Season 2 premiere- this world we call home

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Ima say this ONCE because I keep getting this question CONSTANTLY. Y/n is Y/n. Sigyn, is Y/n's mother. The unspoken truth in the first couple seasons is that Sigyn named her daughter (Y/n) after her. But that was only known by Heimdall. (Heimdall sees all) CPS thought Sigyn was a weird name, so they changed it to Y/n. Anyway, To Y/n, the name 'Sigyn' is more of a superhero name rather than her and her mothers shared birth name. If this doesn't make sense I'm sorry, live with it. Thanks for 100k!

It'd been six months since the wedding. You'd gone back to Midgard to live out your lives as Avengers. After your time with the Avengers ended, the three of you would return to Asgard.

You woke up in Loki's arms again, happy to see his bright green eyes staring down at you. "Good morning my queen." He smiled. "Morning Loki. What time is it?" You asked. "Eight thirty seven?" He said. "Why did I wake up so early...oh wait." You smiled up at him. You'd forgotten. "Merry Christmas darling." Loki said. You sprang out of bed grinning. "Come on we have to go to the living room!" You grabbed his hand and pulled him out of bed, magicking a robe onto Loki In your excitement. You had the best gift for him. For everyone really. You ran down the hallway, immediately being hit by the smell of cinnamon rolls. "Merry Christmas!" Steve smiled. Peter was sitting on the couch staring at all the presents under the tree. "Hey guys!" You said. "Hey Pete, what'd you get?" You said. "Nothing yet, Steve wants to wait till we're all up." He frowned. "Well? I see Clint, Steve, me, Loki, that leaves, Thor, Nat, Bucky, Wanda, Bruce, and Tony?" You said. "No, Bucky is in the bathroom." Steve smiled. "And I'm right here." Thor came in the room. "Jarvis, go wake everyone else up." You said. "Of course." "How can they sleep on Christmas?! Of all days." You said. "Why are Thor and I even awake?" Loki said. "Because I am your wife and this is my favorite holiday. Plus, I may or may not have a little something for you." You smirked. "Oh?" He smirked back. "No not like that silly." You pushed his shoulder. Loki pouted.

    Once you'd all made it to the room, everyone finally started opening presents. "Aw, socks! Really Mr. Stark?" Peter grinned. "Hey but look what's on them!" Tony pointed. "I love Tony Stark.. yeah that's true I guess." He smiled. "Okay okay here's your real gift." Tony handed Peter a set of blueprints. "Wait.. oh my god! A new suit? Really!" Peter laughed. "Thank you!" He smiled. "Ok y/n open yours." Tony smiled. You opened the box, to see a photo album. You opened it and immediately started to cry. The pictures inside, were of when you first were "adopted" by Tony, there were pictures of you and the team, and near the end, wedding pictures of you and Loki. "Oh Tony, thank you." You smiled and gave him a hug.  "You're welcome kid." He said back. Once everyone was done opening presents, you made your announcement. "Guys I have one last present, mostly for Loki, but kind of for all of us. Ready?" You smiled, and grabbed Loki's hand. He looked up at you, curious. Nat figured it out and smiled. You reached into your pocket, pulling out the ultrasound pictures.

"I'm pregnant."

My Darling- Loki x readerDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora