Next Generation Hideout

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Rams pov

The blue haired man stared firmly at me.

"it's not safe to be out here at night. Come with me." he said dragging the bear behind him.

"where are you taking the bear" I asked.

"Well there's no use wasting meat so we're going to serve him up for dinner" he said.

"eww that's gross" I said sticking out my tongue.

"maybe" he chuckled "but it's what you have to do when you live in the wild"

"my names ram what's yours"

"oh my names nagisia ishimaru. Looks like we're here now!" nagisa said pointing to a secret hideout being guarded by two men.

"so you found another child in the woods" a man with red eyes and gray hair muttered.

A man with fluffy brown hair tied in a bandana got down to my level with a smile "hi I'm neji. I hope you weren't too scared being all on your own in the woods"

"I wasn't too bad thank you" I smiled at the kind man.

"alright let's get you inside" nagisa said gently pushing me inside.

I walked inside to see loads of different people.

"ram this is masaru" he pointed to the boy with red hair and bandages around his neck "chidori" he pointed to a girl with long red hair "polo" he pointed to a boy with short brown hair and tanned skin "domanic" he pointed to a boy wearing a police uniform "akamaru" he pointed to a boy in PE clothing "archie" he pointed to a boy with white hair and tanned skin "and pan!" he pointed to a girl with spicky black hair. "and the guys outside are peako and neji"

"hi sweetie nice to meet you. We definitely need more girls around here" pan said hugging me. She sure is bubbly.

"Well she won't be staying long. We'll keep her for the night and return her to her parents tomorrow" nagisa said firmly.

"aww" pan pouted.

"come on my little one let me take you to bed. You must be very sleepy" archie said picking me up and carrying me to bed. I snuggled into his chest feeling comfortable. I wonder if this is what it's like to have a mother.

He took me to a bedroom where two little boys were already sleeping. I snuggled into bed with them and fell instantly asleep.

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