Izurus Komakora

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Makotos pov

We arrived at a simple cottage. In this cottage live the remnits of Dispairs leader izuru Komakora. Shuichi looked at me nervously. I gave him a reassuring smile and knocked on the door.

A young boy around 15 years old answered the door. He had long brown hair and red eyes like lzuru.

"hello there my names itaki how can I help you?" itaki asked politely.

"Umm we're looking for lzuru Komakora" shuichi muttered.

"ahh you want father. Right this way" he led us into the kitchen where izuru was sitting at the table with a young girl around twelve and a baby girl.

"father these men have come to meet you" itaki said.

"wonderful son. Do you mind taking your sisters into the living room while I talk to them"

"ok dad" he turned to the twelve year old "come on hinata take ram with you"

"coming bro" hinata said following her brother with the baby in her arms.

"those are some nice kids you have there" I said.

"they are" he muttered "I adopted them out of boredom"

"eh! You'd do something like that out of boredom!?" I said in disbelief.

"I do many things when I'm bored. I even kill when I'm bored" his words sent a shiver down my spine.

"izuru your other remnits of Dispair have been captured" shuichi said getting straight to the point "its over so I suggest you give yourself up!"

"I suppose that would be the wise thing to do. How boring" he sighed. He held out his hands. The kids started to get worried but thankfully shuichi was there to keep them calm.

I thought I heard izuru mutter "everything is going occording to plan" but that must be my imagination right?

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