The Rebal Army

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Komarus pov

We were looking for an exit from the subway. I was terrified that the subway was going to collapse on us but kokichi seemed completely calm. I  don't know how he does it!

My thoughts were cut off by a scream for help. We ran over to see a group of Monokumas beating someone under a cloth. Me and kokichi beat the Monokumas and helped the person out from under the blanket to descover that the person was a... Monokuma!

"eep!" I yelped hiding behind kokichi.

"please don't be afraid I'm not going to hurt you" the Monokuma said reassuringly.

"a white Monokuma?" kokichi questioned

"yes I scraped all my black paint off. You can call me shirokuma!" he said confidently.

"ok shirokuma can you kindly step out of the way. We need to find a way out and we've wasted enough time saving you" kokichi said. Ouch he can be so blunt sometimes!

"wait I can help you!" shirokuma said desperately "I've built a rebal camp for all the survivors. You can stay there"

"that sounds perfect" I said clapping my hands together.

"I don't know about this komaru" kokichi muttered

"oh kokichi please! I just want to rest somewhere safe for a while" I begged.

He sighed and turned to shirokuma "fine take us to your rebal base"

We went to the rebal base and sure enough there was survivors everywhere. We found meny people including a woman called hiroko hagakura who kokichi said is another one of the hostages like me.

Shirokuma came waddling up to us "our leader wants to meet up with you both"

"alright" I said dragging kokichi up to the leaders room.

The leader was a long haired man with his arm in a cast.

"my name is haji. I'm the leader of this place. Don't worry you kids are safe now" haji said reassuringly.

"really? How long is our food and water supply going to last?" kokichi asked.

"should last about two to three weeks if we use it sparingly" haji replied.

"and do you plan on restocking anytime soon?"

"of course not! Did you see those things there's no way I'm going back up their" haji yelled.

"so you just plan on letting your people staved to death? Wonderful! Leader of the year!" kokichi glared at him.

"don't question me boy" haji yelled.

"please don't get angry" I said "Kokichis from future Fondation so he can help!"

"future Fondation?" hajis eyes immediately grew dark "I'm sorry but I'm going to have to ask you to get the fuck out of my base"

"gladly" kokichi growled.

Just as we were leaving Shirokuma ran up to us. "wait! Please the two of you should get some rest before leaving. I'll even try to find a new way for you to escape so please don't leave!" Shirokuma begged.

"thank you Shirokuma" I said greatfully as he led us to our room.

"stupid son of a bitch how could he treat his own people like that!" kokichi ranted on as he passed back and forth.

I placed a hand on his shoulder "kokichi you have a very kind heart but we really should be getting some rest"

He sighed "yeah your right it's just that I lead my own group and I take this very personally"

"wow that's cool" I smiled at him and he smiled back.

"right let's get some rest. That beds looking very comfy right about now"

tales of the future Fondation (a continuation of hope vs Dispair) Where stories live. Discover now