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Nagisias pov

I ran to the base as fast as my legs would carry me. It can't be true. What servent said about monika can't be true!

"Monika!" I yelled. She was in the middle of the room with korokuma.

"my nagisia what's gotten you so upset?" Monika asked.

"mister servent said you don't care about the Worriors of hope and you only care about Dispair but that's not true right!?"

"oh nagisia I'm disappointed that you even have to ask" of course! There's no way that-

"of course he's right!"


"Big sis junko wanted to spread despair to the world and I want to make big sis happy no matter what" Monika was starting to scare me. I backed to the wall but monika didn't stop.

"poor nagisia everyone expects so much from you but I don't expect anything from you" she petted my head "not a single thing"

"stop it!" I punched her as hard as I could and ran away. I kept running until I no longer had strength in my legs. I fell to my knees sobbing. How am I supposed to go on when my own friend betrayed me?

tales of the future Fondation (a continuation of hope vs Dispair) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora