Soooo Good!

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"Oh my gawwddd! I forgot how damn good you are at baking! These are to die for. Can you make like 100 more!?" Lena says as I laugh as she sits up on the counter and I whip up another batch. She can't help but have her second cinnamon roll as it seems she is growing a tad more comfortable with me. I wasn't fully sure, but I'd take it. "I'm going to gain so much weight on this trip."

"Ahh you are fine, love. And I can make how ever many you wish." I wink poking her nose as she giggles at me.

"I'm sorry I've been so awkward to you. I am," she shakes her head as I look over at her.

"You don't need to be sorry, love. Not at all. We haven't seen each other in a while, ya know? It takes time to get comfortable with each other again, and I think we slowly are. Right?"

"Yes. I don't want booze to make me feel comfortable. I want to be comfortable without that. But yesterday was a cluster fuck, let me tell you. I didn't tell you how I locked myself out, did I?" She shakes her head as I lick my lips and stop what I'm doing as I smirk at her.

"No, you did NOT. I need to hear this." I laugh as I walk over to the coffee pot and pour myself a warm mug as she swings her slender legs, and it's making it very hard to concentrate right now. God they are so long and I just want to run my hands over them all night.

"Right now? But then we won't have anything to talk about later?" She giggles as I laugh outright as I forgot how silly Lena really is.

"Oh we will have plenty to talk about. We have always found things to talk about."

"That's true. I guess I forgot how much we use to talk." I look over at her and smile as she takes another bite of the roll. "How we use to stay up all night sometimes."

"We did yes. We had some good talk Lena. I hope we can start to again? But, how's your hangover?" I smile as she takes another bite of the roll and blushes at me.

"Better. And these help. A LOT. I'll never understand what you do to make things taste good. I mean you are the best baker ever."

"Ha! That is kind of you, but maybe bias. You think?" I wink at her as I spread flour on the counter for the rolls as she continues to watch what I'm doing.

"NOOOOOO. NEVER. And honestly you deserved all those awards back on base. Every single one of them."

"Ahh, I just did it for fun. Nothing more." I say rolling the rolls out now as she sucks the frosting off of her fingers.

"I can tell. I mean I knew you did it for fun. Julius is just...gahhhh! Just ignore him when he comes and please keep baking."

AHHH, I won't step on his toes. I mean he owns a bakery now and I enjoyed his stuff. He's really good, too, you know."

"That's the thing. You ate his! You were so nice, and he's just...he was just himself, Stef. He's dramatic and doesn't mean any harm. I'm not trying to make excuses for the man. We've gotten into it before, and well...he knows I don't care for his uppity attitude. BUT if he does start his crap I will tell him a thing or two again. He is not to be rude to you." She says as I look at her, smiling and seeing frosting on her nose.

"It's ok love. We aren't meant to like everyone."

"What's not to like about you! You are an amazing person so he can go suck an egg if he continues to have an issue with you!" She giggles.

Ha!!! Oh my gosh, you are hilarious. You are. But you have a hard time keeping that frosting in your mouth, huh?" I laugh walking over to her and standing between her soft legs now.

"What?? What do you mean? Am I a mess? Sheesh!" She laughs as I look deeply into her eyes.

"Just on your nose, cutie."

"Oh my gosh!"

"It's okay. Here." I gently wipe it off for her as she blushes at me. "What are you blushing at so much? MM?" I ask softly.

"Oh um...I don't know. Shy...embarrassed at my silliness."

"Yes? I always liked your silliness, Lena." I say as I can't help but stare into her dark brown eyes my hands covered in powder and cinnamon as I try not to touch her legs, for she is still just wearing this tee shirt which is literally killing me.

"You too. I mean, we had a lot of fun on base," she clears her throat now.

"We did." I swallow hard as she looks down at her fingers as I wonder what in the hell to do now. Fuck. "I was thinking after I finish this up we could sit by the fire, maybe find something on TV to watch. I can make dinner for us, too."

"It's's really hot in here."She blurts out fanning herself with her hand.

"Yeah? A tad. Probably from the oven." I whisper as her eyes look right into mine again as I can feel I am breathing heavier now for I need to break this tension up, somehow. "So how many do you want me to make? MM? Some to last the next few days? Or do you want me to make something different?"

"Oh um, whatever you make I like. The...the tarts you used to make too. I like those." She smiles as I wink at her and quickly move away to finish up these rolls, for I need to get them in the oven before I do something I might regret...or would I?

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