S2: chapter 18- It's time

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A man by the name of Alastor Algor has taken your family, and everyone you held dear to your heart. He not only harmed them, but tortured them. Including Loki. You thought you'd killed him, but After finding out that Alastor Algor was still alive, you and Peter raced against time to find him and kill him. With Loki on Asgard, and your fear of Peter getting kidnapped by Algor, it was your task to face him alone. But just in the nick of time, Loki
came home and helped you fight off the evil man. He was immediately killed for his actions against the avengers, saving you all from an untimely death. After, you helped Peter muster up the confidence to tell Tony he loved him. He finally did, and the result was not what he expected. Tony has always loved the kid, all he needed was to be with him to know it. And even after that big day, there was more news to come, as you and Loki found out that your weren't pregnant with one, but with two healthy Asgardian babies. But anxiety and fear crept back into your life when your husband told you that because there are two babies, and they're both half Jotun, that there is a chance that you may not survive.

-end recap-

6 months later....

"Darling?" Loki called. "In here." You called back. "We're going on a mission. I'll be back soon love." He came in the room and kissed you. Bruce has put you on bed rest, to keep the babies safe. You spent most of your time talking with your unborn children, learning about them, and telling them about the world, and about their father. You couldn't tell what gender they were, and you didn't ask, no matter how much you wanted to. It was a slightly terrifying thought wondering if all children were like this, because your kids were alive. So if you thought about it, what happens to all of the other unborn children that die? You tried not to think about it too much. Too controversial. "Bye honey." You smiled. You flipped on the tv to see what you could see. you stopped flipping through the channels when you felt the babies stirring within you.

Are you awake little ones?  You called out to them.

Mama? You heard one say.

Yes, it's me my love. I'm your Mama.

Mama! You heard the other squeal.

You were almost dead certain that one was a boy and the other was a girl.

When can we meet you Mama?

When you are ready my darlings.

Okay mama.

I love you Mama!

I love you too my sweet children.

You turned on a show about doctors and romantic scandals, and suddenly felt the urge to urinate. "Seriously? Now?" You whined. You slowly stood up, and to your surprise, you peed yourself. As funny as it sounds, your were horrified when you realised it wasn't pee.

Your water had just broken all over the floor.

Another shift in the force alerted you that you were going into labor, which admittedly went faster than human labor, though it rarely could take upwards of 24 hours.

Loki... Loki help! 

You couldn't focus on trying to communicate with him. You needed to get to the infirmary. Fast. You walked to the elevator, fluid still leaking from you, and you closed the door. A contraction began right as the door shut. It wasn't too painful, just a bit uncomfortable.

I don't want to birth these babies alone.. and I certainly don't want to die alone.  You thought.

You made it down to the hospital wing and found the nearest bed. You groaned when you hopped on, your lack of exercise made your joints hurt.

Loki my water broke. Come home.


My water broke. I'm going into labor. The babies are coming.


Yes now!

I'm on my way.

You looked around for any pain relievers you could find, but only found some Tylenol on the counter. You took some, and closed your eyes, breathing through the contractions, slowly. Time went on, and still no sign of Loki. You weren't sure where he was, if he was getting a doctor, a midwife, anyone that was medically qualified to deliver two alien children.
Who in fact, would most likely be blue upon arrival to this world. "Damn it!" You said. For a moment, you felt as if you'd fallen asleep, because when you woke up, you were having the worst contraction so far. It didn't hurt as much as it will be in the future, you thought, but it wasn't comfortable.

You laid there, going in and out of contractions, before finally you heard footsteps coming through the door. "Alright people, lets get this going. Dr. Banner, I need you to hook her up, Tony, Peter, Natasha, I'm going to need you all to wait outside. Apparently Asgardian labor is ten times as fast as human labor." You recognised the voice in front of you. "Hey Dr. Strange.." you smiled. "Hey Sigyn." "You're qualified for this?" You asked. "You know Kelley Clarkson?" He asked, putting on latex gloves. "Yeah?" You said. "I delivered her baby a few weeks ago." He said. "You're hired." You said. Loki came and held your hand. "It will be alright love, I promise. I know it's happening very fast, but it will be over soon and we'll get to see our babies." He said. You felt another contraction, this one unbearably painful. You began to cry out in pain, clawing Loki as much as you could. "Bruce, get Natasha in here. Two babies, two nurses." He ordered. "Wow, you're already nine centimetres dialated. It's time to push Y/n. Take a deep breath alright? I'm going to count to ten, and I want you
to push until I stop counting alright?" He said.
You were breathing heavily now, but you nodded in response. "Alright, I see another contraction coming, get ready to push alright?" He said. "Push! One... two.. three.. four.. five... come on I see the first head! Eight... nine.. ten! Good job..good..." he rubbed your knee. You were completely oblivious to anything else in the room that was possibly happening. Your vision was nearly gone anyway, and all you could focus on was Stephens voice. "Okay we're going to push again Y/n, ready, Push!!" He repeated the process a few more times. "Here's baby number one.." Stephen lifted a screaming child from the table, and handed him to Bruce. Loki walked over to the table where it was being cleaned, and smiled. "It's a boy." He said, teary eyes. "Aboooyy.." you slurred. "Okay Y/n, you've got one more big long push okay. One more and then your other baby is here okay! This push is going to go to twelve!" Loki came back to you, and grabbed your hand. "Okay, get ready, big push, and... PUSH! One, two, three," you screamed out in agony, the pain nearly made you pass out, you didn't know how much more you could take. "Seven, eight, nine! Stay with me Y/n stay with me! It's almost here! One more push! Eleven twelve! Good!" He said. "One more push darling, and then it's over." Loki kissed you. "I don't think...I'm going to make it." You said, looking up at Loki with fear in your eyes. "What?" He said. "If I don't-" "Shh. Stop talking like that. You're going to be the best mother Asgard's ever seen."
"Alright, last push, let's make this count. Ready? Push! One, two, three, four, five, and, there we go... Shes out!

Sigyn?..."  as your world slowly faded from you, all you remember seeing was your husbands face, smiling over at your twins, the faint sound of the heart monitor flatlining echoing in your ears.

Heheh. You now get to suffer for TWO days because I have five quarter finals to take tomorrow, so I won't have time to upload a chapter. Ur welcome.

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