Trip Day (Part One)

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As I finish up my shift before the holiday, my adrenaline is pumping super high, for not only would I be leaving right after work for Denver, but I had finally made up my mind and decided to fly. Up until three days ago, I had planned on driving the entire way, but the more I researched, the more I realized that I should probably just fly to Denver as it was almost a 20 hour drive from Seattle. There was really no doubt in my mind that I could have driven, but now I feel as if I'll get more time with my friends.

Right now I am just thankful that our museum closes today at noon, for otherwise, I would have been forced to take a later flight which was not something I really wanted to do. With Stef saying she was arriving past 10 I figured it would be better this way so I could get the house prepared a bit and maybe even cook something for us. All in all I was both excited and nervous to see her.

"Hey, Lena, aren't you going out of town today?" I hear Charlie ask as I am currently sorting the receipts for our recent Christmas decorations. Of course, I had been in charge of decorating something I loved, and I needed to turn in the receipts and expenses today before I leave.

"Ummm, yes. Yes, I am," I smile as I look over at Charlie who looks bored out of his mind.

"Do you even know how to ski? I know your from Maine and all then lived in California?"

"Not particularly," I laugh as I rummage through my purse for the Christmas lights' receipt. "But, it can't be any different from surfing right? I mean, I haven't surfed since, well, it's been a bit." I admit for the last time I had surfed was when I lived on base and Stef and I use to go.

"Maybe so? I've never surfed, but skiing? It's pretty fun. Just don't go down the diamond hills until you've practiced. I mean, go down the bunny slopes first."

"Thanks, Charlie," I laugh again as I stand to my feet. "I might not even ski. I'm more interested in taking pictures and sketching."

"But aren't you going to see some old friends? Man, Lena, you're always working. I think you need an actual break," he laughs as I roll my eyes for what did he know about me besides nothing.

"Believe it or not, Charlie? I actually am relaxed when I'm working on my art." I walk away before I say something ruder than that as I make my way to HR. This day can't go fast enough, as my stomach does cart wheels, as I think about my phone call with Stef last night that literally had me feeling like a giddy school girl inside. I was so glad she had called and managed to reach me for she said she had tried several times during the course of the week.


As I finish pouring my freshly brewed tea, I jump when my phone rings, for it was almost eight o'clock at night. I wonder who it is for I had already spoken to my parents this week. Even Will had called, as we kept in touch off and on and I was glad our friendship was still very much in tact even if our marriage wasn't.

"Hello?" I reach for the honey as I answer the phone and almost drop the jar when I hear a very familiar voice. Oh my goodness was it who I thought it was?

"Hey, Lena? This is Stef. Stef Foster."

"Stef?" I manage as I set my spoon down and lean against the counter in complete shock, for I hadn't heard from her in years. Almost seven to be exact but sadly I had not reached out to her either when I as trying to get my life together.

"I hope it''s not a bad time to call. I actually jumped through hoops to get your number," she laughs softly as I smile, for I had really missed this laugh and the sound of her voice. "Actually, your dad was the one who gave it to me, and he wasn't sure exactly what time you got off work each day. I've been trying to call you for several days." Her smooth voice comes across the phone line as my heart pounds wildly in my chest, for it feels very surreal to be speaking to her. And hearing her voice reminds me of how much I've missed her. How could I not keep in contact with her? Why had we left it fade and dissipate all together? Why? If we had meant so much to each other.

"I'm sorry I didn't keep in touch, Stef. It''s good to hear from you."

"Oh, it's okay. I wasn't the greatest at it either," her awkward laugh isn't lost on me as I smile. "Ummm, I'm not upset about it, but what are you doing out in Seattle?" I feel a bit shaky right now as I manage to stir some honey into my tea before I drag a chair over to sit.

"It's a very long story, but well, I don't...I don't want to bore you," I am the one to laugh awkwardly now as I play with the phone chord. "But, how have you been?"

"You never bored me, Lena. Ever, and I'd love to catch up and know what's been going on with you. But I've been okay. I'm out in Kansas again. How''s Will doing?"

"Oh ummm...we...well, ummm, after the war, it took a huge toll, you know?" I begin nervously as I squeeze my eyes shut. How much do I tell her? I always did trust her, but it's been a while and all I want to do is catch up more than anything...but in person would be better.

"Yes. Yes, I know. Can I ask what happened?" She asks softly as I take a deep breath.

"It just...didn't work out. We split amicably. Pretty much as if we never married. I...I'm not Lena Adams anymore. It's kinda weird hearing my maiden name again. But enough about me. How's Kansas?"

"I'm incredibly sorry to hear that, Lena," she says softly. "I really am, but Kansas is, well, Kansas. Remember how I told you about how flat it is?" she laughs.

"Oh, yes! Have you been able to ride horses since going back?" I smile as I'm glad to not be talking about me and my sad life before now.

"No, not yet. I'm actually working at the Fort Riley Base as a secretary. But ummm, you're going to Colorado? Gary and Marty called me before they called you. Well, Gary did. And I wondered if you took the invitation."

Tears now sting my eyes as I swallow back my tears, for I know how hard it must be for her to be back there in Kansas where she was married. Did she miss Mike? I'm not sure, and I'm afraid to ask. I knew that she was fond of him, but did she ever really love him? I quickly wipe my eyes and smile as I answer. "I am actually. And I'm so glad you called, Stef. I'm anxious to actually take a vacation and...and see everyone. So, I take it you're going?"

"I definitely am. I plan on driving out there. It should be less than an eight hour drive if I don't stop a lot. So, that's why I called. To see if you were going. It'll be good to see you again, Lena."

I smile as I lay my on my arm on the edge of the counter, for I cannot believe that I will see her and soon. "When are you leaving?"

"Well, I actually am leaving tomorrow afternoon. I took a half day at work so I should get there mm, around 10 or so at night. Plus, my mother set me up on a date with this guy..tomorrow night, and ummm, ya. I'm kinda ditching him."

"Oh. You're not happy?" I ask as I sip my now cooled off tea.

"Not necessarily. There's a reason I haven't dated anyone since...well, since Mike. I just...I love being single," she laughs easily as I wonder how she really is feeling.


Thankfully my work day goes by rather quickly, and as I hail a cab over to Seattle Tacoma International Airport my heart races as I think that by the end of the day, I will not only be in Denver, but will see my best friend.

Our conversation last night on the phone was so refreshing, and I know that we have quite a bit to catch up on, which was fine. I wondered if she still baked, if she still loved to sing and play music? I wondered if she still loved to have deep conversations and daydream about the future. I wondered all of that as I was now even more excited that we would have time before all our other friends arrived and we would be caught up in no time.

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