The Tragic Hero

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Komarus pov

*bam* *slam* *bam*

The hored of Monokumas felt endless even with Kokichis help. I could feel them slowly overtaking us.

"kokichi what do we do" I asked fearfully.

"Umm there!" he pointed to an empty stadium "we'll take cover in there"

We ran in their and closed the doors. I felt safe for a second until I heard a mocking laugh.

"haha you dumb demons fell straight for my trap! Now your in my super awesome hero stadium." I looked up to see the red haired boy from before.

"a kid?" kokichi said looking confused.

"I believe he said his name is masaru" I said.

"that's right I'm masaru daimon the hero that safed all these kids from the demons!" his face morfed into something more traumatic "I safed them from the dark, from the rotting smell of alcohol and from the awful belt that they whip out of nowhere!"

Kokichis eyes turned more pitiful as he took a step towards masaru. "hey kid I think I know what you're talking about and I've even gone through some of that myself. I know it's scary but I can help yo-"

"what do you mean scared? I'm not scared! Heroes don't get scared!" he stopped when he saw his arm shaking. "why is it shaking?" he began beating his own arm "stop it! Stop it! Stop it! STOP IT!"

"stop!" I said tearfully.

Finally he stopped. His arm was purple with bruses.

"I got it to listen" he giggled "now I'm going to send you demons to hell where you belong!"

He pressed a button and a huge robot came out of nowhere.

"that's a big one" kokichi muttered "komaru! I'm going to need your help taking it down"

"right!" I said taking my microphone out ready to fight.

Time skip

The robot was destroyed. Masaru stared at it in shock before the other children came up and dragged him away leaving only his headset behind.

"a punishment for failing to kill us how cruel" kokichi muttered. He stared at the headset sadly "I wish I could have saved him" he turned to me "come on komaru we best get moving"

"right" I said as we left the stadium not feeling victorious at all.

tales of the future Fondation (a continuation of hope vs Dispair) जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें