First Night (Part Two)

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"So you really wanted to be nurse? I mean I can see you wanting to help people. You always were very helpful." I say as I had heated up the  tomato soup for us and we began chatting around the large table as Stef set down some place mats and glasses of water for us.

With it now being past midnight, it was one of the longest days ever, but it was nice being in her presence even if I was so incredibly nervous and stumbling and stuttering over my words like a complete idiot. But it was hard not to, it really was, for Stef looked so different now. Everything about her looked different and she was, well, she was sexy in her sweatpants and tank that showed her, well showed her braless breasts off that made me feel hot inside. I was trying hard not to stare at her nipples which were poking through the soft fabric.

The Stef I knew from 1969 would never wear this, and I was so used to seeing her in her long dresses with bangs that covered her face that I never expected something different.  Really not, as her slender neck was exposed, something I rarely saw seven years ago as well as her curves. Her curves which made me feel all hot and bothered, way more than in the past. Why in the hell was I looking at her like this? Why? She was my friend, and I wasn't supposed to be checking her out like this. At all. But I was as I now take a seat again and pour us some water as she continues to tell me about her life in New York.

"I don't know if I really wanted to. I mean I didn't make it very far in nursing school." She says slurping her soup. "I guess I've just been trying to figure out what do with myself and nursing wasn't it at all."

"I...I understand. Sometimes it can be hard to figure that out. I mean when you're used to being with someone. Not to say that you haven't been with someone or that you didn't have anyone. I mean you know...when..."

"Len." She says as I feel her soft hand on my arm, and my heart rate picks up more for I knew I sounded so dumb. "Please relax, please. It's just me. And please don't tell me you will be this nervous the entire trip." She laughs as I shake my head.

"No. No, I'm sorry I just...I kept playing in my mind what it would be like when we saw each other and...I didn't know I'd be a rambling mess. It's embarrassing. It's like I don't...don't know how to talk," I laugh.

"Well, sometimes it's hard to know how you will be when you haven't seen your best friend in seven years. Ya know? But honestly I am the same person from then, Lena. I've just traveled more and ditched those ugly ass dresses." She laughs taking a sip of her water as I now burst out laughing myself.

"I guess." I smile bashfully. "I was never nervous to talk to you ever." Sipping my soup I glance into her gray eyes as she looks as if she is thinking.

"I know you weren't. I was more nervous to talk to you then. I was very awkward."

"No. No you weren't Stef! To me, you weren't at all. You were perfect...I mean, you," I stutter some more as I play with my napkin, and she grabs my hand and holds it.

"I should make us a drink. I could use a smoke, too. Do you think Gary and Marty will care?" She stands to her feet as I shake my head. But, she smokes?

"We can air it out before they get here, and I don't think they will mind anyway since they smoke too. But I didn't know you smoked?" I get up following her as she laughs and grabs the pack of smokes and lighter out of her coat pocket. "I mean I wouldn't know I guess since we haven't seen each other."

"It's a habit I picked up when I bar tended," she laughs softly as we head to the bar cart.

"Damn," I swear as she smirks. "What, um do you make? Did you like doing it?"

"It wasn't bad. Made a ton of tips but what would you like? MM? I can make you anything."  She asks looking at all the bar cart has to offer.

But, my heart throbs harder in my chest as I look at her, and the air is thick, super thick and I feel the intensity of her stare. God I hope she doesn't feel I am checking her out? But am I? No, no I'm not  as I try to think fast. "Wine. I mean, I'm good with wine. That's fine."

"Sounds good to me!" She laughs as she pulls out a bottle and a wine cork, and soon we are seated on the giant couch with our glasses as she puffs on her smoke.

When did Stef get so, so, sexy? I wonder and so less shy? This wasn't fully the woman I remembered for she seemed much more, well she seemed less constrained by herself and less conservative. Maybe that is what is throwing me off big time. As are facing each other, sharing the blanket I was using earlier before she had arrived,  I boldly reach out and grab her cigarette and take a puff but choke as she watches me with amusement and gently takes it back.

"Are you okay, Lena? Have you ever smoked before?"

I gulp some wine as I look at her, feeling more dumb than ever.

"Um, just once or so. I um...I guess."

"I can teach you the proper way so that you don't choke. If that's ok?"

I nod my head as she finishes it and puts it out in the ashtray she had found on the cart. Sipping her wine, she looks around, and I watch her, unsure what to say, but I finally speak as she looks right back at me.

"I'm not used to this. I mean, I have friends, but not ones I hang out with, you know? I just mostly keep to myself."

"Ya? You're not seeing anybody?" She laughs as she relaxes against the pillows behind her and I see her pretty necklace falling right above her cleavage. I swear I really need to just stop staring and I had to get a grip.

"Ha! No!!!!" I say rather loudly as I sip more wine and begin to relax. "No. I truly am not looking either. I mean, I think I'm...I'm happy being single and focusing on art."

"Yeah? You always did love art I'm happy to hear you have been able to make a living out of it and that you followed your dreams. That's important." She lights another smoke and hands it to me. "Inhale slow. You might feel a bit of burning in your throat." I nod my head as I do as she says this time not choking as much as I hand it back to her and she smiles. "You like Seattle?"

"I do. It's um nice. I mean there are alot of gray days, and it rains alot but for the most part I like it. But you, you move alot Gary said." I sip my wine again as she puffs her smoke.

"Yeah, moving a bit just seeing what place I like the most. But Len, ya know from what I remember you were always very social. You had a ton of friends on base." She turns to look at me again as I shrug.

"I um.. I guess.. I mean art is kinda solo? So maybe..well, Will calls me every now and then. We...we stayed friends."

"Tell me what happened there," she says softly as I reach for the wine bottle and hold it up as she nods. I need more wine if I'm going to spill for this would get heavy beyond words.

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