The Radio Tower

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Komarus pov

"did you sleep well?"

"why yes I did! Thank you for asking"


I sighed. Kokichi been complaining ever since we left the rebal base. I guess he's just grumpy from a lack of sleep.

"Well we're at the radio Tower now" I said pointing to the building. Kokichi pouted and walked on. I rolled my eyes. For a sixteen year old he sure can be childish!

We walked in and discovered that the elevator wasn't working so we took the stairs that were crawling with Monokumas. We fought our way through them and just as we were about to reach the next floor...

"who's there's"

"waa!" kokichi clung to me in fright.

Behind the corner stood a man holding a laptop in his arms

"oh I didn't mean to scare you kids are you alright?" he asked.

"oh we're fine totally fine ." kokichi jumped away from me looking embarrassed.

"my apologies I didn't know any survivors were here so I thought you were those kids!"

"it's fine" Kamaru said calmly "so what's your name?"

"oh I'm taichi fugisaki"

"fugisaki?" kokichi eyes widened "oh my gosh I know your son"

"you know chihiro? He even told you his gender?" tsichi said in disbelief

"yes he's my best friend and I'm definitely going to bring you back to him safely" kokichi said determinedly.

"I would love to see my son again thank you young man. so anyway what are you kids doing here?" taichi asked.

"we're going to send a message to future fondation" I said confidently.

"why don't you just go up the lift?" he asked.

"we can't the lifts busted" kokichi explained.

"oh well I can fix it! I'm pretty good with mechines! Just take me down there!"

We fought though tons of Monokumas until we reached the lift. After some time taichi finally got the lift running.

"we did it. We're going to do this! We're really going to-"

He was cut off by a beast Monokuma jumping through the lift and ripping his throat out. We were forced to fight it then we knelt by taichis side as he gave us his final words.

"son" he held out to kokichi and he took it. "promised me that you'll take care of my boy and tell him how proud I am of him for accepting who he is"

"I will I promise" kokichi said tearfully

"thank you" his hand fell and he never moved again. We stayed silent for a while then kokichi spoke up.

"I don't know how I'm going to tell him that I failed to save his dad" I pulled him into a hug and let him cry on my shoulder for a bit. He was always the one helping me stay strong. Now it's my turn to do the same.

After a while kokichi pulled away smiling "thanks kid now let's get moving" I nodded and we silently walked into the elevator.

tales of the future Fondation (a continuation of hope vs Dispair) Where stories live. Discover now