Part 1, Chapter 9: thrones

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The two of you spent the rest of the day sitting in the throne room. You mostly slept off the recent events, Loki read your books. You awoke from your post-sex sleep to find Loki smiling down at the book in his hand. "Good morning..." you said groggily. "How long have I been out?" You asked, rubbing your eyes. "Ah.. maybe four hours? I finished the first book, and have moved on to the second." He said, closing the book. "Well? What do you think?" You asked. 

"I think that witch should really brush her hair. And learn to hold her tongue. Same for the red headed boy." He scowled. "Well if you must know, they end up-" "No no no! Shhhh. Don't spoil it." He presses his cold finger to your lips, making you blush. He noticed. "Blush much?" He smirked.

Your sides ached from Loki's torture, so you shifted around so you could feel the cold radiating from Loki. It helped. "Could you maybe be more cold please?" You asked. "My back hurts." You whined. "Mmm.. some say the god of mischief has that effect on women. would you agree?" He smirked. "Sure." You winced. 

"Loki...?" You asked suddenly. "Yes?" He looked down at you. "When are we going back to earth?" You asked. "When Od- my father- wakes up. Why?" He said. "Oh, just because Tony's probably worried about me, and classes you know.." you said. "I'm sure my father will wake soon." He said.  The two of you sat in silence for a good while, before Frigga came into the room. "Loki, my darling. Thor has decided to extend his stay here, only by a week. But he still wishes that you are king." She told him. "Aw really?" You grinned mischievously. "That means I can kick his butt in training." You smiled. "You... you are a warrior too?" Frigga asked confused. "What do you mean too?" Loki said. "Yeah.." "Y/n, haven't you realized you possess healing magic?" "No? Well.. I mean I have healed a few scrapes and cuts on Loki in the past, but I just thought that was basic magic." You said. "Well, it is, for a healer." Frigga said. "So my y/n is not only a warrior, but a healer too?" Loki grinned.

Gosh, you loved that grin. "That is what it seems, yes. Y/n, I am the head healer in the palace, I can teach you everything I know, while you are here on Asgard." She said. "That would be wonderful!" You got up and went to hug Frigga. To your surprise, she let you. Frigga was a loving woman, you'd soon find. "Y/n, why don't you go challenge Thor to a duel. We need to cheer things up a bit." Loki said glumly. "That sounds like fun..." you smirked, eyes glowing bright blue, and with a flash, your battle gear was on.

     "THOR? Thor where are you!" You yelled. A door burst open to reveal a panicked Thor inside. "What is it? What happened!" Thor boomed. "Huh? Oh nothing, I was just wondering if I could duel you." You smiled innocently. "Really?" Thor looked confused. "Really really. I figured we could at least cheer things up a bit. Cause, you know." You said. Thor summoned Mjolnir, and said, "you're on."  The two of you hurried down to the arena, to at least warm up a bit before calling the others to come watch. "Alright y/n. Ready?" He said, getting his battle gear on. "As I'll ever be." You shrugged. He had yet to find out that you were lying. You'd been training quite a bit back at the Avengers tower.

He swung his hammer at you, which you dodged. You hit him with a little magic, stunning him for a moment. "Alright?" You called. "Yeah... I'm fine. You put up quite the fight y/n. Should we call the others?" Thor asked. "No need. They came on their own." You smiled. "Try harder brother! She's got a leg up on you!" Loki shouted. "Don't let him win y/n!" He added. You saw all of Thor's friends sitting around Loki as well. Before you began again, you looked at Loki, and winked. He looked at you with a look you'd never seen from him before. You couldn't put your finger on it, but you thought you liked it. Thor lunged at you, but you stopped him with your magic. He dropped Mjolnir, and you pinned his arms to his side. "You give?" You shouted. "N..Never!" Thor said. You looked over at Loki, who had a wicked smirk on his face. His eyes were glowing green again.

You dropped Thor and turned to face your boyfriend. "Loki what are you..AH!" Mjolnir slammed you in the stomach. You looked up in a daze and saw Thor standing over you grinning. You tried to get up, but the hammer wouldn't let you. "God damn it Thor! Get this thing off of me!" You said. "Only, if you yield." He grinned. "No."  You took everything that was in you, and thrust your magic at Thor. He grabbed Mjolnir, and spun it around to deflect your magic. You stepped closer to him, pushing your magic harder. 'God my magic is lasting a lot longer than it normally does... strange..' you thought. Thor finally decided it'd be a good idea to move. And at long last, your magic finally ran out. You started to go weak at the knees, and Thor had almost gotten to you, when you felt a second wind. You felt your feet leave the ground, and the magic leaving your hands had turned green. You were a full head and a half above Thor. He looked up at you with fear in his eyes. You somehow managed to rip Mjolnir from his hands, and pin him to the ground once more. "Y/n!" He shouted. "Do you give up!" You said. "Yes! Please!" Thor shouted.

You finally released him, and the minute you did you collapsed. Loki was at your side in an instant, picking you up. "Hey..." you said groggily. "Definitely cheered things up darling." He smirked. "It's your fault...." you smiled. "That was amazing y/n. I didn't know you could do that." He said. "I didn't either.." You snuggled into Loki's chest. "Thank you." You said. "You're quite welcome my love." He said. "Why is your magic so much stronger than mine?" You asked. "Experience." "Oh... well I guess I'll need some more practice.." you trailed off. "Not for awhile y/n. You over worked yourself today, you shouldn't have. You need to rest darling." He kissed your head softly. But you were already asleep.

    You woke up the next morning feeling amazing. You got up, and went to find Loki. You found him sitting in the dining room next to Thor sipping on a glass of wine. "Why are you drinking so early?" You asked groggily. "My love, it's seven." He said. "Yeah? So? Seven a.m. is really early to be drinking." You giggled. "No y/n, seven p.m. you slept all day yesterday and most of today. Your powers along with a good portion of mine were drained. You needed sleep." He said, looking up from his book. "Oh my god. WAKE ME UP NEXT TIME!" You sat down and put your face in your hands. "Y/n? Are you alright?" Thor asked, amused. "I don't- I don't think so. I just- my head is spinning, I'm fucking starving, and everything aside from chocolate cheesecake and ribeye steak makes me want to projectile vomit all over the fucking place. I don't know what the fuck is wrong with me." You shrieked. Loki looked at you and chuckled. "Asgardian women." He smirked. "And what the hell is THAT supposed to mean?" You snapped. "Ah nothing, it just seems that without your powers, you're a bit.... crabby.." he said. "Crabby? Well no shit Sherlock! My powers are gone, and my uterus is currently trying to fuck me into oblivion. So pardon me your royal highnesses if I am a little bit crabby. Alright well. I'm going back to bed. Good fucking riddance." You flipped both of them off before storming out of the room. "I am still mad but I haven't eaten in thirty six goddamn hours." You grabbed a steak and a bottle of wine and left. You entered Loki's bedroom, and went to the couch. You pulled out your Stark tech phone that Tony had given you for Christmas, and pulled up a movie you had downloaded a few months ago. Right as you finished the steak, Loki came in, pissed off. "What's the matter with you?" You got up and walked over to him. You reached for his hand, but he pulled away. "Hey. Tell me." "It's nothing. I just. I don't like seeing you mad." He said. "What?" You asked, confused. "You seemed quite cross with me a moment ago, were you not?" He said. "Well yeah, I was but now I'm over it? It's not that big of a deal." You shrugged. "I really don't understand you sometimes." He sighed. You went and sat down on his bed, cutting your steak into bites and cracking open the bottle of wine. "Better get used to it lover boy." You chuckled through a mouthful of steak. 

My Darling- Loki x readerUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum