S2: Chp 2- Back to Asgard

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How bout those marvel show trailers tho 🤌🏻🥵 y'all don't understand how excited I was when I saw the Loki trailer- holy crap a mf was EXCITED. So I decided to celebrate and do a double upload this week. Ur welcome.

"Wake up my love, it's time to go." Loki slowly coaxed you awake. "No....." you snuggled Loki closer. "Yes, my darling. Come on, let's go. It's almost noon." He said, sitting up slowly. You looked up at him, and he was smiling down at you. You grinned up at him again, partially because he was shirtless. You remembered what had happened yesterday, and tried to sit up. Ow... you thought. Your hips and your back hurt like hell. "Did someone have too much fun last night?" Loki smirked. "It's... ow... your fault!" You whined. "Oh is it?" The two of you stood up and stretched. "Baby..." you said. He put his cool hands on your hips, and sent healing magic through them, and to your back. "The healer needs healing, how ironic." He smiled. "Hey.. do you know how to heal throats?" You asked. "Yes.. but it's been hundreds of years since I've done it. Turn around." He said. You turned to face him, and he put his hands around your throat. Surprisingly, warm magic seeped out of his fingers, and slowly- very slowly, healed you. You put your hands on his arms and tried to indirectly heal yourself by transferring your healing magic to him. "Darling I don't- oh look, it's working." And in an instant, you were healed. "Much better, thanks love." You tried to movie, but Loki's grip on your neck (now moved to NOT be holding your throat) "Loki?" You stared into his eyes, which were glowing green now, but looked distant. "My love are you alright?" You reached up to his face, and he snapped back. A scared look flashed across his face for a moment, and then disappeared when he looked back at you. "Loki what happened? Are you alright?" You asked. "Yes darling, I'm fine... it was.. it was nothing to worry about." He smiled down at you. "Ready?" He asked. "Yes I'm ready." You smiled, and changed into your battle armor. "Is Thor coming with us?" You asked. "Not this time." He said, holding the door open for you. You walked out onto the roof, and Loki summoned Heimdall, and in an instant, you were flying back to Asgard.

"Hello Heimdall." You smiled. "Princess, welcome back. I saw you coming." He smiled. "Heimdall." Loki said. "Loki." Heimdall smiled. "Oh and Princess," he said again. You turned. "Congratulations." He smiled again. "Thank you." You said. A horse stood waiting at the bridge. Loki mounted first, and then pulled you up behind him. "Ready?" He asked. "Yep. This will be exciting." You smiled nervously. "Don't be nervous darling, everything will be fine." You weren't sure how he could tell you were nervous, since he was facing away from you, but you just rested your head on his back in response. When you arrived at the castle, you hopped off the horse and walked to the throne room. On your way, you spotted Frigga. "Frigga!" You called. She snapped her head around and when she saw the two of you she smiled, and walked over. "Hello my son, and hello Sigyn." She embraced to two of you in a warm hug. "Hi mom." Loki smiled. She looked around for a moment, and then realised something. "Oh Sigyn! You're you're-" "Pregnant." You smiled. "Oh my goodness! Congratulations!" She said, tears in her eyes. She hugged the two of you again, but she realised something when she let go. "Your father is going to want to hear about this. Let's go." The three of you walked into the throne room, where Odin sat atop his golden throne. "My love, our children have returned, bearing great news." She smiled. You and Loki bowed, as Frigga joined Odin on the throne. Loki turned to you.

'You want me to tell him?'

'You are the one carrying the child darling.'

"Well?" Odin asked. "Well, Y/n... eh, Sigyn wanted to tell you, that she's..." Loki started. "I'm pregnant." You smiled nervously. "Well...right then. Congratulations my son. I am truly happy for the both of you. And for my future grandchild." He smiled. "Thank you." Loki said. "Is that all?" Loki asked. "Yes that shall be all for the time being." Odin said. You turned with Loki and walked out of the throne room and to Loki's quarters. "I still haven't gotten used to that name.. it's not really mine." "Darling what do you mean? Of course it's yours. Any name you choose can be yours, maybe that could be your hero name or something. Just to start calling you that, little by little, it'll help." Loki opened the door to his bedroom. "Well, we did it. We told them.." you sighed. "Yes, that we did." Loki smiled. "Aw honey," you kissed him. "I'm glad you're happy. Odin is proud of you." You grinned. "Yes. But I'm happy because you are here, and you're mine." In sync with the last word of his sentence, his eyes flared with magic. But it wasn't green. "Loki... what the hell?" You reached up to touch his face. "What's wrong y/n?" Loki asked, confused. "Your eyes.. they glowed..." "Darling, they do that all the time, what of it?" Loki scoffed. "No no no no no, they were.. they were glowing blue, like my eyes. What were you thinking about just then?" You asked. "Well, I was thinking about you.. and how much I love you, and care about you... and obviously that you're mine." They glowed again as he was saying that. "Darling they did it again.. let me try. Ok." You thought about Loki, his tall stature, his broad shoulders and gorgeous face.. and his eyes, those big green eyes. "Oh my..." Loki said. "They're green?" Loki breathed. "Something's not right." you said. "Come on, we need to go see my mother again, something is very very wrong, though I doubt she knows what this is." Loki pulled you out of the room. "I'm scared.." you said. "I know." "You know?" "I can feel it." He said.

"Mother, there's something wrong. Our eyes.." you and Loki both looked up at Frigga, who had a confused look on her face. "Watch." Loki said. The two of you thought about each other for a moment, then opened your eyes, which were the opposite color of each other's. "Oh my.." Frigga said. "Do you have any idea of what is happening to us?" Loki asked. "I do." Frigga said. "There is a special bond between the two of you. It has only happened once in the past, the bond is still unnamed, but it occurs when two magic possessing beings come into contact, and become friends.. or in your case, husband and wife. This bond, is unbreakable, much like a strange force that flows between the two of you." (Not Star Wars related in any way shape or form thank you) "So this force.. it's permanent?" Loki asked. "Very." She said. "Does it have any bad sides to it?" You asked. "It does. If coaxed the wrong way, this magical force can lead you to do terrible things. It can coax you toward evil, from which you cannot break free from." She said solemnly. That scared you. "Along with that, the two of you could be able to save each other, you can feel each other's emotions, pain, and suffering. Along with that, those who's lives are important to you, can cause shifts. The more important the person, the larger the shift." She said. "So.. if a person or family member were to, I don't know, pass away, we could feel it?" You asked. "Yes, you'd be able to feel it." "Who were the other people that shared this force?" Loki asked. "My sister and I shared it when we were younger." She said. Loki didn't say anything else. "Have the two of you been able to communicate telepathically?" She asked. "Yes, actually we have. But I thought that was just common with magic." You said. "It is, but most can only communicate for mere minutes, unless they're in the same room of course." She smiled. "But we can do it for hours, galaxies apart?" Loki said. "It would seem so, yes." Loki looked up at Frigga, with slight fear in his eyes. "There is no reason to fear my children, this power, this bond is something that you control. It's your choice to use it for good. Now, be safe my loves." Frigga sent you both off.

"I swear.. I thought it was make believe from Star Wars, I guess it's not.." you smiled. "From what?" Loki asked. "Star Wars. It's a movie series. I think you'd enjoy it." You smiled. After awhile, you said,"So, if I slapped you, I'd feel it too?" You smirked. "I believe so yes." He said. "Can I?" You asked. "Darling...really?" He said. "Or I could stab you and then heal it real fast." You smirked. "No no, slapping is fine. Just not my face." He said. You slowed a few paces behind him, and slapped his ass as hard as you could. "Damn it Y/n!" Loki laughed. "Oh gosh, wow I feel it too! That's weird.." you said. "Yes well, I guess that's what this mystical bond has for us. Quite weird." He said, putting an arm around you.

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