A Day in Bed

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Opening my eyes a bit I see that it is now morning as once again the snow is falling heavily. It was kind of nice, if I was honest being together with Lena in this cabin and having an excuse not to go anywhere. The snow just made it even more special and Christmas-like as I smile thinking back to last night. My body was still on fire from making love all night to Lena, as I had never experienced anything like that in my life. Not one bit for it seemed my heart, my mind and my body had waited almost eight years to make love to her.

Turning over now as I feel the thin sheet covering my naked body I see she isn't beside me as I frown. Was it all a dream? No way! No way at all as I soon hear our bedroom door open as she walks in with a tray and my smile returns. Goodness, she was beautiful with her long curls and chocolate skin.

"Morning, sleepyhead. I made us hot chocolate with marshmallows." She says walking over to the bed and wearing one of my plaid shirts, unbuttoned and nothing else, something that instantly makes me incredibly hot all over again as I wouldn't mind to lick between her legs right now.

Happily, she places the tray on my little night stand as I turn over on my back and she straddles me once again. Smiling at me she runs her fingers down the side of my face as I smirk and grab one kissing it gently. It seemed whatever shyness she had been feeling had vanished after last night and I was happy about that. Very much so.

"Did you now?"

"Yes. Want me to pour some on your naked body and lick it off? The whipped cream, that is?"

"Ooooo, listen to you now! The one who was so shy when I got here." I tease as she blushes. Gently I reach up and rub her cheek. "I'm teasing, beautiful, and that was a nice night last night, yes?"

"It was. " She leans down and kisses my lips as I sit up and rest my back against the headboard. "Want a smoke? I know you like one when you wake up."

"MM, in a bit. I'll admire you first." I wink as she smiles widely pressing her lips against mine once again as I run my hand between her perky breasts.

"You're beautiful and umm, rather amazing in bed," she says shyly as I play with her curls.

"I'm beautiful? Not as much as you and believe me sugar, you are damn good in bed too."  I run my hand up her thigh again and over her ass as she looks deeply at me once more, almost as if she wants to ask me something but isn't sure.



"You've been with a woman before?" She looks at me as if she's worried about how I'll answer. "I mean it's none of my business, and you don't need to tell me. You just seem to, well know what you're doing is all. And I don't mean to pry. You really don't need to tell me."

"You aren't prying at all and I will tell you anything. I always have but just one, love. And it was...well, not like this."

"What do you mean?" She asks confused as I grab her hand playing with her soft slender fingers.

"Len, the other day when, well, when I said I never...well you know had an orgasm.  Well, I have but not with a man and I didn't know how to explain that. I didn't lie I just..."

"It's ok, Stef. I'm not mad at all. Definitely not. But please talk to me too.  You can. I mean you know how much I care about you and how much I always have and well..how I love you." She reassures as she gently strokes my cheek as I debate on how to tell her something I never have ever told anyone. Not even myself. " It's ok. Tell me, baby."

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