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As I continue on my drive and get closer to Denver, I realize that the snow has really picked up. Even if the weather didn't call for a giant storm, I knew how driving through the mountains went and how the weather could change on a dime especially this time of year. I had covered good ground so far almost six hours and it was looking like I'd arrive at the cabin at 10 PM, which I predicted. But, now I could see the weather was growing worse the closer I got to Denver, nearing white-out conditions.

Turning my radio down I pull off highway 70 in the town of Aurora, and I frown because I didn't plan on stopping anymore; plus, the fact that my visibility is close to zero now which forces me to pull over into a gas station. Feeling frustrated I shut my car off and turn my overhead light on to pull out my map. Now I had to decide what in the hell to do for I know there is a motel not to far from here based on research I did before I left, and I know how to drive in a snowstorm but I didn't know if I should risk it. I really didn't, especially in a place I didn't know added to driving through mountains as the wind was growing stronger by the second.

Folding up my map I get out of my mustang feeling just how cold it is as the snow blows right in my eyes and face, and I feel someone open the gas station door for me.

"It's murder out there, young lady! You okay?" An older man says whom I assume is the owner, as I dust my snowy boots off on the mat and smile.

"That it is! I'm fine, thanks. Just getting some coffee and a smoke."

"Right on the side there. Need a fill up?"

"Nah, I'm good. Thanks!" Heading over to the coffee and cigarette vending machines, I drop my coins in and light a smoke feeling it calm my nerves.

I am rather annoyed to say the least as I had almost driven seven hours and having made it all this way to have some shit storm, became an obstacle. Shaking my head as I continue to look at the deteriorating conditions outside I puff my smoke as I pull my map out again placing it on the little counter.

"Trying to get somewhere?" I hear the older man ask as I don't make eye contact and nod my head.

"That I am."

"Where to?" He asks as I wonder if he is being helpful or just nosy. I wasn't in the habit of telling people where I was going especially being a woman traveling alone as I put my smoke out and sip my coffee.

"MM, just into town." I lie as I review my map again and feeling confident I can make the almost twenty mile trip to the cabin, even in the snow. I feel as if I wait overnight in some cheap motel, I might be snowed out, and that's the last thing I wanted.

"Do you have chains?" The older gentleman persists.

"I'm sorry?" I turn to look at him now confused as he smiles softly.

"I said, do you have chains? For your tires that is. Going up those mountains in these conditions, that will help some." Sipping my coffee as my suspicion continues, he walks over to me as I can see he is in fact rather harmless looking. "No harm, ma'am. Just wanna make sure you're safe. Chains, you can wrap around your tires, prevents skidding. If you don't have any, I have extra I can put on for you."

"Oh, um you don't need to do that, sir." I laugh awkwardly.

"I'd feel better if I could. I know if my daughter was traveling like you I'd feel better knowing she had that. Forgive me, I'm a father." He smiles as I return it and he must see I'm rather hesitant. "I would sleep better tonight knowing you got to where you were going safely, young lady. No harm intended. So before you say no, let me help you."

"I um, I need to pay you back somehow. What if you need them?" I ask rather concerned as a soft smile continues to form on his face but as I look harder at him he appears as if he is about my father's age which only continues to warm my heart. But, at the same time I do feel badly for not having told my dad, or anyone for that matter, that I was leaving town for a few weeks.

"I won't young lady. I live in walking distance and don't drive much anymore. Plus my wife would kill me knowing I sent you out there knowing I had them in the back there, unused. So let's wrap those things around your wheels so you can get to where you are going safely. Must be someplace mighty special." He adds as I smile and fold my map putting it away.

"Ahh, just seeing some old friends."

"That, my dear, is the best thing. Especially around the holidays."

"That it is. I'm Stef, by the way." I say sticking my hand out as he extends his to shake mine.


"Nice meeting you, Earl."

"You too young, lady."

As we both head outside the weather has only gotten worse as I help him wrap the chains around my wheels. I felt terrible about this but one thing I noticed was he was rather persistent and just wouldn't take no for an answer. I am really grateful to him and judging by how bad the weather actually was it was safe to say that Earl probably saved my life that night. Big time.

Filling up my car a bit and tipping him for the gas and chains, something he refused to take, I made a note to myself to stop back here on my way back to Kansas. I had to, for he was so kind and I wanted to pay it forward no matter what.

As he waves me off I exit the friendly town as I can now see the snow has let up a little bit. But the further I move along the road that soon begins to wind, I find myself driving in complete darkness. Turning my high beams on I soon realize I am starting to enter mountain territory as I hear the chains dig into the snow of the mountain that I am climbing. Earl had warned me that the roads would start to become extremely narrow as I made sure to keep my eyes peeled.

There were many occasions where I had driven in hazardous conditions such as this and for the most part I wasn't a very nervous person, but as I continue to make my way through and up this mountain, the road only continues to grow even more narrow, my ears pop from the altitude and the guard rails disappear.

This doesn't deter me as I drive even slower around each and every curve continuing to keep my eyes peeled on the road, and both my hands on the steering wheel. I wasn't even sure how much time had passed but soon I reach the last curve and the road becomes straighter. As I drive further inland once again the snow begins to fall heavier and I wonder how long I've been driving now. Seems like forever as I quickly glance at my dashboard seeing it's way past 11 PM. Lena must be sleeping by now or worried that I wouldn't make it, and I'd hate to wake her but I would have no choice at this point.

Seeing the sign for Evergreen, I am rather relieved to have made it as I pass through this small town which is nicely decorated for Christmas with red and green bows on the lamp posts and a giant Christmas tree towards the middle of town in front of what appears to be a smaller courthouse. I was actually happy Gary and Marty's cabin was in the outskirts of Denver for it made it much more quaint and that much more less hectic.

I sigh a sigh of relief having made it even if there seems to be a few more curvy roads that lead to the cabin. I take my time once again and know that I am getting closer just by the landmarks Gary had told me I'd pass. He also made sure to tell me that their cabin sat back quite a bit from the road and that Lena would turn a light on at their gate, also that they had a red lamppost unlike the other cabins in the area.

I smile as I see that light ahead along with the red lamppost as I slow down, I see the address numbers and happy I've arrived. As I make a right turn I pull down the narrow driveway as my heart rate picks up. It seems Lena is awake possibly as I see lights on in the cabin, and I manage to park off to the side of the house. Taking a deep breath, I turn the car off and lean my head back on the head rest. I'm beyond nervous to see Lena, yet I'm also excited as I lean into the back seat to grab my bag and head towards the front porch, for it was now or never.

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