S4: Chp. 7- One in 14,000,605

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"Drop to 2600, heading 0-3-0." "I hope you're right about this cap, or we're gonna land a lot faster than you want to." Sam said. You stood up and walked over to stand next to Steve.

"What are you doing Sam?" You looked down at him. "I'm following orders." He said, coming closer to the mountain directly in front of them. "It's a barrier!" Billy jumped up. "I can tell there are people on the-"
He stopped when Sam flew directly through the barrier disguised as a mountain. "Well shit." You smiled. "Hey. Language." Steve glared at you, nodding over to Billy. "Oops." You smiled. "Don't repeat that Billy." You whispered.

"When you said we were going to open Wakanda to the rest of the world, this is not what I imagined."
"And what did you Imagine?" "The olympics, maybe even a Starbucks." 

You felt the quinjet lower down onto the ground. From what you could see, Wakanda was beautiful. You walked out with your Dad and Peter. "Should we bow?" Peter asked. "Yeah, I mean he's a king." You said, thinking to yourself that your late husband would be proud of you mischievous moment.

Peter bowed awkwardly to the king. "Peter what are you doing?" You chuckled.  "Uh, we don't do that here." "Hi. I'm-" "Mom!" You whipped your head around and saw your twins running toward you. "Astrid? Sig? What in the world are you doing here? How did you get here? Are you by yourselves?" You hugged them. "They came with me. The kids sensed there was something wrong with you." Frigga came walking up. "You did?" You laughed. "You were right. I was going to ask you three to come here. This is where the big battle is happening, I want to be with you today." You smiled. "But I'm afraid that if things escalate that may not be the case. But I trust that you'll be my strong son and daughter no matter what happens." You smiled and kissed their cheeks, standing back up. "And know that whatever happens, your father would be so proud of you." You ruffled your dark headed sons hair, and brushed your daughters hair from her face. "But enough of that. I'm so proud of you! Has your magic really advanced that much since I've last seen you?" You asked them. "Grandmother's been helping us lately." Astrid said. "Good. I'm glad." You stood back up.

"I'm sorry." You smiled. "It is alright. Nothing can stop a mother from her children, not even a King. You must be Y/n. The Captain has told me many things about you and your family." He smiled politely. "Has he now? Good things I hope?" "Of course." He smiled. "Hey. How are we looking?" You asked.

"You will have my kingsguard, the border tribe, the Dora Milaje, and..." you looked up and saw Bucky walking toward you. "A semi stable hundred year old man." Bucky smiled brightly at you. "Bucky." You grinned, giving him a hug. "It's been awhile, you feel old yet?" You asked. "Oh hardly." He chuckled. "Woah dude. Is that a new arm?" You asked. "It is." He chuckled, turning to you. "Wow... that's fancy." You said. 'I bet Steve loves that.' You pushed the thought into his mind. His face went blood red, and you couldn't help but chuckle a bit. "Where's the fight?" You asked. "On its way." T'challa sighed.

"We must be going now. There is much preparation that needs to be done before the Chitauri arrive. Come, follow me." T'Challa motioned for the group to follow him. "Hey munchkins." Tony bent down behind Astrid and Siegfried. They turned around quickly, smiling brightly. "Grandpa!" Siegfried jumped into his arms. "Did ya miss me? I got so lonely without my two favorite kids here with me." He said. "Yeah we did. Have you learned anything new? You know, about your iron man suits?"Siegfried asked as they walked inside the palace. "I did. Maybe I can show you?" He said.

"So you're sure you can do this?" Wanda asked Shuri. "I can. And I will do my best, but I will need time." Shuri smiled. You watched as Vision laid down on the table. "You two can't leave. Got it? You guys are the strongest avengers, your job is to protect Vision, and the kids." Steve said. "Is this all we have?" You asked. "No. You've got help." Natasha came walking in, with a few others in tow. "You must be Ant man." You walked up to him and smiled. "That's me." He shook your hand and smiled. "I've heard a lot about you." You said. "Nat, Bruce. Good to see you again." You said. "And who are you guys?" You leaned over.

"We.. are the guardians of the galaxy." The tall one smiled. "I'm Y/n." You smiled. After each of them introduced themselves, you made your way back over to the windows. "I need you all to leave. Now." Shuri ordered. "Like I said, this will take time." She looked over at Steve. "How long?" "As long as you can give me." She said. "Somethings entered the atmosphere." Okoye said to the king.

"They're here." You whispered. "Hey Cap, we got a situation here." You heard Sam call to Steve through the comms. "Let's go. Everybody out." He lifted a hand to his ear. "Evacuate the city. Engage all defenses." He dropped his hand. "And somebody get this man a shield."


"Damnit? What's damnit?"

"The mechanism is crippled."

"What?" Thor looked up at the giant.

"With the iris closed I can't heat the metal."

"How long will it take to heat?" He asked, rolling his shoulders back.

"A few minutes, maybe more. Why?"

"I'm gonna hold it open." Thor looked up at the star.

"That's suicide." Eitri said.

"So is facing Thanos without that axe." Thor looked back at Rocket and Groot.

"Did they surrender?" Bucky asked Steve. "Not exactly." He sighed. The avengers watched as the first wave of chitauri tried to break through the barrier. "What the hell." Bucky remarked flatly. "Looks like we pissed her off." Natasha smirked. "They're killing them selves." Okoye said. "Look." Bucky said. "Cap, if these things circle the perimeter and get in behind us, there's nothing between them and Vision." Bruce called through the comms. "Yeah, well then looks like we need to keep 'em in front of us." Tony said, landing beside Steve. "How do we do that?" Natasha asked. "By opening the barrier. On my signal, open north west section seventeen." T'challa said. "This is it Cap. This is the end." "I wouldn't be too sure about that." Dr. Strange landed beside them. "You know something we don't?" Tony asked. "I looked at all the possible outcomes of this conflict. I saw 14,000,605 possibilities." "Yeah? How many did we win?" Stephen took a deep breath. "One." "Hey. We're in this together." Cap said. "And if we lose?" Tony shut the front of his suit. "Then we'll do that together too." He said.

"This will be the end of Wakanda." M'Baku said. "Then it will be the noblest ending in history." Okoye said. "On my signal." T'challa said.

"Wakanda forever!" King T'Challa yelled, and everyone began running toward the barrier. "Now!" The king yelled, and the barrier opened. "How much longer, Shuri?" The king of Wakanda called as he battled multiple aliens at once.

"I've barely begun brother!" She said back. "You might want to pick up the pace." "I want to help them." You said, watching as your family battled thousands of aliens. "Y/n, no. There are too many people here that are counting on us to protect them." Wanda said. "I wish he were here." You said. "He would love this." You looked over at Wanda. "Who says he isn't? You've said yourself you see him in your children. Your kids are the spitting image of you and Loki." She smiled.

"Allfathers, give me strength." Thor said quietly.

"Frigga, where's Thor? Why is he not here?" You asked. "I... I'm not sure. He didn't come with us when we came here. I don't know where he is." She said.

"You understand, boy? You're about to take the full force of a star. It'll kill you." Eitri said. "Only if I die." Thor breathed heavily. "Yes, that's what killing you means." He said, confusion lacing his tone. Thor got up and walked to the levers. He pulled them open, the stellar energy hitting him full force. "Hold it! Hold it Thor!" Eitri yelled, watching as the metal melted. "Just a little while longer!" He said. Thor yelled out in pain, before he dropped to the ground. "Thor, Say something. Come on. Thor, you okay? I think he's dying!" Rocket shouted. "He needs the axe! Where's the handle? Tree, help me find the handle!" Groot picked up the pieces of the axe, and hacked his arm off, forming the new weapon of the god of thunder: stormbreaker.

"They're outnumbered, look." You whispered. "Shuri, how's it going?" You asked. "I'm nearly finished. Just a few more minutes." She said. "Vis, you okay?" Wanda walked back over to the table and grabbed his hand. He looked at her longingly, but didn't say anything.

Suddenly, from the skies, a large beam of light fell from the heavens. "Oh my god, what is that?" Wanda said. "It's Thor!" You grinned. You watched as he rose into the air. "What's that in his hand?" "Looks like a new weapon? My brother in law is so badass." You chuckled. "They are so screwed." You said.

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