S2: chapter 15- I love you

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"Love, I'll only be gone today. I'll be back soon." He said. "Yeah but that's a long time and what if you get sidetracked.. or your mom needs you to stay longer, or the castle is attacked and you get hurt, w-what if..." you already felt the tears falling down your face. "Y/n darling do you hear yourself right now? I'm only going to Asgard for the day. And Thor is coming with me. I promise you'll be fine." He smiled. You pouted as he stood up, "just cuddle me for one more minute? Pleeeease?" You pouted more. "I feel as if I haven't a choice." He said, and laid on the bed with you. "Never say no to a pregnant woman." You stroked the back of his head, running your fingers through his dark hair. His head rested on your stomach, and the rest of him was on your legs. "Now darling I really must go." He said softly. "Fine." Loki got up, kissed you on the forehead, and smiled. "I should be back some time tomorrow, two days at the latest. Odin may need me to see to some kingly things." He smiled. "Okay.." you pouted. "I love you Y/n.." he stroked your hair. "I love you too." You smiled weakly. Loki walked out of the room, and left for Asgard. You looked down at your stomach, and rubbed it. "Don't die on me kid."

  The next afternoon, Bruce finally let you walk around. He'd made you stay in bed all day yesterday just to run a few more tests to make sure everything was okay. You rode the elevator back up to your bedroom, and went to change clothes. You picked out a nice fancy expensive T-shirt, (that's sarcasm if you can't tell) and some leggings. You sat on your bed and scrolled through your phone. You came across a bunch of posts for maternity clothes, so you decided to order some. Early bird catches the worm, even though you wouldn't be needing them for a few more months. You just enjoyed buying clothes. You flipped through the channels on TV, but didn't find anything.

Being at home is boring.. you thought.

You walked out to the living room, and found Peter watching a documentary on penguins. Most of the team was out on a mission, Bruce and Peter stayed. Bruce to keep an eye on you, though he was downstairs in the lab as always, and Peter because he had school the next day. "Well.. this is what I'm going to be doing for the next eight and a half months.. I need to find a hobby." You sighed, plopping down onto the large couch. "Yeah? Well I know of a few fun things we could do. You're lucky I'll be here most of the time." Peter said. "Why's that?" You asked, lifting your head off his shoulder. "Tony quit letting me go on missions, well, not as many as I used to. Not after we started dating." He said. "Have you dropped the L word yet?" You asked. "No, not yet. But it's been a few months, and I think it's coming. Why?" He smiled. "That's why he's not letting you. It's because he loves you." You smiled. "You think he loves me?" Peter looked down at you. "Of course I do." You said. "Do you love him?" You sat up all the way. Peter just looked at you. "Peter? Do you?" He looked down, and then back up at you, trying to convey the message without having to say "yes."
     "Oh my god Peter!" You giggled. "I want to tell him. I really really want to tell him. I just.. don't know how to tell him. " He sighed. "Just, say it. Don't think about it too much, you'll get too scared and chicken out. The more you say it the more natural it becomes." You said. "You think I should?" He said. "If you feel ready, then yes. Tell him." You said. Peter was quiet for a moment, before finally nodding. "Alright. I will." He smiled nervously. "I know he's going to say it back. I hope he will." You said. "Me too." "I remember the first time Loki told me he loved me. I fell asleep in his bed for the first time the night before, and we woke up the next morning, and it kind of just, slipped out. But he said it back, and that's all that matters." You smiled. "You really think Tony will say it back?" "I don't know for sure, but I do know that he loves you. Also, Tony and Pepper are my adopted parents, Pepper not so much since the whole-" "I know." He interrupted solemnly. Tony and Pepper hadn't ended well when she found out that he was gay, she quit her job, and left New York. No ones heard from her since. "So since Tony is my adopted father, I take it that you will treat him with all the love and respect he deserves, and you'll keep him in line because we both know how he gets." You said. "Of course." "And I swear if you do anything to harm him physically or emotionally, I will rip you to shreds for messing with my family." You threatened. "Calm down Y/n," he scooted back, "your eyes are glowing." He said. You realised what you'd said, and immediately calmed yourself. "Peter I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me." You said. "Y/n you're pregnant. It's fine." He said. "But I do see you as my family too you know that right?" You laid your hand on his. "I know. And you're mine too." He smiled weakly. You felt bad for the poor boy. You stayed with him, in the weeks after his uncle died, to make sure he didn't pull any stunts, and you heard his Aunt telling him stories of his parents. You'd endured all that he went through.. well you wouldn't say endured, more like.. been his emotional support through his pain. You saw Peter put a hand up to his ear, meaning someone was calling his com-link. "Is everything alright? You sound panicked." He said. "Yeah we'll be down there as soon as possible. Where at? Okay." He looked at you, and said, "Tony just told me that a man named Alastor Algor is still alive?"

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