Dinner Chat

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As the day progresses,  and the snow becomes heavier once again I help Stef clean up the kitchen before we head out to the living room to hopefully catch a holiday movie. I'm glad she bought a TV guide too so we could see what was playing all week and maybe catch a few of our favorites as she adds more logs to the fireplace making it even more cozy in here.

As we sip hot tea I can't help but sit closer to her as we snuggle a bit with a warm blanket. Her body was so warm, and I was trying to calm my nerves from how tense it had gotten in the kitchen. When did Stef gives off so much sexual energy? When had she gotten like this where she was making me blush and making me weak in the sense that I wanted her to touch me so badly. Had it always been like this between us? Had the sexual tension always been like this or had she changed? Or had I changed? Or had we changed? God I just didn't know as I now rest my head on her arm.

"You tired love? MM?" She whispers as I nod my head.

"A tad I guess. Is that normal for a hangover?"

"Yes. But I think it's slowly leaving your system. Ya'll be ok." She soothes. "But rest your head in my lap love. It will be more comfortable."

I don't object as I do as she says feeling even more calm and relaxed. Stef always had this affect on me, if I think long and hard about it, or maybe it was the fact we had this affect on each other.  I wasn't sure but as I feel her play in my curls, something she always use to do on base I close my eyes for what I thought was only a few minutes. But it turned out to be much longer then that for when I wake up I see it is now dark outside. I also smell food cooking and realize that Stef had not only covered me with a blanket but also must have continued to feed the fire in the fireplace, for it was still roaring and the TV was shut off.

I get up and realize that she is just finishing up setting the table as I rub my eyes and stretch. "Oh my god! I'm not a very good room mate. You should have woken me up! I would have helped you!" I say as I see she had made spaghetti, meatballs, salad and garlic bread as I also see a bottle of wine.

"Nonsense. I never get to cook for anyone. It feels kinda good," she winks at me, and I realize she must have showered too, for her hair is drying in soft waves around her face, and she has changed into plaid pj pants a and soft brown army t-shirt, one which I would recognize anywhere for Will had the same on that I had washed Will's before he left and after he came back from Vietnam. I can't help but stare as I realize that once again, she does not have a bra on as I take a seat.

"I hear you. It's kinda like being on base. Cooking only for me," I laugh as she, too takes a seat and begins dishing out food for me as I awkwardly unfold the napkin and lay it over my legs.

She licks her lips as she looks across the table at me. "Do you miss it? Being an army wife?"

"No. I mean, I loved the friendships I made on that base, Stef, but ummm, it wasn't the same in Georgia. I was so happy Will didn't sign up for a second round. I think I would have gone back to Maine," I laugh as I twirl spaghetti on my fork.

"What happened there?"

"Oh. Well, you remember Jenna?"

"Ha! What kind of question is that?" She laughs as I laugh with her then stop. "Of course I remember that heffier. I told her off you know."

"What? When?" I look up at her as she takes a sip of her wine.

"Many times, and I told that bitch hairdresser off to for messing with your hair."

"Oh. I, I had no idea. But, didn't that make things harder for you?"

"In what sense love?" She twirls her one spagetti as I hold my fork continuing to look at her for I really had no idea about any of this.

"Well,I know you didn't hang out with her by choice. I mean you sort of had to fit in with them, Right?"

"I think as I look back I had a choice.  Mike preferred that I hang with them, because they were my people so to say. It was ridicuolos because I had nothing in common with them. At all.  You were my best friend Lena, and I didn't care what happened after I told Jenna to screw off and that if she didn't stop messing with you my fist would meet her face." She says as I nearly spit my food out.

"You said that! Really?"

"I did yes. I stick up for people I care about. And I cared about you. So tell me what happened in Georgia?"She asks as I am rather blown away by what she admitted. I am and it wasn't that I didn't think she did it I just didn't realize. I had no earthly idea as she waits patiently for me to answer.

"Well um, I think meeting Jenna and all of them was the universe's way of preparing me for Georgia. I mean, Tess...I..." I bite my bottom lip as I didn't mean to mention her, but Stef just shakes her head.

"I'll tell you like I told you years ago, Lena. You can mention her, and I don't care. I just don't. She doesn't know me, and if she chooses not to? I don't know what to tell her."

I laugh as I shake my head and grab a piece of garlic bread. "Well, she tried to warn me about Georgia before we left. And well, I heard her, but I figured it couldn't be as bad or worse than Jenna and her crew. I was so dumb, though. Like...I rarely left the house," I whisper the last part as Stef sits forward.

"Why are you whispering?" She smirks as I shake my head. "But, I'm sorry you went through that. I mean, when we'd talk on the phone, I could tell that there was something you weren't telling me. I just didn't want to pry."

"Yep. You were right. But I knew you were struggling with...missing Mike, and I couldn't add my burden on you, Stef. I just cared about how you were feeling and wished more than anything I could be with you," I blush deeply now as I say the last part, for it sounded like I meant more, and I quickly sip my wine as I try to take it back. "I mean, I wished that...that I could...I wished that I could be back in California and..."

"Lena, my love," Stef sets down her fork now as she reaches across the table and grabs my hand cutting me off. "Hey, what's going on? MM? You never faltered when talking to me, and we've spent an entire day together getting reacquainted, baking, laughing. Talk to me, baby," she lets the pet name slip as I become even more flustered. So flustered that I don't know what to say or do as I look down at my plate, my breathing picking up big time. This woman was going to be the death of me as she had gotten even more affectionate then she was back on base and it was throwing me for a loop.

"I've been really stuttering over my words," I finally reply as I look up and across the table at her as she stares intensely at me.

"Yes? And why so? What are you afraid of, sweetheart? Have I ever gotten upset with anything you ever had to say? Tell me of a time because I'm wondering why I am making you so uncomfortable, love."

I take another sip of wine as I am happy I had eaten quite a bit, for I wouldn't be wasted like last night. "No. No, you haven't, Stef. But can I ask you something?" I laugh awkwardly as I shift in my seat.

"Anything," she sits back as she wipes her mouth with her napkin, and once more the room is super hot as I just figure I'll blurt it out.

"Did I tell you that I loved you last night or am I dreaming?" I laugh awkwardly, for I have bits and pieces of a memory, and I am not sure if I actually said anything or if I was just feeling it or what happened.

She blushes now as she looks down then back at me. "You did, and more actually, but it's okay. I'm not upset or turned away. I wouldn't have spent an entire day with you if I was and I know we both drank alot."

"Oh, man. I'm so embarrassed," I bury my face in my hands, and I jump slightly I feel Stef's hand on my back, and I look up to see she's looking down at me and smiling softly. God what else did I tell her? I really didn't want to even know what I said.

"We need to figure this out Lena, so that you feel ok around me. I truly am the same person I was on base, and nothing you say can turn me off or away. So, here's my suggestion. We leave this here. I'll clean it up in the morning, and we go get in that jacuzzi. I actually learned about massages while trying out another profession," she laughs as I giggle with her.

"You wanted to massage people?" I squeak out as I stand, and we both laugh hysterically now as that was enough to break the ice as she grabs the wine bottle, and I grab both of our glasses as we head upstairs.

"Yes another crazy idea! I'll tell you all about it!"

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