S2: chapter 16- he's back?

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You did it. You survived. Congratulations, 2020 is finally over. It's gone, and it's never coming back. I won't say ANYTHING about 2021 because I'd just jinx it for everybody. Make 2021 your year. Don't let the media ruin it for you, don't let ANYBODY ruin it for you. Don't let COVID, your family, a boyfriend/girlfriend ruin it, it's YOUR choice. You get to decide what ruins your day, week, month, or even your yeeaaar ILL BE THERE FOR YOOOOOU

*scrambles through files of drafts across multiple stories*

Here u go. This is what U get. *throws 1,647 words at random people across the universe*

"He's ALIVE?" You shouted. "I thought I killed that bastard a long time ago." You said, temper threatening to burst. "It's ok Y/n, we can go help them. The team is pretty freaked out with this dude as it is. They're all too scared to actually face him, so they're fighting off all of his agents. They need you to kill him." He said, standing up and grabbing his suit. "Oh I'll kill him. Make no mistake of that." You magicked Peters suit on all the way, and grabbed his hand. In an instant, you were in downtown New York City, with the team surrounding you.

"Sigyn, thank goodness you're here. Algor is right up there on the top of that building. He's just been sitting here watching. We don't know what-" you were in the air before Steve could finish. You landed on the roof, and Alastor turned around. "Doctor Alastor Algor.. we meet again." You snarled at the lanky man. "I see the monstrous woman still lives." He rolled his eyes. "You're the one attacking the Avengers Algor." You snapped. "It was a trap you imbecile. I wanted to kill you. I knew that they'd be to scared to face me alone. I knew they would call for help. And I knew it would be you that came. And you that I'd finally get to put an end to." He said.

"Why do you want to put an end to me? What have I done?" You laughed. "A mortal like yourself should not have the powers you possess. It's unnatural. You ARE a monster, and we all know monsters don't exist." He said. "Hm. Your mistake, I'm not a mortal. Like I said in our first meeting, I am a goddess, the goddess of Victory. I am not of this world, I am of Asgard. And my name, is Sigyn." You snarled. "And my name is Sigyn. Dear god what theater school did you go to." He laughed. You felt your temper rising again, and began to gather your magic, aiming for the death blow. "And what about your little husband? Where has he run off to? Was he too scared to fight me? Come come, I'm just an old man. Pathetic of him to do tha-" he was cut off by Loki appearing out of nowhere with a dagger to his neck. "Pathetic Hm? Well, is this pathetic Mr. Algor?" He snarled, and looked at you, green eyes blazing blue. You smirked, and walked up to him. You looked him dead in the eyes, summoned a dagger, and stabbed him straight through the heart. You twisted the dagger around, to make sure he was really dead this time. You held his wrist, feeling his pulse fade. "Don't mess with me, don't mess with my family, and above all, do not mess with my Loki." You said.
"Well done my love." He smiled, putting his arms around you. "Welcome home baby." You smiled. "What did your parents say?" You asked. "Well, they were happy for us, again. And-"

"Sigyn! Get down here now!" You heard Bucky call through the com-link. "Hold that thought babe." You jumped off of the building, using magic to slow your descent. "What's going on?" You called. "Is Algor dead?" Bucky asked. "Yeah why?" You said. "Cause Tony got shot." He said. "Through his suit? How the hell did he get shot through all that metal?" You said dumbfounded. "He had to take a piece off. It started sparking when one of those agents shot too close." He said. "Well where is everyone else now?" "Peter, Steve, Wanda and Vision all went back to the tower." He said. "I'm here." You heard Nat come up behind you, Thor and Clint on her tail. Loki appeared next to you a moment later. "Is everything alright?" He asked. "No. Tony got shot." You said, worried. "Well you're the healer, let's go back so you can heal him." He said.

When the six of you made it back to the tower, you immediately teleported to the infirmary. "Where is he?" You yelled. "In here Sig!" You heard Vision call. "Oh my god, is he okay?" You said. Tony had gotten shot in the arm, but thankfully the bullet didn't go through. Peter was sitting in the chair next to the bed, a complete sobbing mess. "He's fine. His arc reactor is what's keeping him alive. We were just waiting for you to get here." Wanda said. "Well I'm here now." You walked over to his bedside. "Pete can you get up for a minute?" You asked softly. He nodded, and walked over to Tony's other side, and grabbed his hand. You closed your eyes, and began healing the wound. The shooter had broken the bone in his arm, which is what took the longest time to heal. There were multiple pieces scattered throughout his arm, and it had torn parts of some of his muscles. You slowly pieced it all back together, and took the bullet out.

Wanda had a tray sitting next to you ready to catch it. You closed the wound, and healed the scar that naturally came with it. Like it never happened, though it would be sore for a few days. "Is he okay? Is it healed?" Peter asked. "His vitals are up." Vision said. "Yeah. He's fine, I can wake him up if you'd like. I can make sure he feels well rested too." You knew how Tony was when it came to sleeping. "You can really make him feel completely well rested?" Peter asked. "Like he gets a full nights sleep every night." You smiled. "Yes. Do it." Peter said. You placed your hands on Tony's temples and sent more magic through him. You let go, and let Peter stand over him. Tony slowly opened his eyes, and smiled. "Tell me your didn't just kiss me." He said quietly.

Peter laughed, with tears in his eyes. "No, I didn't.
Y/n woke you up. She made sure it'd feel like you got enough sleep every night." He said. "I do feel well rested.." he smiled. "Can you guys give us a minute?" Peter asked. "Sure, come on Vis, let's go eat dinner." Wanda said. "Call me if you need anything, I'm supposed to have an ultrasound doctor come over in a few minutes. I'll be next door." You smiled and walked outside. You stayed near the door, to see if you could hear what they were saying. The Loki in you had to.

"Tony you scared me to death!" Peter said, lifting The hospital bed to where it was sitting upright. "I know, and I'm sorry. I didn't know I'd get shot, but at least I didn't keep it on, or I'd be burnt to a crisp." He chuckled. "Yeah.." Peter said quietly. He stared off into the distance, looking at the floor, puzzling what to say next. "Tony, there's uh, something I want to tell you." He said, without making eye contact. "Shoot." Tony said, confused. "Um, I.. gosh.. well, you know." He stopped when Tony put his hand on Peters. "It's ok." He smiled, and kissed Peter. He took a deep breath. "I love you Tony Stark." Peter smiled. Tony looked taken aback for a moment, but grinned and kissed Peter again. "You love me?" He asked, grinning like a little kid. "Yeah, I do. I really really do." He said nervously, looking down to avoid eye contact.

Tony lifted Peter's chin, to make eye contact with him. "Well, Peter Benjamin Parker.." he stopped. "I love you too." He said. "You do?" "Of course I do. I always have silly." He laughed. You were bursting with joy, and caught yourself about to walk in, when Loki stopped you. He spun you around and picked you up. You wrapped your legs around his waist, and grinned innocently. "You shouldn't be eavesdropping Sigyn." He smirked.

"I wasn't eavesdropping... I was just... waiting for Peter. That's all." You said. "Mhm. You were being a bad girl, weren't you?" He said. "Maybe." You shrugged. "I'll let you be the judge of that." "Mm, I think you need to be punished." He whispered into your ear, a flash of blue crossing his eyes. He set you down, still holding on tight to you. "Mm, do I? Or is someone just desperate?" You got him to let go of you, and you sashayed down the hallway, letting your hips sway as you did so. You turned your head back to see if Loki was still standing there. He wasn't. You stopped, and turned around all the way, and he really wasn't anywhere to be seen. You shrugged, and turned back around to keep walking. "Don't defy me pet, or your punishment shall be worse than it currently is." He said, eyes now flaming blue. "Someone is very riled up today. I wish I could play with you darling, but I have an ultrasound appointment in a few minutes." You smiled. "But after?" Loki asked. "I'm yours." You said. "You've always been mine." "My time will be yours." You restated. "As for the ultrasound, would you like to come watch?" You asked. "Naturally." He smiled.

Oh yeah. Happy new year- oh wait no it's December 32nd.

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