First Night (Part One)

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As I sip my hot cocoa that I was happy to find out on the counter, it is calming my nerves a bit as I curl under one of the wool blankets that I found in the cedar chest behind the large sofa. This cabin still proves to be beyond cozy, and I'm not sure why I hadn't thought to come out here before now.

Gary and Marty came out here to this area annually, and they had invited me several times, but me being me, I had always found an excuse as to why I couldn't. Usually it had to do with work, or I was too busy, or preparing for a show or my own show and before I knew it, years had flown by.

The entire thing was ridiculous but I am so happy that I came this time and I think it was mainly because I wanted to see Stef. And that was okay, for it really was a place that could heal my soul as I had scoped out the rest of the cabin and just as expected the three bedrooms down here were amazingly decorated to a T along with the bathrooms.

Sure the cabin was quiet now, but I knew once everyone arrived it would be filled with laughter, the smell of food and holiday joy. But, I could wait on that as I look at the wall clock once again seeing it is now approaching past 11 PM.

Growing rather bummed, I figure the storm must have stopped Stef and it was better that she be safe than sorry. Even if I was really looking forward to seeing her tonight, mostly to take away the anticipation I had over it and the nervousness, as long as she was safe that was all that mattered to me.

Sighing, I take another sip of my hot chocolate and grab a Vogue Magazine out of the wicker basket. Taking a few more which consisted of Harper's Bazaar, W Magazine, Vanity Fair, and Glamour, I smile as I'm now lost in the fashions from 1975. Laughing I realize that all these magazines are a couple of years old, but it doesn't make a difference to me. In my opinion, fashion is fashion, and I marvel at the various outfits as I hear a car door slam outside and my eyes bug out.

Instantly I close the magazine as I swing my legs out from under me and sit up straight, my heart beating a hundred miles per hour. Stef must have traveled in this storm, unless it was someone else, as I jump to my feet and I nervously look out the front window seeing someone get out of a yellow car. Oh my god it is her!! SHIT!

Rather than open the door for her and greet her like I should, my nerves get the best of me as I run to the kitchen and frantically look around. Crap, I was supposed to make us food! But I swore to myself, she wasn't coming!

Swinging open the fridge which I had done hours before in search of food I find nothing but somehow I think this time food would magically appear. But again all I see is an expired half gallon of milk and a carton of baking soda.

Running over to the cabinets again I begin flinging them open one at a time, for I really had convinced myself that Stef wouldn't be coming tonight at all. Or maybe my nerves had done that as all I see are the same two cans of baked beans, tuna, a pack of crackers, oatmeal, peanut butter, and soup I found earlier. Why had I not cooked this earlier? Why did I think she wasn't coming? Oh right because my stupid nerves got the best of me which is why I had not eaten and only could down that stupid hot chocolate I found behind the coffee pot.

"Shit," I mutter to myself as I hear the front door open and the sound of boots across the wooden floor as it is almost like I can't breathe at all now. Not one bit.

"Hello? Lena? It's me, Stef!" She yells a bit as I quickly yank the hair band off of my wrist and I pull my hair up and straighten the long tie dye t-shirt I'm wearing. I look down at my bare feet and can kick myself for not wearing slippers, or even something a bit more flattering even if I did paint my toenails a bright pink last night. I take a deep breath as I walk over towards the living room but run smack into Stef as she reaches out to grab my arms.

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