Stand Up For Hope!

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Makotos pov

We were in the dinning hall now for our first meal of the day. This is where I plan to make my move.

"makoto are you sure you should go ahead with this? This is really reckless and dangerous" hina asked worriedly. The others also had conserned faces.

I smiled reassuringly at them."don't worry guys this will work out I promise!"

They smiled nervously at me. I took a deep breath. Let's do this!

I stood up on the nearest table "hey!!" I yelled getting everyone's attention "are you really ok with being prisoners here? Are you OK with being mistreated? Having your human rights striped from you!?"

They looked at me with confused faces. I gotta keep reasoning with them!

"I was a prisoner myself once but I fought alongside my friends for our freedom!" I pointed at my friends who were smiling proudly at me "you can fight too! There's more strength in numbers! If we work together we get out of here! I refuse to be a prisoner ever aga-"

"that's enough!" a guard with a whip came in "you get down there right now!" he raised a whip to hit me but a prisoner tackled him down and knocked him out.

He stood up and raised a fist in the air "freedom!" he yelled.

"freedom! Freedom! Freedom!" the others chanted. I couldn't believe it my plan worked!

"Well look at you. I guess you're not all talk" taiko chuckled. I think I saw a glimmer of hope in her eyes.

"so what now bitch boy?" miu asked.

I grinned confidently at them "now we break out of here"

tales of the future Fondation (a continuation of hope vs Dispair) Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat