Season 3 premiere- This world we once knew

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Welcome to season three bitches 😈 It's time to SUFFER.



A shell that once was society.

A man sits in his chair, seated on the throne of a barren wasteland that once been home to millions. "He is ready." The Other says. "It is time for him to fulfill his destiny. The scepter has been proven a good tool for him. We know earth is the planet we need to take over. Humans are pesky little things, and once we squash them, we will have attained the first of the 'nine realms'" He said. "My Lord, If I may, I am not aware if you know about Earth's mightiest heroes, The Avengers?" "You question the mad titans power?" "Of course not. All I am asking, is it enough?" The chair turned around. "Oh, it will be." Thanos smiled maniacally. "That scepter holds something extremely powerful. The mind stone. Keep it safe. And do not forget the real purpose of your mission. To attain the tesseract, and bring it back." "Of course." Loki smiled.

"Ugh! Where is that man?" You sighed. "He said he'd be back by now." You held held Siegfried and Astrid, both of them screaming their heads off. "HEY!" You raised your voice. They both looked up at you with wide eyes full of tears. You laid them down on the bed in front of you. "That worked. Now there's no reason to be crying right now you little stinkers. What's wrong?" You asked. "Ah, I know what you need." You sat down, and pulled them into your lap. You started singing the lullaby from your childhood, slowly soothing your babies to sleep.

"Lavender's blue dilly dilly
Lavender's green,
When I am king dilly dilly, }
You shall be queen.

You'll love to dance dilly dilly,

You'll love to sing,

When I am queen dilly dilly,

You'll be my king."

On the last verse, you stood up, and walked into the nursery. You laid Astrid in her crib, pulling her light purple blanket over her tiny body. Smiling softly, you continued the lullaby with the verse Loki had written.

"When you are lost dilly dilly and hope is gone?
Look deep within dilly dilly
Let love live on.

When we are gone dilly dilly
When we are gone?
please don't look down dilly dilly
Look up from the ground.

Your family loves you so,
We love you so,
You must always remember
That we are you home.

Lavender's blue dilly dilly
Lavender's blue
You shall love me dilly dilly

For I love you."

You laid Siegfried in his bed, and slowly backed out of the room, singing the last verse again. You quietly shut the door. "Loki!" You nearly yelled. "You scared me." You said, walking over to the bed again. "I love you." He pulled you into his arms. You grinned. "I love you too." You kissed him.

Ah, If only you knew.

~Season 3 coming soon~

UPDATE!!!! SEASON THREE STARTS TOMORROW! I'm so freaking excited. But I'm sad it's the final season. Y'all aren't gonna know what to do when the finale comes. I can't WAIT to see yalls reactions I'm so excited. This season is short, (lol sorry) so.. YEE HAW MUTHAFUCKAS WE GON GO FOR A RIDE!

My Darling- Loki x readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora