Come For Christmas!

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"I haven't heard from you in months!! Oh my goodness it's so nice to hear from you! How have you been, Gary?" I smile as when I was walking into my small one bedroom apartment after a long day at the Henry Art Gallery, my phone had been ringing off the hook and I was happy to hear it was him. It had been almost six years since I had laid eyes on my friend Gary and his partner Marty who I met at the Oakland Army Base in 1968 when my then husband, William Adams, was stationed for the Vietnam War.

"Oh you know, girl, I'm doing great! Marty and I have been sooooo incredibly busy with our retreat, but it's been very profitable, let me tell you!"

"Oh I can only imagine! I'm so glad you and Marty are so successful with that." I say happily for after Gary came back from Vietnam in 1970 him and Marty moved to San Bernadino where they bought his grandmother's home which they opened up as a retreat for gay couples. It was merely by word of mouth in the beginning but it took off soon after and kept them very, very, busy. Them along with my other best friends Julius and his partner Ryan who I met on base as well, would also stay at their retreat. Ryan had also fought in the war alongside Gary and once he returned back from Vietnam they moved off base and bought a home in San Diego and also opened up a bakery.

"But listen, the whole reason I'm calling is because we want a friend reunion for Christmas! Do you think you can get away and come? PLEASE say you can honey!!"

"Ha! To San Bernadino? When silly?" I slide my shoes off my feet as I balance the phone receiver between my ear and shoulder. Moving a dining chair over to the counter so I wouldn't have to stand or sit on the floor I'm intrigued at his idea wondering who else he was inviting.

"Nooooooo!!!!! We were thinking of a more centralized location! So, hear me out, okay?"

"Oh lord. You're scaring me!" I laugh as I pull my curly hair down out of the pony tail I had it in and lean back in my chair.

"Sooooo, we have always gone to Colorado to ski and stuff, you know? Several times in the winter, but we decided to just go for it. We bought a cabin out there so we wouldn't have to stay in a lodge or hotel! It has magnificent views, let me tell you, Lena! You would love it!"

"Oh wow when did you guys do that!?"

"Ohhh a few years ago baby! Anyway, we had this brilliant idea to invite all the Oakland Army base friends out there for Christmas! Would you come? Please say YESSSSS!!!!!!"

I sigh as I close my eyes and run my hand over the top of my head. I hadn't planned on going anywhere this year as I had already flown back home to Maine this past summer to see friends and family. That wasn't even always the most ideal for me with my work schedule and jet lag. But, a nice vacation in the Rockies sounds amazing right about now. "Okay, just for Christmas Day or what? I have almost three weeks off of work anyway. All I was going to do was watch Christmas movies and work on my next pieces for a show I'm having in February."

"Oh dear! You're ALWAYS working on pieces for a show! You need to chill out! Come out when you're free! When is your last day of work Mocha?"

"Ummm, let me see," I sit forward and look at my calendar hanging on the wall. "My last day before I start my vacation is on December 15. Will you even be out there then? I mean, I don't want to fly out there and you NOT be there," I laugh softly.

"Girllllll!!!! You can stay there! I'll tell you where we hide the key, and we'll be up there on December 20! It'll be good! Work on your art before we all show up and fun news Marty already talked to Julius and Ryan. They'll be there on the 20th, too. Ohhhh, and also Jerry and Tess will arrive on the 23rd. They would come earlier but Tess said they are shooting another movie."

"Oh are they? I haven't spoken to her in a month or so. But I'm glad to hear that." I smile as I turn to look at the photo of the two of us on the fridge when Tess had visited me a few months ago.

"PLUS, get this Mocha!!"

I laugh now as he was so enthusiastic that it was hard not to become excited as well. "Get what?"

"I got a hold of Stef Foster too! She said she'd come! Are you excited?????"

"Wait, what? You got a hold of her? I lost all contact with her so many years ago. Life just got busy, I guess," I laugh awkwardly as he giggles for it had been years since I spoke with her, infact the last time I spoke to her Will and I had just moved back to Maine and were on the brink of splitting up. I had not even told her about my miscarriage or the fact I was pregnant at all for many reasons I guess.

Truth was the last time I saw her was rather painful for Mike had been reported missing over in Vietnam and Will had just been transferred to the Fort McPherson Army Base in Georgia in 1970. Honestly, I felt terrible for leaving someone who I had considered to be my absolute best friend, and knowing how scared she was about her husband. I really did and I had promised to keep in touch with Stef via letters and phone calls. We did for a short amount of time and then it dissipated due to fault on both sides if I was honest.

"Yes, I sure did! She moved back to Kansas."

"Moved back? Wasn't she always there? I mean didn't she move there once she left base?"

"NOOOOO! Stef has been a bit of nomad honey. Can't stay in one place too long it seems."

"Oh. I had no idea. How did you find her then?" I ask confused.

"She calls me every once in awhile, and I always end up speaking to an operator who gives me her new number! Can't stay in one place that one!"

"Oh. Um...well I'm fine. But I feel like a fool we lost contact." I admit as I hear him laugh on the other end. "How is she? Is she ok?"

"Oh she's fine and I'm sure there are no hard feelings honey! None at all. And listen, I know Tess was always wary of her and Julius calls her these ridiculous names behind her back because he has some grudge against her about baking or whatever BUT I am sure Tess will be respectful and mature."

"Yeah I know she will but Julius? I had to tell him about himself a few years ago." I say shaking my head for I knew exactly why he didn't like her and so did Gary. It was really petty if I was honest and it all had to do with the fact that Stef was a phenomenal baker and easily won all the baking competitions on base. I was proud of her and I knew she was excited but prior to Stef's arrival on base Julius told me he always won and he could never get over the fact that he no longer did because of Stef. He would roll his eyes and ask me why I wanted to hang with "the Amish girl," but I ignored him and figured out how to spend time with her, time with him and time with Tess.

Truth be told I always wondered what Tess had against her and she had not been shy about warning me about Stef. Maybe it was because she had grown up in the deep south under those god awful Jim Crow laws and where both her mother, grandmother and great grandmother had not only been maids to white families but also sharecroppers trying to buy back a tiny bit of land. Or maybe it was the fact that when Stef first got to base she hung out with Jenna Markel and her ignorant racist crew. Which I later found out Stef's husband Mike Foster pushed on her and not something she wanted to do at all! But whatever the reason, I made sure to keep their friendships separate. But years had passed and maybe we could all somehow get along now?

"I'll be sure to lecture Julius! Trust me! I know how much she meant to you, Lena, and I thought why the hell not ask her! The more the merrier! Plus, if you're dating someone, bring them! Do it! It'll be so damn fun!"

I can almost not contain my excitement as I hear all of this that I almost forget to ask when she's coming, but I remember at the very end of our conversation. "Oh before I forget, when is she coming?"

"Stef? She said she would be there around the same time as you. I mean I called her right before I called you. So I think she is coming on the 15th? Is that when you wanna go? Like I said, go early and have the whole place to yourself and work on that art before everyone gets there."

"Oh, ummm, sure? I might go on that day or I might just go on the 20th when most of you are going. I'll let you know, okay?"

"Sure thing, Mocha! Can't wait to see you!"

I smile as I hang up and lean on the counter for a moment as I try to wrap my mind around seeing Stef Foster again.

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