Child Of Dispair

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Rams pov

I woke up to the large green eyes of a small boy.

"hello I'm neku what's your name?" he said excitedly.

"can you keep it down I'm trying to sleep" a black haired boy muttered.

"Umm I'm ram" I muttered.

"nice to meet you ram I'm neku. Woops I said that twice" I giggled at him. He's kinda cute.

"time for you to introduce yourself Sora" neku said shaking the other boy.

"fine!" he growled "I'm sora nevermind. I'm technically a prince but I ran away from home."

"your a prince" I gasped "why'd you run away from that?"

"cause being a prince is stressful! My mom's always forcing me to be perfect in every way. I just wanna be a normal kid" he muttered. That dose sound hard. I can understand why he ran away.

Archie came through the door with a smile "hello my little ones!"

"mommy!" neku ran up hugging him.

"hello my little boy" he said rubbing noses with him. He turned to us with a smile "breakfast is really children!"

We ran up to the kitchen where polo was cooking pancakes.

"I hope you enjoy" he said with a smile.

We ate the pancakes happily. Nagisia came up to me "ram could you give me your phone number so I can contact your parents?"

"ok" I said writing down my phone number and handing it to me.

"good girl" he said petting my head "now can you give me your phone number like a good boy sora?"

"no I'm not going back to her" sora muttered.

Nagisia sighed in defeat and walked away. I smiled at the boys.

"you wanna play outside?"

"I don't know. They don't like me leaving" neku said nervously.

"oh come on it will be fine I promise" I said dragging him out before he could protest.

We went outside and played tag. Everything was fine until these weirdos in hoods came up, grabbed neku and left. We simply stood there in disbelief.

Did our friend just get Kidnapped!?

tales of the future Fondation (a continuation of hope vs Dispair) Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum