O, Christmas Tree

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"No way! I am not going with them to get any damn tree!" Lena shouts as I am trying my hardest to calm her down. "After Tess got in your face like that! NO WAY! I can't even look at any of them! Fuck that!"

"Babe." I try to calm her as I can see how angry Lena is, her face beat red, and I know that she's also hungover and tired on top of it all. "You have to calm down, sweetness. It's ok, love."

"Stef, it's not. It's not ok. I am done with Tess and JULIUS! In fact we are leaving!" She moves away yanking her luggage out as she begins to throw her clothes in, not caring if it's folded or not, and I know she's in a blind rage, something I've never seen in her, ever. "Come, pack your things because I won't have it."

"Baby," I say taking her shirt out that she just put in as she looks at me. "Come here."

"Stef! I wont have them treat you like this. I know Gary and Marty and Ryan stood up for you but I..."

"Babe, I'm fine." I cut her off as I pull her to me, and I run my hand up and down her back as I feel how tense she is. "I can hold my own and I love it here, don't you? MM? It's been a long time since I could feel this...this free and to be with you, my love. I will not let two people spoil my time with you. I don't run, Len. Well, maybe that's not a hundred percent true, but...for the most part, I won't run from them. I did that on base, and I'm not that person anymore. And you don't need to give up your friends because of me, babe. MM?" I say softly as I run my nose against hers, and I feel her fingers playing softly in my hair as she sniffles.

"Stef, I...I love you." Her voice cracks as I am stunned by her confession as she continues, "Do you get that? Like, when I said I wanted a family with you, I was serious. It wasn't just...just the sex talking. I love you. And when you love someone, you want to protect them from harm."

"Ya? You love me?" I whisper as I kiss on her neck, and I can feel her body start to calm.

"Yes. Yes, I really do," she whispers back as I pull her body closer to mine, hugging her tightly.

"Then, go with me to get the tree, okay? I really want to. I do, baby," I pull back as I brush the side of her face. "Stay here with me. It'll be okay. MM? I doubt Julius and Tess will go anyway, and we always have Gary, Marty, Ryan and Jerry. Don't worry about the two scrooges, okay?" I soothe as I watch her face soften and she nods her head.

"Okay. But only because you're the one asking me," she smiles now as I pull her in and kiss her deeply.


"You guys are doing the most! Stef is a nice person." Gary says to Tess, and Julius as Ryan shakes his head, clearly annoyed, and Jerry sips his coffee, for he had never seen Tess act like this ever toward anyone...except maybe Jenna, but that had been years ago.

"You heard her just now? Or are we talking about two different people," Tess cuts back as Julius nods in agreement.

"She was a fucking asshole, just like always."

"What the hell are you even talking about? If I recall, you were so damn snippy to her on that base, Jules! You're being so unfair right now!" Marty reprimands as Ryan clears his throat.

"Can I say something here?"

Everyone looks at him now as he takes a deep breath. "Clearly, there's a lot of misunderstanding going on, and it's been, what, seven years now? Is it possible that people change? Is it possible that you, Tess, are taking your experiences from down south and shoving them on this poor woman? And you, Julius, are being highly immature about what, baking competitions? Seriously? We are ALL damn adults, here, and I find it inconceivable that we are quarreling over past hurts, misunderstandings and prejudices!"

"You don't get it!" Julius screeches as Ryan looks at him, dead in the face.

"What don't I get, Julius? Huh? What don't I get? I'm the blackest man here, and I feel ZERO racism from that woman! This is nonsense! And as for your little squabble over her baking better? What are you? Twelve? Am I married to a child?" The veins in Ryan's neck stick out now as Julius folds his arms in front of him, not saying a word.

"I don't know, but I have a migraine. You, all go get the tree because I'm out," Tess stands and sighs as Julius stands with her, taking off his apron and tossing it on the table.

"I was up at five, and I'm beat! I'm out too."

"Fine! Maybe you'll both gain some perspective! Jesus!" Ryan shakes his head as he begins to clear the table not being able to believe just how wrong his partner was being. Big time as the group head to get dressed leaving Julius and Tess behind along with Jerry as Ryan drives the girls into town along with Gary and Marty.

"Wow, this is a cute town. I only saw it in the dark before." Ryan says getting out of the car along with Lena, Stef, Marty and Gary. Looking around he can't help but see how Christmas-like it really feels as he adjusts his peacoat and hat.

"Oh yeah, it's a great town, Ryan. Cute, quaint.  It's nice." Stef smiles at the man as he returns it and they all begin to walk around Evergreen for a bit.

"Sooo, we are gonna go head into the incense shop! Ya'll wanna come or meet up in an hour to look at trees?" Gary asks Lena, Stef and Ryan.

"Um, can we meet up. I have a few stores I want to look at. That sound ok Stef?" Lena says smiling at the blonde.

"Sure, that's fine with me."

"BUTTT you can't come with me."

"What, silly?"

"You can't come with me."

"Love, you don't need to get me anything." Stef whispers as Lena can't help but smile, but clearly not listening to the blonde.

"I can take her for coffee, Len. If that's ok?" Ryan says as he smiles widely at both women for Lena knew how sweet the man was and she felt comfortable leaving Stef with him for a bit. Even if she knew Stef didn't need to be entertained.

"Sure, I'll be quick." Lena smiles.

"I'll look out for her, promise." Ryan reassures as both women smile softly at him and Lena heads into the little store leaving the two alone.

"So Stef, can I buy you a coffee or something?"

"We can grab coffee, but you don't need to buy it for me." She smiles at the young dark skinned man whom she found rather sweet and handsome.

"I just feel bad about this morning. I'm sorry for how my husband is behaving. I spoke to him about it. It's really petty, but if you..."

"Hey, love, it's ok." She says resting her hand on his arm. "It's just what it is, and I'm ok. You don't need to apologize for Julius, love."

"It's just, I wasn't raised to treat people like that. And I thought Julius was better than that." He says shaking his head as Stef can visibly see he is upset. But in her eyes he really didn't need to be for he had no control over Julius and what he said or did. "I've never seen him act like that, either. I definitely wouldn't have let it go on had I been on base to see it, either."

"You know what love, why don't I buy you a coffee? MM? I'd love to chat and get to know you." Stef smiles at Ryan as he tips his hat and grins.

"I'd like that, Stef. I just hope you see me for me and not..."

"I see you for you, Ryan. And I think you are very sweet. Not to mention, handsome!" She teases as the man blushes. "But come, sweets, let's get some coffee." She winks as the man smile widely at her following her in the little cafe.

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