S4: Chp. 4- Painful Truths

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WhO's BEeN mEssiNG uP EvEryThiNg


"We need to go back to Asgard." You said once you'd left. "Why?" Loki asked. "I need to talk things out with Frigga. She needs to know." You said. "You want to teach her how to do the spell in case one of us doesn't make it." "Is that too careful?" You said. "Of course not darling." Loki stopped. You looked back and saw an unfocused look in his eyes. "Kids wait." You said. They turned around and walked back over to you. "What's wrong with dad?" Astrid asked. "Your father is having a vision. I suppose you'll have one someday. They come to people who possess magic like we do. Your grandmother gets them, I get them, even Aunty Wanda gets them sometimes." You said. Loki came to. "What'd you see?" You asked. "I... not here." He said. "Loki whats the matter?" You stopped him. "Thanos." He looked over at you, a worried glint in his eyes.

"What the hell happened Loki?" You shut the bedroom door behind you. "What'd you see?" You walked up to him. "I don't know... I don't know if I can tell you." He said. "Then let me look." You held your hands out to him. "Loki whatever this is, whatever you saw, we'll win. We can face this together." You said. He took your hands.

"Fine. I'll do it myself."

"Guys he's coming!"

"......I hope they remember you....."


"Wakanda forever!"

"......W-we're in the endgame n-now....."

"B-Bring m-me thanos!"

"— my u-undying fidelity—"


"I am... inevitable."

"The world we once knew is gone. And now, it's up to the Avengers to save not only the world, but the entire universe. And right now it's up to you to save your family. Without me. You heard him,"

"Whatever it takes."

"Oh my god!" You pulled back, tears in your eyes. "He's gonna, Thanos really-" "I know my love. Everything will be alright. The avengers are more powerful than you or I will ever know." "But all of us against him? Doesn't that tell you how powerful this man is?" "Darling, we're trying to save the universe. You're making the right call asking Frigga to learn the spell." "You think we're gonna die?" You said, breath shaking. "This is Thanos we're talking about. You've seen what he's done to me, what he's done to the Avengers. All I know is that it's going to take all the strength we have, and even then. We must be prepared to face anything he throws at us." He said. "But what about the kids?" You asked. "Darling they'll-"

"Mom? Dad? What's the matter?" Astrid stood at the door with her brother. "Hi, come in, come in." You said, wiping your tears away and putting on a brave face for your twins. "Mom? What's wrong? Why were you crying?" They grabbed your hands. You looked up at Loki, who nodded down to you. "Back when you were babies, the Avengers met Dr. Strange." You said. "The one we went to today?" Siegfried asked. "Yes. We learned that there is a great threat on the Universe. The mad titan, Thanos. He wants to wipe out half of the universe. That's why we went to Dr. Strange's place today. That spell will protect you both from any and all harm that could possibly be inflicted on you." You said. "Mother... are you going to die? Is that why you wanted to learn the spell?" Astrid asked. You looked up at Loki, who got the message and took over. "Darling, we don't know what Thanos is capable of. I don't want to keep either of you in the dark, but you must know that your mother and I are both very powerful sorcerers. If anything was to ever happen to your mother or I, we would want you to know that there is nowhere you can go where we wouldn't be with you." He smiled. "But enough talk about that. I can see you're scared. There's no reason to be. We agreed to go back to Asgard for a little bit so Grandmother can learn the spell as well." You said. "Come on. Let's go home." Loki said.

"Frigga? Are you in here?" You knocked on her door. "What is it child?" "We need to talk to you." Loki said.

"So.. are the children in danger?" She asked once you'd finished telling her. "They are if you can't help us. I want to teach you this spell. It will protect you and the children from the infinity stones in case either of us don't make it... or if we're needed to fight. The children are already afraid enough as it is. I just-" "I would be honored, Y/n." She smiled warmly. "Where are the children?" She asked. "The gardens I presume." Loki said. "We can practice it there. They'll need to be with you when you perform the spell." You turned and began walking toward the gardens.

"Kids?" You called. "Over here!" You heard one of them call. "Darling I'm afraid I must go. I am king, I need to address our people." He said. "Do you need me to come with you?" You asked. "No. I'll be alright." He smiled softly, squeezing your hand.

"Okay. This spell is the hardest one I know. The idea, is to create an indestructible barrier around you and whoever you're trying to protect. Similar to the shields around the palace, but on a much smaller scale, and created by an Asgardian." You raised your hand and the barrier came down around you and the kids. "You just have to envision it. It's the power you have that is hardest to put out. The process is easy, execution not so much." You said, lowering your hand.

After awhile, Frigga finally got it. "Thank you again. I hope that you'll never actually have to use the spell. Hopefully it won't come to that. Hey, you guys can go. Thank you for cooperating." You turned to Astrid and Siegfried, who had already begun running to the door. "Do you think that it will come to that?" Frigga asked once they'd left. "I think it will. Thanos is a dangerous man." You said. "Excuse me, your highnesses. I must speak with you at once." "The three of us?" Frigga asked. "Yes ma'am." The guard said. You left your twins in the gardens while the four of you conversed outside the garden doors. "What's wrong? You look pale." You asked the guard. "We've gotten word that you're needed immediately on Midgard. A Mr. Stark said it was urgent, regarding the matters of the previous days. He said the mad titan is upon them once more." the guard muttered quietly. "Oh dear. Alright. Thank you." Frigga said. "We have to go back already?" You sighed, glancing over at Loki. "You do. I can't." He said. "I'm the king now, and I fear that Thanos will be making his way here next in search of the tesseract." Loki said. "Well you have it don't you?" "I- How did you know?" He asked. You pointed back to Frigga, who chuckled quietly. "I trust that you'll do the right thing Loki. As for me, I have to- what about Astrid and Sig?" You asked. "I'll look after them. It's no problem, I know the protection spell now as well." She smiled. "Thank you both. I won't be long." You smiled, walking back into the gardens.

"Hey loves. Grandpa and Uncle Thor need me on Earth. You're staying here with grandmother and daddy, okay? I won't be gone long." You smiled. "I'll miss you." Siegfried hugged you tightly. "We'll miss you." Astrid said. "Oh hush. No time for long goodbyes. I love you," You kissed them both on the forehead. "don't you forget it." You smiled, standing up. "Walk me out?" You grabbed your husband's hand. "Of course." he lifted it up and kissed it.

As you walked across the rainbow bridge, you couldn't help but be overcome by an immense sense of nervousness about the upcoming weeks. You didn't know what the future held, only the fact that Thanos's chances of his plan being successful grew by the minute. "Quit your worrying my darling. Everything will work out exactly the way it should." Loki pulled you from your thoughts. "It's nice that we basically share a brain, isn't it. We can keep each other from becoming too far gone." You leaned into his shoulder. He hummed in agreement. "I think that it's going to be a good while before we see each other again." You sighed. "I think so too. Tony would have to be in serious trouble if he's calling the strongest avenger back home." "What? Strongest Avenger? Babe, I'm flattered but-" "No. You're the strongest Avenger. Everyone agrees with me. Don't let it get to your head though." He grinned. "I won't. Because I still don't believe you babe." You laughed. You stopped just outside of the bifrost. "If anything happens to me, please...just, stay- stay good." You said, reaching up to hug him. "There's nothing in this world that could turn me to my old ways. You know that." He said. "I know. But little know the ways of the god of mischief." You said. "I love you." You smiled, tears in your eyes. "I love you too." He kissed your forehead. "Don't worry darling. You're the goddess of victory right?" He said. "Well yeah, I guess." "See? You have nothing to worry about." He smiled. "Kiss me and maybe I'll feel better." You smiled. He leaned down and pressed his lips to yours, like he'd done since the very beginning. For a moment, you did feel better, until he pulled back. "You should go." He let go of you. "Right. I'll be back as soon as I can." You smiled, and let go of his hand, nodding to Heimdall who opened the bifrost for you to walk through. "She'll be fine." Heimdall reassured your husband. "Oh I know she will, but It's not her I'm worried about." He sighed.

My Darling- Loki x readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora