S2: Chp 6- Lost and Found

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They killed Loki.

You fell to the floor as the realization hit you. "Peter.." you gasped for air. "Peter they.. they.. they killed him!" There was hardly any air in your lungs, but you still managed to stand, and make your way to the elevator. "Y/n? Y/n are you sure?" Peter asked. "Yes I'm sure. I can tell when something bad happens to him. This, this was the worst yet." You were out of tears to cry, so all that came were dry broken sobs. "Peter, he's gone.. my Loki is, is gone." You said again. "You don't know that, he could still be alive. We just need to go see. We'll go find the team, and bring them all back. I swear my life on it." He said.

When the two of you reached the ground floor, you teleported the two of you to the docks. "Okay, a blue fish bait stand with a red door. Red door.." you began searching, anxiety punching you round and round, your head began to spin, and panic set in before Peter finally spotted it. "There!" He shouted. The two of you ran to the door, that was locked. You kicked it down, revealing a set of concrete stairs. The two of you ran down, and found yourself in a long glass tube hall. Once you reached the end, there were two large doors, which you knocked open with your powers. Just as you opened the door, you were met with the faces of angry men with guns. "I knew this was too easy." You said. "Yeah, well, nothing's easy these days." Peter smiled. You changed into your battle armor, and summoned a large sword. "Hey also," you said, stabbing a man in the stomach. "I go by Sigyn now." "Sigyn, I like that. What's it mean?" Peter said, webbing a few more guys to the wall. "Not sure, apparently it was my birth mothers name," you stabbed another, "Loki said it suited me." You smiled sadly. "It does, Sigyn." Peter said. 

Once you'd either killed or knocked out the bad guys, you made your way once more, to a long dark hallway. The long dark hallway. The hallway that led to the room your family was being held in. You and Peter ran down, as fast as your feet could carry you. "The tape.." Peter pointed up, and the black tape on the ceiling. "We need to get in. We have to save them." Peter said, laying a hand on your shoulder. "Right." You blasted the doors open, grabbing the attention of the guards in the room. You killed them instantly, rage burning inside you. You scanned the room for signs of Loki, but all you found were the empty shackles of where he used to be, next to Thor. His cape however, was missing. "Guys? Can you hear me?" Thor looked up, and became teary eyed when he saw your face. You took off all the shock collars and blew them up, and unchained your family from the wall. "You guys.." they didn't move from their spots. You walked over to Steve, who's eyes were still glazed over his naturally bright blue ones. You reached into his mind, and found horrifying things. The woman he loved, the truth of his past had somehow been twisted, to something completely untrue. Peggy hadn't betrayed him, it was a sacrifice for the good of the country to go in the ice, not his own will, or for suicide. Someone had messed up his memories, and they were hurting him with it. You came to, and looked around at everyone. Thor seemed to be fine, he must've been able to resist their evil, he was a god of course. You reached out for your magic, and tried fixing Steve's memories. You were successful, but the sick twisted ones were still there. "Y/n, I saw all these things, that I thought were true.. you saved me, you saved all of us.. thank you." He smiled and have you a hug. "Now I have to save everyone else."

You mustered up what strength you had left, and dove into everyone else's minds, trying to replace the rotten memories, with what really happened. They all came to, and looked around at each other, and then you. "Yes I'm back. I'm fine, but we need to get the hell out of here before something.. someone finds us." You said. "Thor, where's Loki, I know they took him, and I know he's hurt. Do you know where?" You asked. "No, I'm sorry, my mind was messed up as well. Though it may not have been as severe, I have no memory of him ever being here." He said. You walked over to where his cape laid on the cold floor, unhooked your own cape, and began to walk out of the room, hooking his cape on. As you did, your armor shifted from a dark forest green, to a dark navy, along with black armor and silver accents. "Did you do that?" Peter asked. "No..? I'm not.. I'm not sure how that happened.. weird." You said. You stopped at another door, opened it, killed the guards, and looked around. "Look it's all your stuff." You said quietly. Everyone grabbed their gear and left. Because you'd killed all the guards beforehand, there weren't any to kill on the way out.

(Timeskip cause I'm lazy)

"Guys, I have a lot of-" "Save it Y/n. I think we all just need to sleep." "Actually, she goes by Sigyn now. It was her birth mom's name, and Loki said it was hers now, whether she takes it or not, the choice is hers. So yeah, Sigyn." Peter smiled. "Thanks." You said. Everyone made their ways to their rooms, but you stopped when you got to yours. "Peter you're still gay right?" You asked, chuckling slightly. "Uh, last time I checked yes." a confused chuckle leaving his lips. "C-can I, uh, sleep with, you?" You asked nervously. "Of course you can, I'm here for you Y/n- I mean Sig. can I call you Sig?" He asked. "Sure, I like that." You smiled.

"You know, you are one of the strongest women I know." Peter said. "You think?" You smiled. "I know. I don't know how you're okay right now, but I admire you for it." "If I were alone right now I probably wouldn't be okay." You sighed. "Well still. I know that you know that Loki wouldn't want you to be sad. Even if he is gone, he'd want you to realize that you have a life to live and people to protect. And that you are stronger than you think. Plus even if he is gone, and I'm not saying he is, he'd always be with you right? That connection the two of you have. It's eternal isn't it?" Peter asked. "It is. Such wise words from such a young man." You grinned. "Goodnight." He laughed loudly. "Night." You rolled over. 

Heheh. you guys are gonna flip tf out. I just started writing the season three premiere. (Season 2 is long from over lol don't worry. I also noticed that I end a lot of chapters with sleep. I only do that so I can clearly portray the day to day lives of the characters. And it may or may not have something to do with something in the future season.) 


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