Flying Into Denver

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As the plane taxis down the runway around 2:40 PM, PST, I look out the window as I exhale. This was a straight flight sitting at about two hours and forty-four minutes which would have me landing at Denver International Airport around 6:24 PM, CST. I knew it would be dark by then and at least an hour drive to, Evergreen, where their little cabin was from the airport. It wasn't completely ideal but I would grab a cab like Gary suggested since the locals knew the area and how to navigate the mountains.

As I sit back and relax I hadn't realized just how much I had been pouring into my art and work, and if I'm completely honest with myself, I really do need this time away from it all. I had spent so much time trying to make a life for myself that I had forgotten about my friends from base, or moreso I had not made the time or effort to get together with them.

Sure, I had brought some art supplies and a smaller canvas to do some paintings of the Rockies, but in all, I planned on taking as many photographs as I possibly could and to enjoy my friends. Had I driven, I would have been able to take more of the countryside, but then I would have had to cut my visit short.

And Gary was right. Art would always be there, and so would my job which was nice enough to allow me to take all this time off. But, friendships were the most important and especially these friendships.

I smile as I look out the window of the plane seeing we have now reached full altitude, as I fondly remember Stef Foster's caring eyes, her stunning smile and all around, her vibrant personality. Even if she seemed shy out in public, and when I had first met her, the more time we spent together, she became much more open. It wasn't that she was so much shy, it was more I could see that no one had really allowed her to be her. The person she was was affectionate, sweet, someone who loved to sing, have a good conversation about anything in life and from what I gathered she liked to be free. And when I saw that free side it made me smile widely and wonder what else she was hiding about who she really was.

One of my favorite memories of her, was when she had slipped on a pair of my bell bottom jeans for the hell of it. That evening, she had also paired it with one of my tube tops and sat between my legs as I brushed her long, flowing hair and french braided it. I loved it, as it smelled of strawberries and lavender and if I was honest it drove my sense crazy at the time. But I didn't know, and I had no real idea of the kind of effect she really had on me.

I was shocked she even allowed me to photograph her, since she was so bashful even if we never left the house. But she was not only stunning, but I saw her as the most beautiful human I had ever laid eyes on and for the first time in my life the air was sucked out of my lungs.


"Oh my god! Come here! Look in the mirror, Stef!" I smile widely as she had just come out of the bathroom with the bell bottoms I had lent her and a light blue, ruffled tube top. I swallowed hard as I looked at her broad shoulders, speckled with freckles across her ivory skin as I quickly grab her hand as she giggles.

"Look in the mirror in my room. Come on!" I giggle with her as I flip on my light and she walks over to look in the floor length mirror.

Her shy eyes meet mine in the mirror as I reach out to run my fingers down her golden strands of hair before pulling her hair back with one hand as I stand behind her. She shakes her head as her bangs flutter, and I smile at her flushed face. "Let me french braid your hair. I can even trim your bangs if...if you wanted," I offer softly as she smiles softly.

"Ya?" I watch as she smooths a hand down over her hip and turns her body to the side as if she's studying her curves for the first time, and I drop her heavy waves as they splash across her bare shoulders. "I look...different?" She says unsure of herself as I clasp my hands under my chin.

"But I LOVE it! You're...gorgeous," I giggle again as she nods her head and looks at me once more.

"Sure. You can do my hair. I trust you," she beams as I clap and hurry to my bathroom to rummage for a brush, for I never ever brushed my hair if I could help it. I can only hope maybe Will left one behind, but after a bit, all I can find is a wide toothed comb as well as a hair band before I meet Stef in the living room and motion for her to come over.

She looks deeply into my eyes before she sits between my knees, cross legged as I run my fingers through her waves and begin combing them gently. "Your hair is so different. I almost forgot how to work with it," I laugh softly as she gently places her hand on my shin, and I feel goosebumps flood my body.

"You've done mine?" She asks softly as I continue to comb her hair.

"Yes. All of my friends are...white, but none had hair this thick. I love it," I smile as I hand her the comb and begin to braid it.

"Fine? Soft?"

"Well, yes, my one friend had super stick straight hair, and it was super fine. So, I had a hard time braiding it. It was easier to do when it was wet. Then I have another friend who's hair is super curly, but the texture is...much different than mine still. Anyway, yours is...well, my favorite," I admit as I feel her hand move softly up and down my shin as she moves to wrap her arms under both of my legs like she's hugging me, and I almost forget how to braid.

It doesn't take me too long, and before long, she turns to look at me, her cheeks pink and eyes bright. "So, my bangs?"

I take my fingers and softly brush them to the side a bit, out of her eyes. "Maybe I won't cut them. You can always grow them out if you wanted," I smile as she stares at me so intensely, I can barely breathe. "I...I kinda like them like this," I maneuver them so they stay swept to the side as I feel her hands now on my thighs.

"Thanks, Lena," she says softly as I smile.

"No problem, but do you mind if I...photograph you? I mean we don't have to go anywhere. I just...I think you're really pretty."

"Ya? You want to take my picture? I don't think anyone has ever wanted to before." She laughs as I smile widely.

"Yes! I think you could be a model!" I giggle now as she blushes deeply and I stand to my feet and she follows close behind. "Come beautiful you will be amazed at how beautiful you really are."


That evening, she had spent the night over my house, and I enjoyed it when she lay in my lap and let me run my fingers over her long braid. She had killed me when she had finally grabbed my hand and kissed my fingers. I was thankful the light wasn't on and that we were watching the television, for otherwise, she may have known just how much she had an effect on me.

All I can do is just close my eyes as I let my mind daydream about what this trip will be like and what it will be like to see Stef again. Goodness Lord.

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