S1: Chp 23- this world we dream of~season finale

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You woke up early. "Today's the day..." you whispered. You rolled over to a sleeping Loki, to your surprise of course. You'd decided to bring the team to Asgard a few days early, just to prepare. Odin was not a fan of having so many mortals on Asgard, but he did it so his future daughter in-law would be happy on her wedding day.
You sat up slowly, and got up out of bed. You decided taking a shower would wake you up more, so you grabbed Loki's robe and went into the bathroom.

Today's the day.... Loki woke up. Come on, go tell her. She's not in bed anyway, plus it's early. Loki got up and walked into the bathroom. "Morning." You said cheerfully from the shower. "Don't get used to me being awake at this time. It's a one time thing, just because I couldn't sleep." You smiled as you got into the shower. "Mmm, what a treat to see my love like this before our wedding..." Loki smirked. "You know it's bad luck to see me like this.." you smiled. "Oh stop, you and your superstition." Loki chuckled. "Darling, I'm going to go check on the final preparations. I'll be back." He said.
You finished your shower and changed into a light blue dress. (Were gonna day Asgard has a sun) The sun had made its way up over the horizon. Everybody should be up by now, where's Loki? You thought. "Darling, I'm back. You should go get ready.." he said. "Are you okay?" You asked. "Yes, I'm alright. Now, if we plan on being wed today I suggest you go get ready kitten." You blushed at the name. "Oh? Did you like that, kitten?" He smirked. "Loki.. come on... quit it." You laughed. "Quit what kitten?" He smiled. "Darling, do you know what a lovelock is?" He asked. "Oh yeah, Thor told me about them once. Isn't it where you cut a piece of your hair off, and braid it into your best friend, or fiancés hair?" You said. "Yes actually, Thor has one with my hair, our mother thought it would be a nice gesture. And I thought it would be nice to have this, on our wedding day." He said. "Aw Loki, as I am in love with you, I'd be honored." You smiled. "Alright turn around." He said. You turned, and Loki cut a piece of his hair off, and magicked it into yours. "Alright, done." He smiled. "Okay now let me give you one." You grinned. He turned around, but you couldn't reach. "Hey could you-" "Oh sorry." He squatted down so you could reach his head. You did the same with your h/c hair, and magicked it into his. "Ok done. Now Loki, I am going to get ready for our wedding like you told me to." You said. "Wait but kiss me first." Loki grabbed your arm and pulled you in again. You pressed a finger to his lips. "Bad luck." You smiled, and walked out of the room. You called Julia, who said she was in a room down the hall. You knocked on the door, and opened to see her steaming your dress. "Morning bride to be! You ready to get ready?" She grinned. "As ready as I'll ever be." "What's wrong?" Natasha and Wanda were at the door, with a maid behind them. "Oh, hey girls. It's nothing really, Loki just seems, I don't know he just seems off. Like he's having second thoughts or something. Do you think we went too fast?" You asked. "No. Not at all. When he came to earth, I knew it was meant to be." Nat said. "Thanks Nat, that means a lot." She smiled. "Now, let's get you ready. We've got to start some time." Wanda said. You grabbed your dress and went to go put it on. You came out of the closet and saw your friends in their bridesmaids dresses. "Oh you guys! You all look so great!" You felt tears coming to your eyes. "Don't cry now y/n! We can't have your makeup running all over your face! The wedding starts in two hours so we need to get this going." Julia smiled. The four women were working on their own hair and makeup, while the maid was working on yours, even though you could fix it with a bit of magic. The maid fixed your hair into a low braided bun, with little crystal flowers woven alongside Loki's lovelock which stood out in your h/c hair. "Madam, your hair is done. Shall I continue to makeup?" She asked. "Sure." You smiled up at her. "Thank you for doing this by the way." "Of course love. I'm honored to have such a privilege." She smiled. "Alright y/n, we're all done and ready, we're going to go down to the throne room." "Okay that's fine. Hey Julia can you stay for a minute? She's almost done with my makeup." You smiled. "Alright, I'm finished, you look lovely your majesty. I wish you a long life of happiness." The maid smiled and left. "Wow." Julia said. "Hey help me out my veil on would you?" You asked. "Sure. And also, you had some Crown Jewels sent up... to go with your veil... you know, since you're literally about to become a princess." She said. "Oh my, you're right. I am aren't I..." you said. "Yeah, I'm jealous. Especially since you'll be Queen one day." She said, fixing you hair under the veil. You spun around in alarm. "Q-Queen? Julia what do you mean queen?" You asked. "Wait.. you don't know? Your big hunk of a friend Thor told me that Loki was chosen by his dad to be the next king of this place." She shrugged. "I can't believe he wouldn't tell me this. I need to talk to him." "Y/n, you can when you're at the altar. The wedding starts in five minutes. We need to go NOW. Babe this is happening, I love you so much, I know you can do it. Oh god now I'm gonna cry. Okay okay let's go." She said. "Holy shit. I'm getting married." You said. "You're getting married." Julia pushed you out of the door and into the hall. You walked down the hall to the throne room, where you saw all your bridesmaids waiting with their groomsmen. Tony was standing at the end, staring wide eyed at your beautiful dress. "You look beautiful." He said. "Thank you." You smiled at him. The doors opened, and a lovely song began playing as the wedding began.

Once Julia and Thor made it to the altar, everyone in the throne room stood, as Tony Stark walked you down the aisle. You slowly strolled down the aisle in your gorgeous, dress.

It had long sleeves, and a lace bodice with small jewels sewn in. The skirt was made with long white tulle, and a long train trailing behind you. Your veil was made with beautiful lace, complete with a dazzling crown. You saw Loki, and forgot all about the fact that you'd be queen soon. He was wearing a fancy tuxedo, with a dark green tie. You smiled up at him as You reached the front. You looked over at Tony who had tears in his eyes. "Tony.." you smiled. "I'm fine I'm fine. Now go get hitched." He said, and sat down next to a really old guy. You weren't sure where he came from, or who he was, but he looked nice. "Hi." You said to Loki. "You look... breathtaking." Loki smiled at you.
"Let's get this started now shall we?" Odin said. "Ever since he was young, I'd always dreamed of finally being able to preform this ceremony for my son. And I am proud to say it is to this lovely young woman, y/n l/n. Now. Y/n, do you , take this man to be your husband until death do you part?" He asked. "I do." You heard some sniffs from the crowd. "And do you, my son, take this woman to be your wife, till death parts you?" He asked.

"I do." He said.
"May I have the rings please?" Julia and Thor handed Odin the rings. "Now Loki, place this ring on her finger, and repeat after me." He said, "with this ring I the wed."

"With this ring, I the wed." He said, tears filling his eyes. "Now y/n, do the same and repeat after me. "With this ring, I the wed."

"With this ring... with this ring..." you trailed off. You saw a vision, of the time that you and Loki spent together. You saw the top of the compound in New York City, where Loki stopped an arrow with his bare hand. You saw the elevator where You and Loki had been stuck for three hours. You saw the dreams that the two of you had shared, you saw all the tender sweet moments, where Loki showed his true self to you, where he loved you for you, and you loved him. You saw the ball, and his proposal. You felt again the joy you felt when you saw him on one knee, and realised that that joy would be lasting forever. You snapped back to reality, where time hadn't moved, and said,

"With this ring, I the wed."

"Now, by the power vested in me, by.. well, me, I now pronounce you man, and wife." Loki grinned at you. You smiled back. "You May kiss the bride." He smiled. Loki grabbed you by your waist, and kissed you. You went into the kiss as Y/n L/n, and came back up as Y/n L/n- Odinson. The two of you ran out of the throne room and into the hallway. "Loki, my husband, my future king I-" "Wait, you know?" He said. "Yeah, Julia told me." "And you're okay with it?" He asked. "Yes, I'll make a lovely queen. But as for now, I'm content with being a princess." You grinned at your husband.

"I love you Loki. I love you so much." You said.

"I love you too,


"How sweet. Rotten bastards."

A man sat in a chair, facing a screen. "They all deserve to burn in hell. The avengers must end. And I'll be the one to do it." The man stood, and walked down a long hall. "Edgar, fetch the sewing kit. I have a 'god of mischief' to catch." He smiled maniacally. "Now sir?" "No, not now. With time. Those vile creatures are extremely powerful. We need to take the time to learn their weaknesses, their strengths, what we can do to take them down. How is our memory replacement technology going Edgar?" The man turned around. "Very well sir. Nearly finished." "Good." He smiled again. "I'll kill them all. Starting with that no good Asgardian prince. And his little wife."

~End of season 1~

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