A Tragic Conclusion

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Nagisias pov

We all took our places at the stands once again. Another death another killer. I thought for sure that no one would kill if we simply gave them all space before confessing their secrets but maybe I should have been more pushed. Well nows not the time for regret. I have to find the killer for everyone's sake!

"ok so we should start with the cause of death right but what was the cause of death?" Maria asked.

"the cause of death is obvious!" Marco yelled "the buried her alive"

"that poor girl what an awful way to die" polo said tearfully.

"hold on are you sure that's how she died?" I spoke up.

"of course it is! What kind of stupid question is that!" Marco sighed "I mean you can clearly see her sticking out of the ground!"

"that seems pretty buried alive to me" yaku muttered.

"are you sure? I think see was buried after she was killed right domanic?"

"yeah I did an optopsi on the body and descovered a head wound deep enough to kill her instantly"

"I think we can definitely say that she wasn't buried alive then" neji muttered.

"ok that's great and all but where does that get us?" hinata asked "we still don't have any clues on who the killer is"

"it dose seem like we're in a bit of trouble" massaia sighed.

"that's not true" chidori spoke up "I can tell nagisia has something he'd like to tell us" can she read me that easily!?

"Umm well I don't know if this will help us find the killer but Maria saw the victim before she died"

"holy crap you did!" akamaru gasped.

"Umm yes she was going to the garden to plant some seeds"

"so she went there on her own accord. At least that rules out kidnapping" peako muttered.

"ah I see. If we focus on the seeds we'll definitely find the killer" neji said confidently. Wait what is he talking about?

"so your saying that there's a clue in the seeds?" sanji questioned.

"oh I get it your saying whoever planted seeds with her is the killer!" Maria said.

"so your saying that whoever planted strawberry seeds with her is the killer" Lisa muttered. Wait there something weird about what she just said.

"Lisa how did you know they were strawberry seeds? Maria never mentioned any type of seeds!" her face turned pale.

"it seems you dug your own grave" sanji muttered.

"perhaps but neji handed her the shovel" chidori said "after all it was your comment that was her undoing"

"if you don't have the clues to pin down a suspect your best course of action is to draw a slip of the tongue from the suspect. That's what my sister taught me" neji said proudly.

"wow not bad buddy" domanic said giving him the thumbs up.

"yes atua thinks neji is very clever" archie grinned.

"oh its nothing really" neji said getting bashful.

"stop praising him he's wrong!" Maria yelled "cause Lisa would never hurt anyone like that! She's the nicest person I know that's no way she's the-"

"it's alright" Lisa cut her off "you don't have to defend me. Their right I am the killer"

"but why would you kill someone? And why would you admit it so freely? Don't you understand your going to die!" Maria yelled tearfully.

"I do but I'd rather me die then you Maria"


She turned to korokuma "Well shall we start the voting?"

"yes indeed we shall!" korokuma said gleefully "alright let's begin the voting!"

We all voted for Lisa and got it right.

"Well would ya look at that! One of you shit for brains voted incorrectly!" korokuma giggled "do you still believe she's innocent miss Maria?"

"no but I don't care what she's done. There's no way I'd ever send my friend to her death!" Maria declared.

"Maria" Lisa sighed "your the dearest friend I could ever ask for. I'm sorry I made you suffer like this"

"but why?" Maria sobbed "why would you kill that poor girl?"

"I did it to protect my young master" she said simply.

"master kiro?" Maria gasped.

"yes. He is the son of the richest man in Japan and there has been several kidnapping attempts made on him. His father hired me to take him somewhere safe and protect him. That secret revealed his hiding place. There was no way I could let anyone find out about it. There's no way I could let any harm come to such a sweet boy"

"you often talked about how you think of him as your little brother" Maria said tearfully.

"yes but he is now safe and I am ready to accept my punishment"

"now that's what I'm talking about!" korokuma yelled excitedly "it's punishment Time!"

"no please don't take her away from me!" Maria begged.

"goodbye my friend"

Lisa was placed in a garden where a curly haired boy stood. I assume that's young master kiro. A bunch of Monokumas began pointing snipers at the boy. His body was covered in red dots. Lisa rushed over and shielded the boy with her body taking all the bullets only to realise that the boy was a fake. She collapsed to the ground and blead to death.

"ahhhhhhhhhh!" Maria screamed until she practically lost her voice. Who could blame her. Her best friend just died in front of her. I know I'd do the same if masaru died like that.

I gently took her hand and led her back to the elevator.

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