Part 1, Chapter 3: Elevator

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Rewritten as of Nov. 2023

Warning: Language

'Do I really want to do this?' You thought. You walked out of your room, and down the hall to the elevator. You pulled out your phone. 10:54 am. The elevator beeped open on level 30. Loki stepped in. "What are you doing?" You asked, backing away slightly. "Just going to the library? We did have an arrangement today, if I am not mistaken?"

He smirked at your shying away. "Yeah... we—" You were cut off by a loud screech of metal. "Oh no no no no nonononono." You groaned. The elevator had stopped. You step forward quickly and begin pressing buttons as hard as you could. "Well, my dear it looks as if we are...." he tried pressing a button to get us to the next floor. "We're stuck!" You shouted. "That seems to be the problem, yes." He backed onto the railing. You pulled out your phone and called Tony. "Hello? TONY STARK COME GET US OUT OF YOUR GOD DAMNED ELEVATOR." You screamed.

"Loki. Yes I realize who I'm dealing with. I'm offended you think he's going to hurt me. How long? THREE HOURS?! Dad can you please get out of that meeting?! Okay, okay, yes, that's fine. Bye." You heaved a big sigh. "He's in a meeting there's no way he can get out of, so we're stuck in here for the next three hours." You said, taking off your sweater and tying it around your waist.

"How delightful. Although you must know I have no intention of harming you." He said. "Oh no, I know. My dad, he's just..." "Protective. I understand." He finishes. 

 "So... Loki.. about yesterday.." you start. "What about it?" He said looking down at you. "Why did you really want me down there with you? It wasn't truly because you wanted out of that cell, right? I mean, you're the trickster god. you're smarter than that." You asked.

"You try staying in solitary confinement." He looks away, pouting. You almost felt bad for the man. "Ah. But why me?" you say, barely above a whisper. "You were the only one I could coax easy enough. You have powers, yes?" He asked. "I do. I don't use them much, partially because I don't know how. That and I don't like using them." You said, rubbing your hands together.

"Didn't Stark leave you with some power left?" He asked. "I still have access to all my powers, but like I said, I don't fully know how to use them." "Ah, I understand." The two of you stood in silence for a few minutes, before Loki finally said, "It seems as though we will not be going to the library today. Shall I teach you about the 'fairy tales' now?" He asked.

"Might as well, we still have a few hours to kill." 

An hour into the debrief, you stopped him. "You know... this isn't the first time I've heard about you." You said. "Oh?" Loki smirked. "Are you a fan?" He crossed his arms smugly. "Hell yeah!" You laughed. "Your brother told me all about you. Stories from when you were kids, bad things-" "Oh dear." He chuckled. "Like what?" "Uhm... oh! He told me the story about how you turned yourself into a snake to trick him because he loves snakes, and when he picked you up to admire you, you changed back into you and went, 'blegh it's me!' And stabbed him. I think he said you were... eight at the time? Bad, but hilarious." You said.

Loki smiled and nodded. "But don't worry, he told me good things too. Your brother loves you a lot, you know that?" You said, glancing up at him. "I do. The oaf is as insufferable as they come, but unfortunately he is my brother. So... what else do you know about me?" 

"I mean, not much about you, just all the childhood stories... but when I first met Thor, he was pretty new on earth, specifically to the Avengers, and he would not stop talking about you. He would show me pictures, tell me stories, it's like- it's like I've known you for.. forever." You smiled sadly. "Why are you sad?" 

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