Black Market

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Kokichis pov

We arrived in a dark part of town with stalls selling all kinds of illegal crap. Chihiro grabbed my sleeve nervously. I turned around and gave him a reassuring smile. He's my best friend so I gotta look out for him.

"alright you two stay in the car while me and yukiko do some illegal shit" haru said jumping out of the car. "we can't have a bunch of goodie-two-shoes like you getting in the way."

"hah! You think I'm a good person? Don't you know I own a evil organisation!" I claimed.

"sure you do purple" haru chuckled petting my hair. Usually I'd get annoyed when people mocked me but this time was different. The way she petted my hair reminded me of big sis.

I felt tears running down my cheeks as they left.

"kokichi are you alright?" chihiro asked worriedly.

I quickly rubbed my tears away "yeah I'm fine!"

"kokichi don't lie to me!" chihiro said sternly.

"fine the way she petted my hair reminded me of big sis! There you satisfied!?"

"oh kichi"

"no chihiro I don't want your pity!"

He pulled me into a gentle hug "okay I won't pity you but at least let me be your friend" I nodded and nuzzled into him, sobbing quietly. He didn't comment on my tears and stroked my hair soothingly.

"I know it's hard kokichi but we can get past everyone's deaths together. I know we can!" I nodded and kept crying.

It was getting hard to calm down so I reached into my pocket for my Anti-despair Pills but chihiro grabbed my hand before I could.

He looked at me with teary eyes "please kokichi those pills are dangerous. I can help you calm down just please don't touch those pills!" I nodded and nuzzled back down into his chest.

"thanks chihiro. I'm really lucky to have you as my friend" I muttered.

"hey I'm the one who's lucky" chihiro exclaimed "if it wasn't for you I would have still been hiding behind that dress"

"yeah well I would have still been hiding behind lies if it wasn't for you" I argued.

"hehe I guess we're both good for each other" chihiro giggled.

"hehe yeah" the two of us burst out laughing and after the laughter calmed down we snuggled into each others arms like best friends do. After a while of snuggling the girls came back with a mob of angry men running after them. Haru hopped in the drivers seat and drove off.

"what did you do to make them so angry?" chihiro asked nervously.

"oh you know people are crazy in there and-"

"you stole something didn't you?" I cut her off.

Haru grinned at me "how did you know?"

"cause you did a piss poor job at it" her grin faded.

"I'd like to see you do better!"

"I could do better. People used to call me the phantom Thief!"

"your hilarious purple now let's get you two back to the main town so you'll stop being a pain in my-"

"halt" our car was stopped by a group of people in hoods carrying guns.

"fuck" haru muttered.

"you guys have alot of balls travelling in our territory. Now get out"

We got out with our hands up. Once the hooded people saw us they gasped.

"great leader!" they took their hoods off and it was my turn to gasp.

"D. I. C. E!?"

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