They're Here

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"Goodness, it's hot as the Congo in here! Mocha, are you melting in here, baby!? Where are you!?" The two women hear from the kitchen as Stef quickly pulls her hand out of Lena's panties. They had no clue anyone was showing up this evening no clue at all as they scrambled to adjust their clothing and hair.

"Shit." Lena mutters as Stef runs her fingers over her hair making sure its not a mess from Lena running her fingers thought it when they were making out and pulling it. "They aren't supposed to be here until tomorrow. What the fuck?" She whispers to the blonde as Stef softly smiles at how annoyed the slim woman is. She too was rather disappointed and hoped they would have another night alone to fuck all over he cabin and do as they pleased.

"Where you atttt, honey chile!" Julius screeches as they hear a thud. "You hiding baby, all alone in here!?"

"Julius! Quit your screeching! I'm sure she's here." They suddenly hear Tess as Lena rolls her eyes as the two are still in the kitchen.

"Let's sneak out the back." She whispers as the blonde can't help but laugh and she pulls her down from the counter.

"Come, love." Smiling at Lena the two unhook their hands as Gary and Marty also enter the home.

But as Julius is mumbling and looking around he turns around to see Lena and to his surprise, Stef. What in the fuck was she doing here, and no one mentioned SHE was coming? UGHH! He thought to himself as he brushed it off directing his gaze at Lena.

"Mocha!!! Hi, baby!!!" He says running to her and hugging her as the light skinned woman hugs him back but rather on the annoyed side. She was still pissed from the story Stef had just told her and was itching to tell him off along with Tess. "Looky!! Aren't you a beauty!" He smiles widely as Stef greets Gary and Marty with a giant hug and smile.

"Your cabin is a beauty, guys, simply amazing." She says as the two grab her hand, holding it.

"Ohhh thank you. We are so happy you came baby! Have you enjoyed it so far?"

"Very much so." She smiles and looking over she sees both Tess and Julius glaring at her. Maybe seven years ago she would have been intimidated by the pair but not any longer which they had no idea of as she stared right back not breaking eye contact.

"Who invited the Bible Thumper? Or should I say the lumberjack? Least we know who can chop all our wood." Julius whispers to Tess as the dark skinned woman laughs quietly.

"Hey, Lena! Good to see you," Jerry tips his hat as she smiles widely and extends her hand. Taking it, he pulls her in for a hug as Ryan holds out his hand to Stef.

"Hey, Stef! I don't think we've met. I'm Ryan, Julius' partner."

"Nice to meet you, Ryan. Lena's told me about you. You were over in Vietnam with Gary right?" She asks noticing how kind and polite he is as she smiles widely at him. Sure Ryan had heard about Stef a great deal from Julius and from what the man had said he expected someone very different. But Ryan knew how Julius was and wanted to come up with his own opinion about the blonde whom so far seemed very sweet.

"Yes. I was sorry to hear about Mike. From what I heard, he was a great soldier." The dark skinned man says respectfully about her late husband.

"Thank you. That's nice of you to say." The blonde steps back as she clears her throat.

"Well, we were baking cookies. We weren't expecting anyone tonight at all; so, we don't have dinner made," Lena breaks the silence as they all stand around in the living room.

"We brought a ton of groceries, but go ahead and go back to baking, baby. We'll all bring the stuff in and get settled!" Marty smiles as Julius shakes his head, tightening his coat around himself.

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