Under the Stars

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After the heated argument earlier, I had downed my entire drink before Ryan offered to refresh it. Not only had mostly everyone gone to bed, but I wasn't sure where Stef even was after that fight with Tess who just wouldn't seem to let up on her. I had tried during their fight to interfere more times then I can remember but Ryan and Julius kept holding me back, which only furthered to irritate me.

We had heard shouting for about twenty minutes and then it was silent and I didn't know what in the world to think. None at all beside the fact that I wanted to protect Stef, defend her, and make sure no one hurt her. I swing my leg in frustration as I am now on my third glass of alcohol, and both Ryan and Julius stand to their feet as I can feel the damm whiskey take over my mind.

"Well, sugar plum, we're gonna go to bed," Julius yawns as I nod my head.

"No issue. Thanks for letting me cook with you tonight. Maybe you can let Stef bake with you sometime like I suggested," I say, for I am rather relaxed and feeling beyond tispy as I know he is too. Ryan seems to be the only one who is level headed, aside from Jerry would didn't say much during the entire fight. Gary and Marty seemed rather nervous as well.

"Oh, well, let's not stretch it," he laughs as Ryan moves to lock the front door and make sure everything was secure.

"Well, I'll see you tomorrow. I'm going to go find Stef," I stand to my feet as I am really feeling this vodka and take a deep breath. Ryan and Julius head off to their room as I head to the kitchen where I don't see Stef at all.

Frowning, I move to grab a glass of water as I look out the back window only to see Stef in the jacuzzi smoking what looks to either be a cigar or a blunt. Which? I'm not sure as I laugh to myself and quickly grab a coat hanging up on a hook by the back door and walk outside.

"Stef?" I laugh as I walk closer to the jacuzzi. "Why are you out here by yourself?"

She turns to look at me, and I realize she has stripped her clothes off except her black bra as steam rises off the water. "Lena, come in and join me, baby."

"Now?" I laugh as she takes a puff of what I can smell to be a cigar.

"Yes, silly. Just strip down and get in here. The water feels so good."

I giggle as I strip down to my cream colored bra and panties and slide in the warm water as Stef hands me the cigar. "I'm actually glad you found me, sweetheart," she says softly as I take a puff.

"I'm so sorry Tess is acting that way. I...I wanted to fight her, but Ryan, Gary, Marty and Julius wouldn't let me." I hand the cigar back to her as she looks at me rather intensely.

"Well, I figured after that little display I'd lay low. Give you all space to chill without all of the drama, love. And they were right to not let you fight her. It wouldn't solve anything at all. She has been hurt rather deeply. That much I can tell, and if it wasn't me, it'd be some other white girl. She definitely has seen stuff you may have never seen or dealt with. I can see it all over her face."

"Ya?  I get that. I do. But taking it out on you is uncalled for. You never ever engaged with her like Jenna and her minions did on that base, and just because you were seen with them, what, a handful of times in the beginning didn't mean that you hung with them after that," I shake my head in frustration.

"I know, Lena. I get it. But she doesn't, and that's okay. She said what she needed to say, and so did I. And I'm okay with it. I really am, and I want to enjoy this moment right here with you. Let's not talk about her right now, yes?" She smiles softly at me as I sigh and lay my head back, and I feel her hand under the water on my thigh, and my heart begins to race as I feel her fingers digging in my skin. Looking over at her, I feel hot all over as I see her staring rather intensely at me.

Sweet Love of ChristmasNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ