Just A Normal High School Girl

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Komarus pov

My name is komaru neagi. I'm just a normal high school girl. Only difference is I've been trapped in this apartment for a year and a half. I've never seen my Kidnapper face or even heard their voice. They just give me food every day and that's it.

I miss my family and friends I've been taken from. I'd do anything to see their faces again. I felt tears run down my cheeks. I rubbed them away as I heard a knock on the door.

"please help me I don't want to be trapped in here anymore!" I screamed as the door was ripped off its hinges by a Teddy bear?

I ran down the halls that were ingulfed in fire. I saw some men in suits who looked dead. They were holding on to some microphone. This might come in handy. Muttering a couple of apologies I took the microphone from him and ran out the building.

The whole street was in complete chaos with dead bodies everywhere. How could things change so much in a year and a half! The Monokumas quickly surrounded me and I blacked out.

I woke up in a bed with a white haired boy watching me.

"my my you slept for quite some time" he said with a creepy smile.

"Umm who are you?" I asked

"me? Why I'm a simple servent. My masters wish to see you and if I can offer you any advice I'd suggest hiding that microphone unless you want to end up dead" with that he left.

I did what I was told and went to meet these so called masters. What was waiting for me was five children.

"hey I'm masaru the little ultimate P.E and the hero in this story!" the red haired boy said

"I'm juntaro the little ultimate arts and crafts" the masked boy said glomly.

"I'm kotoko the totally adorbs little ultimate drama" the pink haired girl said

"I'm nagisia the little ultimate study" a blue haired boy said stiffly.

"and I'm monika the little ultimate homeroom" a green haired girl in a wheelchair said cheerfully.

I was speakless. These kids were reposible for all that death and destruction!?

"ok now that introductions are over its time for the game!"

"what game-" before I could finish my sentence the servent got behind me and placed a bracelet on my wrist.

"yay now the game can begin" Monika said clapping her hands gleefully.

Before I knew it the floor opened up and I was falling through the sky. A parashoot opened up and I landed on a rooftop. The bears saw me and started to swarm me. I screamed and covered my eyes but nothing happened. I opened my eyes to see the bears collapsed on the ground and a purple haired boy with a microphone standing in front of me.

tales of the future Fondation (a continuation of hope vs Dispair) जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें