirits. That is until he showed up.

"alright you little turds enough of your happy go lucky bullshit! I can't stand it!" korokuma muttered angrily.

"and that's our problem because..?" chidori questioned.

"how cruel! You should be more considerate of other people's feelings!"

"then I suggest you take your own advice!" neji glared at the bear.

"tch and just when I was going to present you brats with a prize!" korokuma grumbled.

"a prize?" peako raised an eyebrow at him.

"of course! You smart kiddos passed the class trail so Ive opened up some new areas to reward you! Well that's all I'm tired of looking at your dumb faces!" with that he disappeared.

"we being rewarded for murder? How horrifying" neji muttered looking sick.

"nevertheless we should investigate" peako said taking charge. We all agreed and sruched the school.

We discovered that there was a way outside but there was an electric fence blocking our way out.

"on the bright side there's now a place for me to bury my seeds" willow said optimistically.

"yeah that's good" I said trying not to get too disheartened.

There was also a library now and a bathouse. At least now there's plenty to do but I can't afford to get distracted. I have to find a way out of here before masaru and anyone else becomes a victim!

I looked up at the camera the mastermind was watching through and pointed straight at them.

"I don't know who you are but I will not let you win! Do you hear me! I will find you and kill you! So enjoy toying with us for now I'll pull you out of your hiding spot" feeling a little better I'll run off to join the others.

??? Pov

You plan to kill me huh nagisia? That's a bold statement. Do your very best to back it up. Puhuhuhu!

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