Dinner & Drinks

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"Well, I am surely stuffed! That was amazing, you two!" Jerry says rubbing his stomach. "Especially after a long trip like that."

"Oh, it's no issue. Stef and I have been cooking a lot the last few days. Well she, more than me." I compliment her as she smiles. We were trying so hard not to be obvious, but it was painful not to be able to touch her like we had been doing, and verbally, we had to be careful as well.

"Fine by me! I heard you're a good baker, Stef." Jerry says as I can see Tess flash him a look and Julius roll his eyes.

"Oh um...I just do it for fun." She smiles. "But, thank you."

"Sometimes that's the best way to do it." Ryan says as Julius glares at him.

"Well, I'll be happy to taste what you made tonight. Looks great." Jerry says as I can see Tess is more annoyed than ever with her husband as he runs his hand over his navy blue sweater.

"So...what is there to do in this town, Gary?" Tess asks as I glance at Stef who is sipping her wine and lights a smoke.

"Oh tons, honey! Skiing, shopping, nice little restaurants."

"Sweet. Lena, you and I can go. We haven't had a girls' day in forever. Maybe get our nails done!" Tess addresses me, once again forgetting that Stef is here which doesn't surprise me to say the least.

"Sure, I'm sure we can go. Didn't you want to look at some stores too, Stef?"

"Oh, nah. Not a big shopper, Len. But you should go. It sounds fun. I think you saw a bracelet you liked."

"Yeah, I thought it could just be you and me, Lena. It's been awhile since we got to hang out alone together and chat. You know like sisters do." She smiles at me as she lifts her wine glass to her mouth, and I can feel the annoyance rising up within me. I'm unsure how much more of this I can handle, for I really do love Tess. I do. But her vendetta against Stef is mind blowing.

"Well, Stef and I wanted to go skiing tomorrow. So maybe the day after or something." I say rather dismissively as the table grows quiet, and I look up to see Tess staring at me but I don't care. Not one bit as I stare right back, not blinking. She has some nerve acting like a spoiled child, and I'm within seconds of telling her so as I sip my wine, not looking away.

"Let's pass around some of the desserts!" Marty says breaking the tension as I grab one of Stef's smokes and light one.

"So, who wants to join me and Gary out in the jacuzzi out back after this? We brought some cigars and some specialty wine!" Marty grins as I instantly raise my hand.

"I will!" I announce as Stef looks right at me in shock, for I had been the first to tell her over my dead body when we first arrived.

"That sounds rather nice," Stef finally chimes in as no one else takes the offer, for which I'm glad. My nerves are on end, big time, and I'm relieved when most everyone starts ooh'ing and ahh'ing over the desserts, and I feel Stef push her leg into mine. I know she's trying to relax me the best she can, and I can't wait until we're in the jacuzzi, where I know Gary and Marty won't treat her like an outcast.


"I don't know who in tarnation invited HER. No one likes her." Julius says as he is looking out the back window at Stef and Lena along with Gary and Marty who are in the jacuzzi.

"Julius, she seems nice." Ryan says sipping his wine."Why do you, two, hate her so much? I don't understand it at all. She's a rather respectful person unlike you're acting."

"Because she's annoying. I don't know how Lena can be friends with her. She's weird. Thinking she's so much better than us." Julius shakes his head as he sighs.

"I didn't get that vibe. She seems pretty humble. And what's so weird about her anyway? Are you mad because she bakes?" The dark skinned man looks at his partner, a confused look on his face, for he wasn't seeing any maliciousness nor was he getting any bad vibes from the blonde.

"Oh you are too damn nice. And for your INFO she hung with that Jenna and her friends on base. KNOWN racists and homophobes! Why else would I want to steer clear of this heifer? I mean, c'mon, Ryan! Lena is too damn close to her, and she's gonna end up getting hurt!"

"Well, she doesn't seem that way to me. She seems really nice. You should give her a chance. And you didn't answer my question about the baking part. Are you conveniently ignoring it, Jules? Cuz I know you well," Ryan laughs softly.

"Give who a chance?" Tess says coming in and taking a seat on the soft couch. "Where is everyone?"

"Well, Gary and Marty are out in the Jacuzzi with Lena and that Bible girl. Annnnddd Ryan said we should give her a chance." Julius rolls his eyes extra hard as Ryan shakes his head.

"Ha! Yeah, no."

"You, too, Tess? Why?" Ryan asks confused as Tess sips her wine.

"For starters it seems she and Lena are butt buddies now and can't do anything without each other. Like I just don't get it. I have warned Lena time and again. But she doesn't want to listen to me. I can see the heart ache a mile away, and she'll be calling me up bawling her eyes out. Just you wait," Tess rattles on as Ryan looks at her even more confused as Julius instantly agrees.

"Oh they were like that on base. Remember? She ditched you the Christmas of '69 the first year Sarah was here, saying she had a cold. I never believed it, but I didn't wanna say anything."

"Ugh. And, Ryan, she's a racist. Trust me, honey. You'll see," Tess looks at the man who sighs loudly as he sits forward.

"I don't see that at all, Tess, and I've met my fair share of racists. Trust me on that. All I feel is warmth, kindness and respect from her. I think you, two are just jealous, or I don't know what," He reaches over on the coffee table for the bottle of wine to pour himself some more as Tess rolls her eyes.

"OH PLEASE! You've known her for what, two seconds!?" Julius snaps as he peeks out the side window again seeing them all smoking cigars, drinking and laughing. "Seems she turned your little sister into a party girl, Tessy!"

"What do you mean?" Tess stands to walk over and stand behind Julius as she sees Lena puffing away on a giant cigar and she shakes her head as she walks back to sit down.

"Since when did Mocha smoke?" Julius snorts as he, too, walks back to sit down as Ryan stands to put on a Christmas record.

"I don't know, but did you see her lighting a smoke at dinner?" Tess laughs as Julius almost spits out his drink.

"I swear I don't know that girl anymore, Tessy. Seriously. Her divorce really took a toll on her. That and losing that baby."

"Julius! How inconsiderate can you be?" Ryan turns around, now, clear agitation on his face as he glares at his boyfriend.

"What? It's the truth, baby?"

"I don't care if it's the truth! You, two, ought to be ashamed of yourself! The both of you! Judging someone you don't really know! Did you ever try to get to know her? Apparently Gary and Marty don't see anything wrong with her or...or Lena...or Jerry! And he's black, too, or did you forget Tess!" Ryan is really upset now as Tess looks down, licking her lips, and Julius is shaking his head back and forth.

"You really don't get it, Ryan. You weren't on base to see her hanging with those women," Tess shakes her head even more as Ryan sits on the arm of the recliner Julius is sitting in.

"What don't I get? That she's white and she has MORE to lose being with a bunch of minorities? Why would she even come if she was so damn racist? Do you hear yourself right now? I like you Tess, but you need to chill!"

"Baby, don't attack my Tessy," Julius holds up his hand as Tess laughs.

"Julius, I don't feel attacked. I just feel Ryan has blinders on, that's all."

"Well, he always sees the good in people, then I have to pick up the pieces," Julius grabs Ryan's hand as the dark skinned man sighs.

"Well, I'm done talking about her. I do have a mind of my own, you know. And if you, two, insist on carrying a damn grudge, be my guest. But I'm gonna enjoy my vacation."

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