S1: Chp 21- big news

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You woke up the next morning excited, energised and nervous as hell. Loki was spooning you, his eyes still closed but you knew he was awake. "Good morning darling." He sighed. "Good morning..." you said groggily. "I'm cold..." you turned and snuggled into Loki's chest. "Well hugging me isn't going to help you." He chuckled. You wrapped your legs around his waist, "I know, I just like cuddling with you." You smiled. Loki wrapped his strong arms around your slender figure, and slowly but surely, you fell back asleep.
"Darling? Y/n... wake up.. it's time to go!" You heard Loki whisper. "Mmm what?" "It's time to go home." He smiled. You looked up at him and grinned. "But you're so comfy..." you sighed. "Yes darling I know, but if we want to make it back before the day runs out then we have to go now." You squeezed his torso. "Fine." You rolled over to let Loki up. After a few more minutes, you got up, and walked to the closet. You found one of Loki's T-shirts that he'd brought back from Midgard, and put it on with a pair of jeans. With a bit of magic, you fixed your hair into a braided bun. "Beautiful as always." Loki said, turning to you in his full armour. "Oh should I wear my armour too?" You asked, changing into your armour as well. "I think you look gorgeous either way." He smirked. "Are you ready?" Loki asked. "As ready as I'll ever be." You smiled. The two of you walked to Thors room, and found him sitting on his bed, actually reading a book. "Thor are you ready?" Loki asked. "Yes, I am. Just give me a moment." "We don't have a moment." Loki sneered. You summoned mjolnir, making Thor jump up in alarm. "Now you're ready. Come on." You turned and left, swinging Mjolnir around in your hand. "Sneaky." Thor pouted.
When the three of you reached the bifrost, you said your goodbyes to Heimdall, and made your way back to Earth. Suddenly, with a flash of bright light, you were on the roof of the avengers compound. You looked around at the scenery of New York City, and smiled. "No matter how many times I see it, it still takes my breath away." You said. "I know, I'm beautiful." Loki said. "I mean you're not wrong, but I meant the skyline." You rolled your eyes at Loki. "Alright cut the chatter, let's go see the team." Thor said. "I don't know why I'm so nervous.. how long has it been?" You began to hyperventilate. "Long enough darling, there's no need to be alarmed. I'm right here." His hands touched your shoulders, and you felt a tingle of magic travel to your heart, calming you instantly. "Thanks baby." You smiled. "Oh quit it would you? I'm going to be sick." Thor complained. "Things didn't go well with Sif?" Loki said. "Hey that's not nice! It's his business." You scolded him. "It's alright. No, things didn't go well when I told her I'd be coming back here. She thinks I am unable to commit." He sighed as the three of you walked to the elevator. Loki looked down at you, and you smiled back up at him. The elevator dinged open to the floor where the avengers stayed. It was a Saturday, so unless the team was on a mission, today would be the only day they'd all be at the compound together. Thor and Loki stepped out of the elevator, but you stayed. Loki held out his hand to you, but you stood your ground. He rolled his eyes and came to grab for your arm. He pulled you out of the elevator and into the hallway. You passed by your room, and by Peters, and into the living room, an empty one. "No ones here." You said. "Maybe they're on a mission. Let's watch a movie or something." Loki suggested. "Sounds good to me, ooh how bout that one!" You smiled. "They made those books into movies? Are you serious?" Loki said. "Yeah they made them when I was a kid. I had a crush o- never mind." You said. "You what?" Loki smirked. "I had a crush on Hairy. I thought he was cute in the first movie.. but I'm obviously over it now." You blushed. "Oh obviously." Loki smirked. "Brother, are you jealous of an eleven year old mortal?" Thor laughed. "Of course not. I know y/n is mine." He said smugly. After about a half hour of watching the movie, you heard the elevator ding open. You poked your head around the corner and peered down the hallway to see Steve, Bucky, Wanda, Clint, Peter and Tony walking down the hallway. "Oh my god! Y/n? Loki? Thor?! What are you guys doing here?" Steve said. You hid your hands behind your back. "Well, we thought it was just time to come back home. We got kind of bored on Asgard." You smiled. You saw Peter in the back of the group. You leaned around the tall men (and Wanda) and smiled at Peter. "Hi." He smiled. You walked around and hugged him. "I missed you so much." You said, tears filling your eyes. "I did too." Peter said. "Well? What am I chopped liver?" Tony said, holding his arms out for a hug. "Yes, yes you are." You went in for a hug, surprised that no one had noticed the rock on your finger. "It's good to have you back y/n." Bucky said. "It's good to be back." You went and held Loki's hand. "Oh my god. Oh my god Y/N!!!" Wanda put her hands over her mouth. Everyone looked at her, completely clueless as to why she was freaking out. You and Loki just grinned at them. "Oh my- Y/N!! You're ENGAGED?!" Peter caught on. So did the rest of the group. Tony picked up your hand to look at the ring. "You didn't even ask me reindeer games." Tony said to Loki. "Well I would've proposed anyway." Loki smirked. "Congratulations you two. This is a big step. I'm happy for you." Steve smiled. You turned to Loki who kissed you softly. "So how'd he do it? Was it romantic?" Wanda asked. "Oh yeah, it was so romantic. He had a whole ball planned for it." You smiled. "Tell us everything!" Peter said. "Well, you all might want to sit down." You smiled up at Loki. "Well, my father had fallen into Odinsleep, as you all know. And during that time, I was the interim king of Asgard. I had been planning to propose on our first year anniversary, so my mother and I planned to have a ball, in "Thors" honor, hopefully to find a wife for him. But, it was all a cover." He said. "So you could propose! Oh how sweet." Wanda smiled. Bucky and Steve day together, as did Peter and Tony. Clint was in the kitchen making coffee. And Thor stood alone by the window, staring into the distance. "On Asgard, every ball is begun with a dance preformed by the king and queen. At the end of the dance, I spun y/n around and I took a knee, and proposed." He said. "Everyone in the room was totally shocked. I mean I was too. At first I was kind of upset that there was a ball for Thor on our first anniversary, but when it turned out to be fake, I guess it was all worth it." You smiled. "So now you're engaged." Clint said. "Pretty much." You grinned. "Do we get to come to the wedding?" Tony asked. Thor turned around and looked at Loki, who looked from him, to you. You smirked, getting his message. "Well, Asgardian law states that only gods and goddesses can be on Asgard..." you trailed off. "Wait but y/n, you're just partially immortal.. you're not a.. wait. Holy shit! Are you?" Tony asked. "Language!" Steve said quickly. Bucky looked at Steve and laughed. You looked at Tony and smiled. "You're a GODDESS TOO?" Tiny shouted. "That's what Odin thinks. I'd lost my powers for a few days like normal, but when they returned, they were at least... ten times stronger than before. Odin said that my mother, Sigyn, was a goddess, making me more  or less a goddess too. I apparently inherited all her power. So I'm a super powerful.. goddess.. warrior.. healer... fiancé....superhero.." you said timidly. "Wow." Peter said. "Yeah. So nobody is going to acknowledge that Steve just said 'language?'" Tony smirked. "Can it Stark." Steve said. "Yeah... I guess that's all the news for now." You said. "So what's up with you guys? Where's Nat... and Bruce?" You asked. "Well, they're on.. a uh, mission." Tony said. "Ah, I see." You smiled. "Yeah and we made some new friends. Stephen Strange. You'd like him, he's a wizard like you." Tony smiled. "I'm not a wizard." You said. "Yeah well, you're a healer right? Strange has some weird hand problems, so I was thinking you might could fix them." Tony said. "Sure." You smiled. "Oh yeah, and T'Challa. He's the king of Wakanda. He's rarely here though." Tony said. "Wow, I guess I was gone a long time." You looked at Loki, sadness sparking in your eyes. He smiled at you sympathetically. "Well, you didn't miss much. It's been pretty quiet lately. We think Hydra might be up to something big though." Bucky said. "Yeah they're all freaked out about some guy, who's super fast. Apparently it's Wandas brother. They said he can stop bullets... and that he's coming for the team next." Clint said. "They're doing to him what they did to me." Bucky said, running his fingers through his hair, trying not to relive the memory. You looked over at Wanda, who had tears in her eyes. "It's okay. We'll get him back one day." Wanda smiled weakly. "Loki." Thor said. "What?" "I'm going back to Asgard." He said. "Oh come on Point Break you just got here." Tony said. "I need to see.. I need to see her." Thor said. "Go Thor. We're okay." You smiled. Thor walked to the elevator and left. "Who's he talking about?" Peter asked. "Lady Sif. I guess they hit it off at the ball, I believe they're courting." Loki smirked. "Ah I see." Peter said, snuggling up to Tony. You looked at them both in confusion, but they both gave you a reassuring look. The team had accepted them as a couple. Loki sat down next to Steve and Bucky, and pulled you into his lap. They started another movie, this one about dragons. You slowly but surely dozed off into dreamland.


Thanks for 2k, that was super quick lol! I appreciate you guys so much!! ❤️❤️

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