Christmas Dinner

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"You are as hot as fuck!" Lena whispers in Stef's ear as she runs her hands over her stomach, kissing her from behind. She had found Stef in the kitchen by herself, and wanted to take advantage of the moment for they had not gotten a moment alone all day.

Not that they couldn't  show affection in front of their friends now since the couple was out but they didn't like showing too much. They would be lying if they didn't feel they weren't in their glory, the happiest they had ever been in their lives right and just living their best life. The time at the cabin, the ability to connect with each other in less then a week made Stef wonder what in the hell her life had been like had she not gone. Lena wondered the same as she had planned to work on her art projects, but love took the front seat.

Tonight was their Christmas dinner and pretty much everyone was excited. Tess, was very wary still and really had not spoken much to Lena the entire day. She was still in shock and still did not think what Lena was doing was smart or the best choice. Was her friend gay? When did this even happen? Was she having a crisis? Tess didn't know at all and now that Julius seemed to like Stef, she was in this alone.

Stef was wearing a black, sleeveless jumpsuit and had curled her hair in soft waves around her face turning the curly haired woman on more than ever, for she still was in awe at Stef's newer taste in apparel.  It was just so her, and she was just so sexy as her black platform shoes made her taller than Lena now as Stef melted into her girlfriend's arms.

"Mmmm, you're not too bad yourself, sweetheart," Stef says softly as Lena kisses all over her neck. "You smell good too, baby," she says seductively as Lena giggles like a school girl just eating up every single bit of Stef's attention, love and affection.

"Oh ya? Maybe it's the new perfume you bought me, sneaky rabbit," Lena teases as Stef turns in her arms.

"I couldn't NOT give you a gift, baby. Not at all, and the rest of your gift will be tonight in our private jacuzzi since we have peeping toms in the house," Stef nuzzles Lena's neck as they hear someone loudly clear their throat and pull back some.

"Do you, two, need to be told to get a room? Jesus Christ!" Julius giggles as the two women laugh at him.

"Well, you look rather dashing," Stef smiles as Julius had cleaned up nicely wearing a smart white dress shirt and black and white checkered bow tie and red suspenders. He also had on a black velvet fedora on his head which he now dips as he bows.

"Why thank you, my lady!"

"Doesn't my girlfriend look glamorous?" Stef smiles at Lena who is giggling and blushing as she now is holding a glass of white wine.

"Yes, but look at yourself TOOOOOO! Jesus, woman! Why couldn't you have worn that years ago! You were hidden under all of that paisley and pink flowers! It gave me a damm headache. And those long bangs! No one could ever see these pretty eyes of yours!

"Heyyyyy, what's wrong with flowers!" Lena pretends to be hurt as Julius back tracks for Lena's navy blue dress had off white and burgundy tinted flowers. Stef looks at her and smiles as she reaches out her forefinger and runs it along the dip in the front of the dress to her cleavage and back over her collarbone and back to where the dress dips in the back.

"Mmmm, it's sexy as fuck. Don't listen to him." She flirts teasing Lena on even more.

"I didn't mean ALLLLLL flowers! Don't be salty, Mocha! You've always been classy! Now you both could be on the cover of a magazine!"

"Ha! Is that so! You mean Jesus Magazine?" Stef jokes as Julius playfully rolls his eyes at his new friend for he knew he was NEVER gonna live that one down.

"NOOO. I mean Cosmo, Vogue. All that. They could interview you for Cosmo for sure with all that sexual tension you both have! Tell me is the sex good! Must be by the way Mocha is giggling all the time!"

"Jules! That's none of your business!" Lena says as Stef can't help but laugh her ass off.

"OHHH but it is honey!! And I'm soooo intrigued. Is it better then it was with Will?" He presses eager to know as Stef takes a seat and sips her wine. "I mean if you two LIKED each other all this time you MUST have fucked on base!"

"I am not telling you that! You are so nosy!" Lena takes out a few glasses  to set the table as Julius looks to Stef who has a smirk on her face which tells him everything

"You must have done something!  YOU mean you did nothing on base blondie!"

"No, we didn't Julius."Stef smiles puffing her smoke.

"YOU LIAR! I can see it on your face! Even if you didn't full blown have sex then I bet you both kissed or cuddled or saw each other naked!! I know you got freaky! I just know it!!! That bible stuff was allll an act wasn't it?" He takes a seat next to the blonde dying to know as Stef only laughs at him.

"Julues, my love, the bible stuff was all I knew babe. It wouldn't say it was an act it was more what I thought I was. Lena showed me who I was and I'm forever grateful for that." She smiles as Julius lets out a sigh.

"I am too. Because you are a beauty anddddddd I do like you."

"Well, I like you too love."

"Good! Now you don't plan on staying in Kansas do you? I is this gonna work." He points between both women as the entire gang enters the kitchen and Stef places her hand on Julius.

"Lets just say I think ya'll see more of me." She winks as Julius claps his hands in excitement as everyone takes their seat around the giant table laughing, talking and passing the food around.

Tonight there were no fights, even if both Stef and Lena caugh Tess staring many time at the both fo them and the blonde offered a smile each time only causing the woman to look away. It was what it was as Stef looked right at Lena who smiled bashfully at her.

"Love, I just want to thank you for coming on this trip babe."

"Me? No, I should thank you. I wasn't really going to come unless you did." Lena whispers back as the rest of the group talks loudly amongst themselves. "I only came because of you."

"That's funny to know. But, I'm glad you did sweets and um there's no way I can not be with you. I just can't wait to start our life."

"I think it's already begun." Lena smiles as she clicks her wine glass on Stef's and leans in kissing her lips. "I love you honey."

"I love you too sweetheart. Forever."

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Oct 18, 2021 ⏰

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