Jacuzzi Talks

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"So what's been happening with you, Stef?" Gary asks as he and Marty are sharing the jacuzzi with Stef and Lena. They are all having a great time smoking, drinking and laughing despite how hard it is for the two women to keep their hands off each other. Even if Gary and Marty knew how the women felt about each other which was why they put them in their own space upstairs.

Watching the blonde puff her cigar, Lena glances over at her admiring everything about her. God, Stef was so hot and tonight she wanted to fuck her senseless again as she could feel the heat rising in her cheeks.

"Well, I'm back in Kansas as you know and working as a secretary on base."

"Yeah, I know. But that's not what you wanna do, right?" Marty replies as he puffs his cigar.

"Nah. I haven't figured it out yet." She turns to look at Lena, smiling as she hands her the cigar.

"I told her to be a cop," Lena replies now as she leans her head back and relaxes.

"Oh, I can see it!" Gary chimes in as Stef looks at Lena, a smile on her face.

"Really? I hadn't thought of it really. I am reading this really interesting book right now, but it's not why I'm reading it. If I see something that's educational, I'll tend to pick it up," Stef sips her wine as she replies to Gary, and Marty chimes in.

"Well, what's the name of the book? Baby, did you see our bookshelves in there? We are book conosiours!"

"I did! Yes, it'd be Heaven to try and read every single one!" Stef grins. "But ummm, the title of the book I'm currently reading is Violence and the Police. It's...it's umm, a study on law and morality. It's really mind opening for sure."

"Who wrote that?" Gary asks as Lena is now openly staring at the blonde, and it is not lost on the two men as they try to keep the conversation going.

"MM? I believe it's Westley? The author? But umm, he made some interesting points in it pretty much how the police are known as the enemy, you know? It's sad to me how...how this author made these observations of how...how the police are nicer to those who have money or are white, compared to those who might look poor or like they're troubled...umm, minorities and I hate the stereotype because not all minorities are poor or have problems. It's something that needs change for sure and I just wish color wasn't always this thing."

"You sound rather passionate about that, baby. Do you not hear yourself right now?" Marty smiles widely as the blonde blushes, downing her wine as Lena moves to pour her some more.

"Ahhh, well, no. I guess I never thought of it, but what's new with you?" She quickly changes the subject as Lena catches her eye and she winks at her.

"Oh, we're just loving our lives with this little retreat! You, two, should come sometime! We have a ton of fun, and we wouldn't charge you. You'd love the yoga, meditation, drum circle, painting classes, massages, coffee breaks, the whole nine yards. Oh, and just this year we added swimming at night! It's sooooo relaxing! We get rave reviews!" Gary smiles as he observes how Lena is struggling to keep her hands to herself right now.

It's very obvious as he sees her tuck a stray hair behind Stef's ear, and how she keeps inching closer to the blonde. Gary wasn't really surprised and was wondering if the two had slept together yet. To him it seemed they had for the sexual energy was very apparent.

"Oh yeah? That sounds fun." Stef smiles taking another sip of her wine as Lena twirls her blonde hair now feeling the effects of the alcohol. "Does that sound fun, Len?"

"Yes. Mhmm. When can we go?" She asks Stef looking right into the woman's blue eyes and moving even closer as the blonde clears her throat.

"Um, anytime you want. You guys have room?"She asks directing her gaze back to the two men.

"Oh anytime you two can come! Hey...um how about some pot?" Marty offers as Stef shrugs her shoulders.

"Sure! Len?"

"Sure, why not! I never had it."

"Ohhh, then you need to be careful. I need to watch you, huh? Party girl." Stef teases as Lena giggles moving closer to the blonde and hugging her neck.

"Maybbeee. You can watch me all the time, anytime."

"Yeah?" Stef says knowing how drunk Lena is as Gary hands her a joint and she takes a puff.

"Ohhh, you know how to smoke weed Stef!! OMG you are sooo bad!!" Lena giggles again as both Gary and Marty crack up. "Show me, baby."

"Patience, love." Stef hands her the joint now feeling her high herself as she slowly tells Lena how to do it.

"Ohh girl you feel it!?" Gary says laughing as Lena bursts out laughing.

"Dudeeeee, yes! Steffy, do you feel it?"

"Yes. I do." Stef laughs herself.

"Ughh, I'm high! Guys I never got high. Ever. Did you know?"

"Ha! We all had an idea, Mocha." Gary laughs handing her the joint back as she takes another hit handing it to Stef.

"Stef is so pretty. Isn't she guys?" She says as the blonde blushes.

"Stef is beautiful. You both are!" Gary says as he and Marty smile.

"I wanna date her. Should we date, Stef? Should we date, babe?"


"I know Tess would be soooo mad!! She's so mad and I don't wanna go stupid shopping with her tomorrow and get my nails done. I don't do my nails because I paint! Hello!!! I don't wanna hang with her she's so bossy and thinks she knows me and she doesn't. She doesn't know my big secret!! ANDDDDDDDD she thinks Stef is racist. But she's not. Right baby, you're not racist."

"No, love, I'm not." Stef smiles seeing Lena is totally gone as the light skin woman kisses her cheek once again. Stef can only blush big time for even if she was high herself she had a better handle on it. Plus she knew Gary and Marty were watching and possibly everyone in the home.

"Should we leave you two, gals, alone? Some alone time?" Marty giggles as Lena joins him.

"Nooooo! You're fine! Stef and I had plenty of alone time. I mean, she's a damn good fuck, let me tell you the things she did to me....and..."

"Lena!" Stef moves quickly to try and stop the woman, but Lena takes another hit as she hands it back to Gary.

"What? It's true, baby. I'm so in love with youuuuuu," she grins widely as both Gary and Marty are laughing quietly watching the pair.

"She's...she's toasted. I don't think she means..."

"Look, Stef. We won't say anything," Marty smirks as Gary motions, zipping his lips as Stef rubs her forehead and laughs softly.

"This could be bad. Like really bad. It's bad enough that...that..."

"Stef, honey baby, chill! Here, take another hit," Marty holds out the blunt as Stef takes it and Lena moves to nuzzle Stef's neck.

"You're so pretty. Don't be mad, baby! Please don't be too mad," she runs her slender fingers down Stef's face as the blonde looks at her and laughs softly again.

"I'm not mad love and it's ok, but do you want to go inside? Get some food? MM?"

"Oooooo! Do you think there are any more of those cinnamon rolls left? The ones with the pecans??????"

"Maybe so? We can check," Stef smiles as Lena beams and kisses her cheek.

"Guys, I hit the jackpot! I really did. This woman is just....AMAZINGGGG!"

"We know, baby! We have always known," Marty giggles as Gary nods his head.

"But go inside! Enjoy yourselves! We'll close the jacuzzi, baby."

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