S4: Chp. 6- Antebellum

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Fun fact you probably didn't know, the word "Antebellum" is Latin for "before the war" which seemed fitting to title this chapter :)

"Hear me, and rejoice." A shrill voice called down the street. "What the hell." You muttered as you walked out of the sanctum with Stephen, Bruce, Tony, and Wong. "You are about to die at the hands of the Children of Thanos. Be thankful, that your meaningless lives are now contributing to-" "I'm sorry, Earth is closed today. You better pack it up and get outta here." Tony said to the odd looking alien. "Does this chattering animal speak for you?" He looked over at Dr. Strange. "Certainly not. We speak for ourselves." You formed two bright blue orbs in your hands, and you slowly rose into the air, eyes flaring blue. "You're trespassing in this city and on this planet." Stephen formed the shields in front of him, as did Wong, who was apparently trained in the mystic arts as well. "It means get lost squidward!" Tony yelled.

The Ebony Maw formulated his attack, his friend running at the group. Dr. Strange opened a portal and sent the monster flying through to his icy doom. Tony took a few steps forward, a suit forming out of nowhere. "What the hell dad? Where'd that come from?" You looked down. "It's nanotech. Ya like it?" He said, bracing himself for the attack.

You stopped all the little spikes with your magic, much to the surprise of the Ebony- squidward. "Bruce, if the hulk won't be joining us." You opened a portal as well, and it sent him over to the compound.

"You gotta get that stone out of here, now." Tony looked over to Stephen. "It stays with me." He said. "Exactly, bye." You said, throwing a blow at the alien in front of you. He takes both of you out, sending you and your dad flying into Central Park. "You guys okay? How are we doing? Good? Bad?" Bruce came rushing over, helping you up. "Really really good. Really good. You plan on helping out?" You said. "I'm trying, but he won't come out." Bruce said.

"We gotta get away from here. Someone has to destroy that stone." Tony said. "Destroying the time stone would destroy time as we know it. We can't do that." You replied. "Even if I could I don't think I'd be able to. My magic isn't anywhere near as strong as it was when I had Loki." You looked over at Tony. "I have a plan." Peter came out of nowhere. "Kid where'd you come from?" Bruce looked over in shock. "Oh ya know, just taking a stroll." He joked. You scoffed. "I saw the ship from the compound. Thought you guys could use the help." He said. "What's your plan?" Tony asked. "Y/n, just sneak up on him?" "Why didn't I think of that. I'm gonna need a distraction though." You looked over at them.

"Hey Squidward! We're back!" Tony flew right up to the Ebony Maw and smacked him in the face. Peter webbed Dr. Strange up and tried to pull him from the cords around Stephen's body. "You mewling quims. You don't learn when to quit do you?" He spat. That nearly stopped you dead in your tracks. 'Mewling quim.' That was an insult your husband liked to use. You smirked, and tapped him on the shoulder. The Ebony Maw turned around, and you took his entire body into your grasp. "This is for my husband." You muttered, feeling nearly every bone in his body crush, before you let go and he fell to the ground in a limp pile. "That was dark." Peter said. "Yeah well, he helped kill Loki. He deserved it." You brushed your hands off, landing back down on the ground.

"Now what?" Peter looked over at you. "Now we send that ship back where it came from." Stephens cape came flying back around him. You and Wong went to join him. Slowly, the three of you performed a spell that moved the entire ship out of the atmosphere and back into space.

"I'm going to Scotland. I have to find Wanda and Vision." You said. "I'll come with you. Er, we'll come with you." Peter grabbed Tony's metal encased arm. "Great, let's go." You said, turning to leave.

"Well. I'm going with them. They seem like they know what they're doing." Stephen remarked sarcastically. "Where you going?" Bruce asked Wong as he stepped into a portal that opened in the sanctum. "The sanctum remains unguarded. What will you do?" Wong looked at the phone Bruce had picked up. "I'm gonna make a call." He said. Wong nodded, and closed the portal.

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