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"This is so nice! I love this diner!" I say as Stef and I had got up early to head into town to enjoy the day together. We were both just not in the mood to deal with anyone in the home and decided to spend the day ice skating, shopping and listening to the Christmas carolers. We were also going to try sledding which I was excited about. But more than anything being with her was something that continued to make me happier and happier.

"I'm glad, baby. Order more if you wish." She says sipping her coffee as I bite into a biscuit smiling as I was happy my hangover wasn't as bad as last time.


"MM? She asks taking a bite of her eggs as I move to sit beside her in the booth. We didn't dare show affection in public but sitting beside her I figured no one would see our hands being held under the table. "What's up, sweets?"

"What we um, talked about last night. I didn't forget. I mean..."

"What we are? I didn't forget." She says as I feel her squeeze my hand. "Well, Len, the last thing I want is to go back to Kansas and hide in the boring job and in my own skin. Being here with you for the last week has just made me the happiest I have ever been in my life. It's like the life we could have had in some sense. I know there were things going on at the time on base and it wasn't possible but, I don't want to lose you again, love. I don't know if my heart could take that." I can see her face growing sad as I squeeze her hand once again feeling tears form. "I'd leave Kansas for you anyday, love. You have things established in Seattle, and I could find something. I mean I could try that cop thing." She laughs as my heart is so full I don't know what to say. "That is if...if you want to be my girlfriend."

"I have to think about it." I say turning my nose up as she bursts out laughing hysterically.

"I know it might have it's challenges, but I want to be with you, babe. I always did."

"I want to be with you too. I do, and we could make it work."

"Ya? You wouldn't mind me moving there with you? MM?" She sets her fork down and looks at me rather intensely as I clear my throat.

"Just because I'm in Seattle doesn't mean we have to stay. I just...I wanted a life, one where I didn't have think, and I don't know. I'm open for anything," I say softly.

"But what about your art? You always dreamed of making it a career, and you seem pretty happy, love. I mean, I'd not ask you to leave all of that. And Kansas is no place I'd want to bring you, that's for sure."

"Do you mean you actually want live with me?" I ask, my heart racing. Just thinking of Stef living with me and being able to see her every single day, makes me feel hot all over .

"Well, I don't have to, sweetheart. I mean, I can get an apartment. I have some money saved, and I can look into the police academy."

I sigh as I sip my coffee and shake my head. "Save your money. You can stay with me. I just didn't want to assume you'd be okay with it, and..."

"Lena," she says my name softly as she squeezes my hand tightly, making me look at her. "We're just talking okay? Nothing has to be set in stone. If you feel this is, tell me. I get it can be overwhelming, and I'm okay with taking things slowly with you."

"Isn't it kind of late for that," I laugh nervously once more as I whisper now. "I mean we've already gone all the way."

She laughs softly as she reaches over and brushes my hair from my face as she talks softly as well. "Well, yes, but I would love to have you in my bed every day for the rest of my life. But what do you want?"

I smile softly as I try to contain my excitement. "I'd really like that, too."



"I'm gonna, fall Stef! I know it!" Lena says as we were standing by the little wall at the outside skating rink. It was too crowded and I had no idea Lena had never done this before.

"I thought you knew how, silly!"

"I did! When I was....well I saw it on TV." She says as I burst out laughing and she turns to go and I pull her hand.

"NOOOOO. Don't leave, babe. I'm teasing, love!" I tease as she pouts and I hold her hand. "Come sweets, I'll teach ya. Gotta show my woman what I know, right?"

"I thought anyone could skate. I didn't tell a fable," her cheeks are pink now as I look at her, confused.

"A fable?"

"A lie. I didn't really lie, Stef," she giggles softly as I wink at her and laugh heartily.

"Well, I mean, watching ice skating on the television and actually doing it are two different things. So, we may need to learn what a lie really is, silly goose," I can't help but laugh even harder as she looks at me with a guilty look on her face.

"You're right. But what do I do?"

"You can hold my hand like this," I grab her mittened hand in my own. "Now push off with your front foot and just keep pushing forward. Don't think about falling. You just glide. C'mon!" I patiently start to slowly skate as she wobbles all over the place.

"STEF! HELP!" She screams as she catapults almost head over heels and lands on her stomach, face first.

I shake my head as I lean down to help her up. I desperately want to grab her face and kiss her. This is harder than I thought as I help her straighten her coat and lead her off to the side. "Okay, take a deep breath. You can do this. You're just overthinking it. You've skating with actual skates before, right?"

"Yes," she says as she tries to calm down.

"And you didn't just watch your neighborhood kids skate around? You actually had a pair of skates on your little feet and skated?"

"At a rink, and yes. I have," she laughs now as I wink at her.

"Okay. This is the same thing. Only I think it's a tad easier. I'll place my hand on your hip and hold your hand, ok babe?"

"Ok. But don't let me fall again."

"I got you. Always." I wink at her again as she blushes softly and before I know it we are slowly skating around the rink as she looks to me smiling.

"I'm having fun. I know I'm slow learning but I'm having fun."

"There's no need to rush sweets. And I'm having a good time too."

"I'm glad we left early. I couldn't deal with anyone ganging up on you again and I really just might kill Tess."

"Ahh it's ok sweets. She doesn't bother me and whatever issue she has is her issue. I'm here for you, and that's all."

"Me too honey. Stef?"

"Yeah babe?"

"Lets see a movie. I saw they are playing, White Christmas."

"Oh yeah? I like that movie too." I smile looking to her as she blushes.

"I know I remember us watching it together. Back on base."

"We did alot on that base love. We became the best of friends."

"We did and I'd do it all over again just to meet you." She says as we now stop and rest against the little barrier of the rink. So badly did I want to grab her hand, so badly did I want to kiss her right here and right now in front of everyone. But I knew we couldn't do that as I turned to face her smiling as one spreads across her beautiful face.

"I would too babylove. Now come lets go see that movies sweets. That way I can sneak and hold your hand in the dark." I wink as she grins as we take our skates off and head to the little movie theater.

Sweet Love of ChristmasWhere stories live. Discover now