Can't It be Just Us?

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After spending what seemed like days in bed, laughing, joking, making endless love, sipping wine and eating Stef's desserts I realized this was the person I had been missing in my life. She really was and the seven years we had been apart, I now wonder how I was able to do it. How could I forget how she made me feel, how she made me happy, smile, laugh and feel good about myself. How? I just didn't know and the only answer I had was I tried my hardest to forget and to not feel the pain of the emptiness I felt day in and day out without her.

"Penny for your thoughts, my love?" I suddenly hear Stef say as she is now whipping up some cupcakes and muffins as I lick the batter off the spoon. "What has my love so deep in thought?" Christmas music plays in the background as I have on one of her soft plaid shirts.

"Just thinking." I smile.


"Is it mean of me that I just want it to be us?" I laugh as she looks at me smiling. "I mean the last three days have felt like...well..."


"Yes. And it pains me to think that everyone is coming in like a day, and we won't be alone. I mean we just...just told each other how we feel, Stef."

"I know baby, but we still have today and tomorrow. We do, honey." She smiles and stands between my legs lifting my chin up. "I still have time to christen every room, ya know."

I can't help but blush and giggle, as Stef leans in to kiss me softly as I rub my nose against hers. I smile one again rather shyly as she winks at me and goes back to he baking. Goodness I could do this forever with her as I really didn't want everyone else to com and ruin things.

"SO any special dinner requests for tonight? I figured we should probably eat something more than sweets and wine my love. Even if you tasted the best." She looks at me winking as I can't help but giggle like a school girl all over again.

"No! BUTTTTT, now that you ask, I actually should cook for YOU! I like cooking, you know, or did you forget," I tease watching her pull out a muffin pan and begin buttering each slot.

"I did not forget, but I really don't mind cooking, love. I love spoiling you."

"I know, but I want to. Let me cook for you tonight THEN...hear me out. We'll go cut down a Christmas tree and decorate it."

She looks right at me as my hands clasped in excitement under my chin as she burst out laughing. "Whattt. You know I love Christmas."

"I know love but you're goofy. I'm not so sure there are Christmas trees on this land, sweets. Plus, maybe Gary and Marty want to bring one. I don't want to overstep. I can hear Julius and...and Tess now complaining that I made you do everything without them as usual," She laughs awkwardly as I shake my head and jump off the counter before wrapping my arms around her from behind and kissing her cheek from the side.

"I know. But maybe we could drive into town before it's dark and get a small tree for our room. I should have clarified, baby," I whisper in her ear as she laughs softly now turns around and wraps her arms around me kissing me softly.

"You never cease to amaze me, Lena Elizabeth," She kisses me softly, and I cant help but bury my fingers in her hair and our kiss deepens even more as I softly moan. "I have no damn idea how I'm going to keep my hands off of you when everyone comes. That's my biggest issue."

"MM ya'll have to try." I tease as she pushes me against the counter as I slide my hands under her tank tugging on her nipples, and just like that, she sits me on the counter ripping my panties down and burying her face between my legs as I push into her and I cant help but moan loudly.

My legs continue to shake as she licks me more and more deeply. "STEFFFF!!!!!! AHHHHH, FUCK ME! Lick me deeper. More baby...more, pleaseee" I scream cuming like crazy which was something she knew how to do to me as I yank her blonde hair harder. Opening my eyes a bit I see her staring hard at me, my shirt wide open, my chest rising up and down as our eyes meet.

"Fuck, Lena. You distract the hell out of me," She grins as she helps me sit up and I wrap my legs around her waist as I cup her cheeks. God, she was so beautiful. The most beautiful woman ever.

"You love it," I whispers softly as I lean in to kiss her.



"Stef I love this one! Oh, can we get this one!?" Lena says smiling so widely as we had driven into Evergreen to shop for a little tree. It was really nice if I was honest as the snow fell a tad and we had stopped at a little booth to grab hot chocolate.

Yes, I would love to hold her hand, yes I would love to tell the world how I loved her and how it took seven years to say it and realize it but I knew that was out the question. It was, as I smile at her nodding my head.

"Sure love. But do you think it's too big?" I sip my hot cocoa as she shakes her head.

"Nooooo. It's a great size! How much?" She asks turning to the tree seller.

"Five." He says as I dig in my pocket for my wallet and Lena stops me.

"No, I'll get it. It was my silly idea," she giggles as I shake my head.

"Nope. I will. My treat. I will."

"Stef." She says rather stubbornly as I hand the man a five plus a tip to wrap it up for us. Thanking him I hold the little tree for her as she turns to look at me. "Stef, I'm giving you that money back. You've bought groceries and now the tree. I have to pay for something, you know."

"You are most certainty not. Now don't spoil our first date with nonsense." I laugh as she looks at me her face growing soft.

"Our...our date?"

"Yeah. To get your little tree and walk around a bit to enjoy the decorations. I mean I'd love to hold your hand and kiss you, but I know we can do that at home. But it's the first time we have really been out you know, knowing how we feel about each other. Maybe we can even catch a movie. I'm sure there I can hold your hand since it's dark." I smile as her face grows even more sensitive. "I can't let my woman pay for things on a date."

"Your woman? Is that what I am?" She places her hand on her hip as I laugh my ass off.

"Only if you want to be. I mean, I'm not going to force you or anything." I look straight ahead as I have a fake stern look on my face as we near my mustang, and she tugs my coat sleeve.

"You're not! Stef...yes, I would love to be your woman," she whispers the last part as I can feel the familiar tug between us as I shove the tree in the back seat and turn to look back at her.

"So, which is it? A movie or?"

Her face flushes now as she giggles behind her cup of hot cocoa, and I can read her mind more than anything as I wink at her. "C'mon, let's go back."

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