Part 1, Chapter 4: Past tense

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Re-Written as of Nov. 2023

Warnings: some content may be a little sensitive to a niche group of people. (Talk of the US foster care system, abuse both physical and emotional, etc.)


You were born on y/bd, 1996. The only memory of your parents, or just your mother, was a picture of Her. She had beautiful blue eyes, soft, flowing, brown hair, and a gorgeous smile.

When you were three months old, you were put into an orphanage. You never knew why your mother didn't keep you, she seemed fit for it. You concluded that she just didn't want you. But ever since you were a child, you have been made fun of for being different. Whether it was the freckles spotting your cheeks, the random bursts of little magic, or the natural blue streak running through your hair, it all began to add up.

Your mother had it too. When you turned 10, you were put into the foster system. 'It's better than that old dump anyway. You'll get a home of your own one day.' You thought things would turn out better in the foster system. But they didn't.

You were placed through a few different foster homes for many different reasons, none of which revolved around you. Most of your foster parents found out what a freak you were and demanded your placement elsewhere. Until you reached your final destination. Those foster parents were cruel to you. They forced you to work, and clean without so much as a single thank you, and your foster father would beat you if you didn't comply. Even when your bones ached and your muscles screamed, and all you wanted to do was let loose and have your magic take care of him. "GET DOWN!" He would scream at you. You tried to fight him, but your foster mother would hold you down. fighting it always ended worse than if you just endured it. And you were sad to say that sometimes even that didn't work.

Hit after hit after hit, you learned not to react, no matter how badly it hurt. It would end sooner when you didn't cry, didn't scream, didn't react. It would end.

One day, you were walking to the mall, when you came across a man. He wasn't too tall, not too short. Wore glasses. Salt and pepper hair. Sometimes you'd see him with a lab coat on. You were immediately drawn to him, seeing as he had sick and twisted emotions. Just like you. Scars and trauma that you could see in yourself, you saw in him. You asked him one day if he would want you to try and heal that in him, and he agreed. Whenever you saw him, you would try and help in any way you could.

One day, your foster father beat you a little too hard.  You had a black eye. By then you'd figured out how to cover it with a little makeup. So you headed to school, and right as you passed the Stark tower, there he was, crooked glasses and smiling from ear to ear. "Hey Bruce, how are you?" You grinned. He immediately frowned. "What happened to your face?" He asked, reaching up to touch your eye.  "What are you talking about?" "Don't pull that shit on me, there's something wrong, what is it?" He demanded. You sighed and hesitantly rubbed your hand across your eye, taking off some of the makeup.

Bruce looked shocked when he saw what had been done. "Dear god y/n! Here, come with me." He took you by the hand, and led you into the tower. He took you into a lab, where a red headed woman was sitting on a table, next to a humongous blonde man. 

There was someone else there as well. It was none other than Tony Stark himself. "Banner, what has happened? You've found another enhanced?" The blonde guy stood up.  "Enhanced?" Bruce looked up at him. "She has magic, do you not, mortal?" He boomed. you pursed your lips. You guessed sitting in a room full of the world's mightiest heroes would mean your secret was safe with them. "I do. How could you tell?" You asked.  He looked at me. "My brother has magical abilities as well." was all he said. "This is the Y/N I was telling you all about." Bruce stated. "You told them about me?" You gasped. "Yes sweetheart, we know about you. Your social security number, birthday, you name it, we know it." Tony said. Your eyes widened in shock. 

You looked at him fearfully. "He's kidding. Natasha Romanoff." She held out her hand, and you shook it. "Thor, Odinson. God of Thunder."  you nodded. "I figured." 

 "Who did this to you?" Bruce asked. "Uh, a bully at school." You lied. "Y/n, tell the truth." Thor could tell you were lying.

 "It was my foster father. I forgot to do the dishes, so he hit me." You felt the tears welling up in your eyes. "Hey hey, it's okay. We'll take care of it. You aren't going back to that place y/n." Nobody knew what came over Tony Stark that day, maybe the little girl without a family got to him, because he immediately put his arms around you. You felt so pitiful. 'How could I have put up with this for so long?' You thought.

 "Well, do you have any fighting experience?" He asked. "Always the recruiter, eh Stark?" Banner sighed.

"Uh, I took karate for a semester..." you said. "Good enough. We can train you. Right Romanoff?" He looked at her. She smiled back and said, "Sure." From that point on, you were an unofficial member of the Avengers until you graduated. One day, you were going to a party that was unknowingly for you. That might, Tony "proposed" and asked if you'd let him adopt you. You were...13. After that, Tony Stark legally became your dad. When him and Pepper got married, she became your legal mom. The only family you'd ever known. It was around then when you met Peter too, he was only a kid at the time but, You'd finally gained the family you'd only dreamed of. You began to learn a bit more about fighting, but not much magic.

As the years went on, you graduated high school, started going to college part time, and finally felt at home with the Avengers. It was almost paradise.

Word count: 987

11/28/23- This story is in the process of being re-written. Some plot holes will be extremely evident. Please have patience!

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