S2: chapter 13- the decision

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I felt bad bc I hadn't updated in two days, and chapter 12 was really short so here's another chapter Read at your own risk.

You found yourself walking down the hallway, seeing that Tony, Steve, Bucky and Natasha were at the end in the living room. No need to be afraid of them. No need for anxiety. "Hey kid, how'd Peter's surgery go?" Tony asked. "It went great actually, he's in bed right now. And my powers are gone so I guess it was just bad ti-" you were cut off by Steve giving you a big hug. You hugged him back. He wanted you to know that you were safe with him. You already knew that but it was nice to know he cares. "Those hugs are mine." Bucky said. You grinned. "Aw Buck you know I love you." He let go and smiled down at you. He walked back over to Bucky and gave him a kiss. "Hey Nat." You smiled, and walked over to the pantry to grab some cereal. "Hey guys, I have something to tell you all. It's pretty important. Actually, there's a lot I need to get off my chest. You might want to sit."

"Ok.. so while you all were gone..er- before that actually, Loki and I went to Asgard as you know. We found out that there's a bond that connects us, that only Loki's mom and her sister had ever shared. The bond broke when her sister died. Anyway, here...well.. um when I was on Asgard...I.." you began to cry. "Y/n? What is it what's wrong?" Tony sat you down, and Bruce walked in. "What's going on?" Bruce asked calmly, knowing something was up. "Y/n is trying to tell us something." Clint, Wanda, Vision, and Thor had come in from a quick mission, so it was inevitable that they'd hear the news. Thor saw you crying, and knew you'd lost you powers again, and rushed to your side. "It's alright. Now that you're all here.." you took a deep breath. "Travelling through the bifrost...took a toll on my body..and... I lost the baby." You began to cry again, this time into Thors armor. He wrapped his arms around you, and stroked your hair. "It's alright Sigyn. It's not your fault." He said. "But you're okay?" Tony asked. You looked around at all the shocked and sad expressions on your families faces. "Yes. Loki helped me with the baby. I'm fine now, it's just hard to talk about. So let me continue." You said. "Loki knew that the baby would die, he had a vision about it, so I ran away. And I met a man by the name of Stephen Strange. Well, Doctor Stephen Strange. He's an ally, but he was the one that told me you all were gone." "Will we ever meet him?" Vision asked. "Not sure, I think he'd like you though." You said. "Anyway, I figured since it was the weekend that Peter would be at his Aunts, so I called him and he came and helped me find you all." "Thank god he loves his aunt..." Tony said. "Yeah, well right after that happened, I felt a HUGE shift in the force that connects me and Loki, which Tony can explain to those of you that weren't here, later. I honestly thought he was dead. I really did....but obviously not... anyway and I think that's it.." you shrugged. "Y/n, I'm so sorry about the baby.." Wanda came up and hugged you.  "Me too." Tony said. "At least you're okay right?" Bucky said, trying to cheer you up. "Yeah. And so is Loki." You smiled weakly. "Actually, there is one more thing." You said. "Over the past couple days, Loki and I have been talking about, where we want to live. He feels that his father may not have much time left with us, and as the heir to the throne, he thinks we should be on Asgard. What do you guys think?" "Well, as your family, I think we can all agree that we think both of you should stay. But that's because you're our healer, and a huge part of our family, but we all love and support both of you no matter what." Tony said. "I see. So it's a for sure Stay from all of you?" You asked. Tony looked around at everyone who nodded in agreement. "Yeah." Steve said. "Alright then...Well, on a much happier note, look who's up!" Tony got up and walked over to Peter, and hugged him. You saw Peter walking down the hallway with an ice pack on his face. "Hey..." he said hoarsely. "How are you feeling?" Tony asked. "My whole head hurts... at least the medicine wore off, and I took the gauze out." "I'm sorry I don't have my powers, I really want to heal you.. obviously I can't." You said. "That's alright.." he said. "You know, you thought your tongue fell out.." you giggled. "What?" Tony asked, laughing himself. "Yeah a piece of gauze fell out of his mouth, and he thought his tongue fell out, and he got so scared that he passed out. It was hysterical." You said. "I wish I had gotten it on video.." you said. "Oh you did, that car you were driving, Jarvis recorded it. I made sure he did." Tony smiled. "Let's see it then!" Cap smiled. "Please, no, not yet, let's wait until I'm better...to save me from embarrassment." Peter said. "Fair enough." Clint said. "Hey peter come with me, I can get you started on some pain relief." Bruce said. "Sweet." Peter walked with Tony to the elevator. "Well, since we're all here let's watch a movie?" "I'm down." Wanda said. You plopped down onto your spot on the couch, really it was Loki's, but since he wasn't there..

"How about Titanic? Thor have you seen it?" You asked. "No, but it looks interesting." You said. "Anyone else not seen it?" "I haven't." Vision raised his hand. "Neither have I." Bucky said. "You guys are going to love this. Or not." You got up to put in the dvd, it took you a minute to find it, and put it in. (That's what she said😏) While you were setting the movie up, you heard the elevator ding open. You didn't pay any attention to it, so you scooted back to sit against the coffee table, when you heard someone sit down behind you. You turned around and saw Loki sitting behind you. You smiled, got up, and went and sat on your spot. You grinned up at him, and watched the movie. "What movie is this, darling?" "Titanic." "Did this really happen?" "Not this exact scenario, but it's based on a true story." "I see." He said. "Oh come on there's obviously room for him on the door? What's the oaf doing in the water?" Loki said. "Shh!" You said, tears in your eyes, because you knew what was coming. "Aw how sad." Loki said sarcastically. You glared up at him. "Darling I'm only joking." He smiled.

That night, you thought about what Loki had thrust upon you. You needed to decide. You were out on the terrace with Tony, Peter and Thor, enjoying the night lights of New York City. "Well? Have you made a decision?" Peter asked after being caught up on all the drama. "Well, I think so...but I don't think you all are going to like it very much.." you said slowly. "I think we're gonna go. Loki's right that he needs to be with his family since he is the heir to the throne of a whole freaking planet.. it just seems right. Obviously I'll come to visit, as much as possible. But the more Loki has to preform his royal duties as king of Asgard, I'll have to be preparing myself to be his queen." Tony understood. "I get it
Y/n. We support your decision, and we love you for it. I think what you chose is a wise choice." He smiled. "Really? You think so?" You said anxiously. "Of course we do. We knew you would most likely pick Asgard anyway." He laughed. "Maybe when Loki's king, you all can come visit." You shrugged. "That would be great." Peter said. "Well little sister, it would be fitting for your husband to know about this, wouldn't it?" He boomed. "Right.. I should go tell him." You got up, and made it to the end of the hallway before you felt the biggest shift in the force that you'd felt in a long time. You felt your insides being flopped around, and your head began to spin, and you started wobbling around. Loki must've felt it too, because he burst out of your bedroom, and saw you. You made eye contact with him, and then fell to the ground.

'This has got to stop happening so much.'

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